eXile Alert! The new hit single by eXile Productions, the gay-communist anthem "KPRF", performed by the Provincial People, is now downloadable!
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The eXileŐs Page 5 Donkey!
NAME: “Uhuru”

AGE: 50

HOW I BECAME THE EXILE’S PAGE 5 DONKEY: “Well, I always sorta wanted to be a basketball star… but I just wasn’t cut out for life on the court. It’s tough out there getting ridden from behind every day. I was crying after one especially gruelling practice and my mom just said to me, ‘You don’t have to take this. Just be your own donkey.’ Well, darn it, she was right, I didn’t have to take it anymore. Now I’m the donkey who calls the shots.”

the eXile, together with its partner Russian publication Stringer, proudly presents a one-of-a-kind sporting event: a Russian-American road rally following the route Arzamas–Nizhni Novgorod–Vladimir–Moscow. But here’s the good part: participants will only be permitted to drive ZAZ-965 model Zaporozhets autos of mid-Soviet vintage. These Ukrainian-manufactured wonders look sort of like vintage VW bugs and handle like a bucket of bolts, so it will be a miracle if even more than one participant makes it to the finish line. But, of course, getting there is but half the fun! The race is scheduled for August 16-19, 2001, with the arrival at the finish on Vasilyevsky spusk meant to commemorate the 10th anniversary of either the triumph of Democracy in Russia or the collapse of the August putsch… take your pick! We’re looking for some brave and sporting individuals to sponsor a few more cars—it’s ridiculously cheap, and we have a team of artists in Azarmas ready to decorate your car with whatever logos, designs, etc., you desire. For more information on sponsoring a car in this unique event, contact Matt Taibbi at 151-4688 or by e-mail at taibbi@exile.ru