Exile Guide to Absentee Voting |
Attention U.S. citizens! The time has come
to perform your civic
duty by voting in the
2000 general election.
For those of us living
abroad that means completing an official
absentee ballot, which--
at latest--must be
received by Friday,
November 3 (actual
deadline varies accoding to your home state).
Choosing the lesser
among assholes is never
easy, so follow the E-Z
instructions below to
vote the right way, the
patriotic way, the eXile
As announced in the previous issue, the eXile will be regularly
publishing excerpts from Yellow Pages, a book recently released
by our Russian sister publication Stringer. The book is a compilation
of transcripts from various proslushki (taped phone calls) that
have surfaced over the years. Some of these transcripts have been
published previously, while others—including the offering in this
issue of the eXile—have not.
Sport Notes: Lenin’s Picks |
Vladimir “Red” Lenin, founder of modern communism,
picks the NFL games to be shown this weekend at Metellitsa-Sportland,
Moscow’s diehard communist Sports bar alternative
Sport Notes: The Jordan Rules |
Achieving excellence is one thing. Getting people
to appreciate it is another matter entirely. In a world where brevity
is the soul of saleability, the excellent among us are often forced
to take short cuts to to put themselves in context for the masses.
And when it comes to excellence these days, there’s only one name
that will do, in terms of getting the point across, and that’s Michael
Jordan’s. You have a tendency to prematurely ejaculate-but are you
the Michael Jordan of premature ejaculators?
Heights |
Passionate Love in the 21st Century
SEX TIPS by Mark Ames |
Hi girls ’n boys! It’s me again, Mr. Ames. But remember, you can
just call me “Mark.” That’s right, it’s me, your aging hip counselor
who’s down with the kids.
How to Eat the
Pizza |
You’ve read the reviews. You’ve seen it through
the open windows of passing limousines, resting in the laps of smug
millionaires. You’ve dreamed of it at night only to lose your resolve
in the morning. You think you’re ready—but are you? When Jack’s Pizza
delivers the world’s most violent pizza to your doorstep, what will
you do? Will you know how to eat the eXile pizza? Or will you fumble
the bra-strap—and lose your nerve forever?