All films shown in Russian, except those marked * (subtitled)
and as otherwise indicated.
Berezhkovskaya naberezhnaya
Radisson-Slavjanskaya Hotel
M: Kievskaya, 941-8747
(All films in English; Russian translation by headphones Tues.-Sun.)
What Lies Beneath Nov. Nov. 19: 16.00, 20.00; Nov.
20-22: 19.00; Nov. 23: 21.00
2 Arbatskaya ploshchad
M: Arbatskaya, 291-96-24/5598
24 chasa Nov. 13-22: 14.30, 18.30
Alkchimiki Nov. 13-23: 10.30, 12.30, 16.30, 20.30
The Dane, the Shaft & the Hollow
Thanks to movies like American Pie and the consumerist juggernaut of
the Scream series, the teen sex comedy and/or slasher flick now enjoys
a sociocultural importance not seen since the genre was first invented
by the ancient Greeks. More importantly, today’s movie teens have proved
to be far more annoying than their counterparts of even just a few years
As if to prove the never-stated axiom that the intrepid film critic
must be as irritating as the characters he’s reviewing, Afisha’s own Alexei
Vasilyev had this to say about SCARY MOVIE:
for the jokes, they all deal with genitalia, blow jobs, marijuana, and
homosexuality. Some of the performers in this spermic opera look so young
you feel as if you’re attending a screening of a snuff film depicting
the sexual debasement of teenagers. One negro has his ear plumbed by an
erect penis—an object that used to be forbidden from being shown except
in certain special theaters. And all of these dicks and butts, according
to the authors, are supposed to be funny in and of themselves. But I,
for example, have already been living 27 years with the knowledge that
I have a penis and anus, but I don’t find them funny. No, of course, they’re
funny at times. But for an hour and a half, without a break—this I do
not understand and refuse to understand on principle.”
Alexei fails to realize is that, even though he doesn’t find his privates
amusing, everyone else thinks they’re fucking hilarious. Seriously. Anyway,
if you run into the mature-before-his-time young Alexei in a bisexual
dorkadence club somewhere, be sure to tell him what a funny-looking cock
he has. Then kick him square in the nuts. Or at least kick him where they
would be if he actually had any.
It’s hard to know what to add about Scary Movie following the relevant
excerpt from Mr. Vasilyev’s expert opinion except to point out that’s
it’s the Wayans Brothers’ (Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking
Your Juice in the Hood) answer to the self-aware quasi-ironic teen slasher
craze unfortunately ushered in by the success of Scream. This new one
may not be as solid as Don’t Be a Menace (for one thing, the timing is
on occasion painfully off; on the other, the source material is less rich
in satiric potential), but it does have more than its fair share of laugh-out-loud
gags. Even some of the more random, one-off jokes are rather clever, such
as the brief riff on The Sixth Sense (the non-spoiler part of which you
may have seen in the trailer for the film).
Most importantly, the Wayans Brothers have upped the annoying teen ante
impressively, with characters that are leagues more exasperating than
even American Pie’s more hateful characters at their worst. This, together
with the more bodily-fluid-heavy gags, makes Scary Movie a truly unpleasant
film to watch. Of course, I use “unpleasant” here in the best possible
sense of the word. In short, you’ll laugh, you’ll cringe, and you may
even cry. The only real downer is that American Pie sexpot Shannon Elizabeth
already appears to be past her prime and looks rather crusty here. But
as that fat old toilet trader said in Withnail & I, there can be no
true beauty without decay.
For yet another “scary” movie starring teens and/or young adults that’s
not, look no further than BLAIR WITCH PROJECT 2: BOOK OF SHADOWS, the
inevitable bigger-budget sequel to the hideously overrated and not-nearly-reviled-enough
Blair Witch Project.
even the potentially clever structural and technical conceits of its predecessor,
this one contents itself with being a fairly run of the mill slice-and-dice
fest that’s just self-aware enough to pass muster with dot-com twits who
are too busy worry about their stocks to notice the difference or even
care very much about it. Even the mush-brained makers of the original
Blair had the sense to stay away from this mess. Rest assured, though,
that the lifeless hack they got to replace the original directors had
the good sense to keep the level of execution suitably low.
Perhaps the best indicator of how bad this movie is: less than a month
after the American premiere, it’s already being shown all over the world
(even here in Moscow). Why? Because the producers managed to cut an unusually
sweet deal on the overseas distribution rights based on the success of
the original, and they need to rack up some major box office before the
abysmal word-of-mouth that is already conventional wisdom in the United
States makes its way to the rest of the world.
But until it does (and probably for some time after), any number of
innocent Europeans will find themselves watching this, perhaps even convincing
themselves that they like it more than the original. Whatever.
leaves us with ROAD TRIP, an uneven collegiate flick that tries gamely
(occasionally with some degree of success) to up the gross-out ante of
the Farrelly Brothers’ There’s Something About Mary and Me, Myself &
As with Scary Movie (see above), the main problem here is uneven (which,
frankly, is being very generous) execution and frequently bad timing.
Both, of course, are fairly important to the overall success of a comedy.
But I digress. There are just enough over-the-top gags that work to
make you laugh out loud while you’re simultaneously physically disgusted
by the shit that’s going on. And while roughly 50 percent of the main
characters are quite annoying at least 50 percent of the time, the other
50 percent (especially that guy who played Stiffler in American Pie, who
now appears to be well on his way to making a successful career playing
the improbably endearing lacrosse-playing fratboy jerk) are at least sympathetic
enough not to make you want to throw yourself from the nearest window.
This is no small matter, especially for those viewers suffering from more-severe-than-average
bipolar disorders.
a Big Red alumnus, however, I cannot fail to express a certain disappointment
at the near-use of Cornell as the film’s collegiate setting. Presumably
for legal reasons, the college here is called Ithaca University (reminiscent
of the non-mention of Yale in the disappointing Ivy League secret-society
thriller The Skulls). It’s highly doubtful that the filmmakers were seeking
to reference the little-known Ithaca College (home to perhaps the worst
college radio station in the country), and anyway Ithaca, New York, has
no southern-looking winding rivers of the type shown in this particular
movie. People who make films set at Harvard can’t get away with such inaccuracies,
but second-tier Ivy grads have long grown accustomed to such affronts.
Even now, I clearly recall the insulting mention of my alma mater in Cameron
Crowe’s Say Anything (which we can now, following High Fidelity, identify
as the beginning of the end for John Cusack), where the rah-rah high school
salutatorian tells valedictorian Ione Skye that she never would have gotten
into Cornell if it weren’t for the supposedly intense academic rivalry
between the two. In fact, this is quite a silly statement. It is common
knowledge that dimwitted jock types with poor grades often get mysteriously
accepted to Cornell and other second-tier Ivies (and even still, they
rarely manage to beat Princeton in basketball). I’d tell you the story
of the third-string punter who lived on my floor freshman year and was
booted from campus housing after allegedly committing date rape, but alas
the hour is growing late. But no doubt if you’re truly interested in it,
you can find a reasonably accurate account somewhere on the Internet.
And remwember: Work hard and stay in school.