
Welcome to UXM, the University of eXpat at Moscow, the largest campus in the American eXpat University system. Each of you has been furnished with a housing assignment, a student advisor, a student identification card, a booklet of tickets for the student bus, and a subscription to the campus newspaper, the Moscow Times, which you are, incidentally, invited to contribute to at any time. You have also been furnished with a schedule for the orientation period, which begins August 19 at the United States Embassy. At the end of this orientation period, during which time you will meet your fellow classmates and be introduced to some of the many great traditions of UX-Moscow, you will declare your major and draw up your course schedule. At that stage, you will use this course directory, which is provided now in order to give you time to think over your eventual course choices. Please bear in mind the geography of the campus in making your choices, as it is sometimes difficult to arrive to your lectures on time if you have to travel a long distance between classes.
011 Offshore Banking
Professors Ernst and Young
Americom Hall rm. 309
This course will teach you the fundamentals of non-traceable offshore banking accounts, their uses and their advantages as tax shelters, etc. Prerequisite for Professor Schleifer's 100 level Insider Trading course, although Switzerland majors may be exempted.
4 Credits 11:30-1:00 p.m., M,W,F
013 Per Diem Strategies
Professor Touche
Embassy Hall, rm. 126
What are the possible uses of your per diem? Professor Burson examines per diem use from an empirical perspective, using theoreticial models to outline modern per diem strategy. The course includes field trips to Le Gastronome and the Baltchug Hotel. Laboratory time in the GKO Science Center is twelve hours per semester.
4 credits 5:30-7:00 p.m. T,TH
044 Expense Chaos Theory
Professor Waterhouse
Tropicana Hall The Gilligan Room
At what point do company costs become personal expenses? Using quantum chaos theory, Professor Burson demonstrates the mathematical impossibility of tracing company costs as they spiral according to increasingly complex and unpredictable logorithms into the void of purchases for one's own self. The student will be asked to live in a $5000 per month apartment, with jacuzzi, as part of his/her lab work. Term paper assignments include Volvo rentals and multiple home visits.
2 credits pass/fail 2:00-3:30 p.m. M,T,W
071 The History of Cyprus
Professor Sauer
Vuiborgskaya Hall rm. 903
This course provides a general outline of Cypriate History. In the first week we will move rapidly to cover the island's history from the Bronze age up until its 20th century incarnation as a tax-free zone; the next twelve weeks will describe in detail the nation's "Golden Age," beginning with the post-Soviet signing of a tax treaty with Russia. Required.
4 credits 11:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. M
031 The Triumph of American Values in the Developing World
Professor Sachs
Starlite Auditorium-I
The irrefutably positive influence of American involvement in the politics and culture of developing nations will be shown to the student in a series of films, lectures, and specially-arranged "reach-out" excursions into the local English-language-proficient population. Russian language 101 not required.
4 credits 12:30-2:00 p.m. M,T,W,TH,F
045 Russian History
Professor Radzinsky
MGU Hall rm. 99
This lengthy course traces the history of the world's largest country from its inception in the ninth century through the Tsarist period, then on through the Soviet revolution and to the democratic changes of today. Resource materials will include the Song of Igor's Campaign, the writings of Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Lenin, Cherneshevsky, Herzen, Leskov, Saltykov-Schedrin, and Gorki, and intensive study of the Russian language and Russian customs. You'll enter the course an American, but you'll leave feeling you understand the tragedies and triumphs of a great people.
8 credits 9:30-11:00 a.m. TH, F, S
067 Communications-Advantageous Negotiation
Professor Bass
Tverskaya Ulitsa
Make your dollar work for you as you brave the hazards of intense one-on-one negotiation with members of the local population. Students will be introduced to working models in an actuarial environment.
Oral exams at end of course over a three-day retreat at Night Flight and Metellitsa. At course end, students should be able to achieve their course objectives with exactly eighty dollars. Prerequisite: Per Diem Strategies.
2 credits 12:00 a.m.-4:00 a.m. F,S
113 The Total Defense Course
Professor Norris
Beverly Hills: The Delta Force Room
UX-Moscow professor and internationally-celebrated film star Chuck Norris takes you on a tour of the full range of personal defense options, from hand-to-hand combat to mastery of high-powered automatic weaponry. Course seminars take place using virtual reality technology to simulate the student's own podyezd. Course stresses identification of real "roof" threats from non-lethal ones. Field trips to Dolls and the Kievskaya Metro Station.
4 credits pass/fail 7:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. M,W
147 Lying
Professor Marsteller
Kino Mir Auditorium
Learn to mask your own interests and recast every business conflict with your local partner as a contest between the forces of reaction and the forces of reform and progress. Learn also to use the Moscow Times to your advantage during any business dispute with a Russian. Explain with a straight face that you are sterile. Work in the lab with audio cassettes to learn to speak with mock wives over the phone and tell them how much you miss them and how all the local girls are fat and have moustaches.
3 credits 4:00-5:00 M,W,F
