Dear [eXile],
I would love to work for you guys. I also sent a message to Mark Ames.
My website below is my c.v./resume. I can make up characters, do stories,
all that stuff. You know, writer stuff.
(this is not a joke, I would actually like to write for you guys)
Dear William,
We can’t offer you a job, but we will pay you 500 bucks if you let
a 200-pound whore sit on your face for an entire day. Write us back if
you’re down. Attention Ajay Goyal of the Russia Journal: this offer only
applies to William.
Dear [sic],
You guys are amazing, and I would love to write for you. You can view
samples of my work at www.vicparekh.com.
Vic Parekh
Mountain, View, CA
Dear Vic,
We were about to tell you to go fuck yourself, but then we actually
looked at your page. There, we saw that you had written, alongside reviews
of “The Sun Also Rises” and “Surely You Must Be Joking, Mr. Fenyman,”
a review of a little doozie of a book called “The eXile: Sex, Drugs and
Libel in the New Russia.” You wrote: “This book is so funny and brutally
honest, I laughed till it hurt!” This convinced us that you’re a man of
taste and culture. Your appreciation of the book about the newspaper that
Rolling Stone called “A must-read!” and about which Newsweek.com wrote,
“Booze, sex and death—welcome to life on capitalism’s new frontier… Relentlessly
un-PC!” showed us that you understand the kind of literature that tells
the kind of truths that even the Scotsman admitted “no other journal dared
tell,” using the kind of language that the Independent said displayed
“breathtaking ferocity” while being “extremely funny.” Like CNN, which
said the eXile has been “brazen, irreverent, immodest and rude” since
1997, when it first started “investigating greed, corruption, cowardice,
and complacency,” you clearly know a good read when you see it. Once we
knew this, we understood that you’re a man who, like Boston Globe bureau
chief David Filipov, understands the need for a newspaper that is “like
the bratty little brother who blabs family secrets at the dinner table—you
want to wring his neck, but that doesn’t make what he says any less true.”
Filipov’s blurb appeared, coincidentally, on the back of that same book
you reviewed—“The eXile: Sex, Drugs, and Libel in the New Russia,” which
is published by Grove Press, runs 238 pages, and retails for $16, while
being available on amazon.com and other major internet booksellers as
well as in bookstores in the United States and all around the world. Anyway,
Vic, we can’t pay you shit, but we’ll be happy to accept your submissions
for eventual review. We’ve also decided to send you a “Chechenz With Attitudes”
t-shirt, because, quite frankly, your letter is the best darned letter
we’ve gotten in the last two weeks. You’re all right, Vicster! Waytago!
Dear [eXile],
The guys in our band were sort of hoping that you could explain to your
readers that it wasn’t our fault that the concert we were scheduled to
give at club 54 a couple of weeks ago was canceled. What happened was
that the club got raided by the cops that day, and the manager had to
close the place down for a couple of days. So it wasn’t our fault.
Marc Schleifer
Detsky Panadol
Dear Marc,
Isn’t Schleifer a Jewish name?
Dear [eXile],
First of all, I’m a Libra...
So I don’t know what this whole cancer thing is about. Probably those
drugs you do. What was it? Mercurechrome? Ethyl bromide? Something fancy
sounding. Where I come from we drink 12-packs of canned beer and harvest
winter wheat when we want to relax.
Second thing, this whole Edmund Pope-on-a-rope deal is just Russian
payback for US harassment of a detained eavesdropper in Maryland whom
the FBI caught parked in a car, with headphones on, right outside their
Which was in turn a continuation of the yellow-bashing Wen Ho Lee suffered
in the scandalous wake of the Belgrade bombings when the US, in a big
fat fucking lie only the fatheads in America seemed to believe, totalled
the Chink embassy in Yugoslavia.
See, memory is a concept that most people in the West think has something
to do with computers and stuff. And while you, Mr. Trabbi, have a highly
developed sense of the surreal and a fine vocabulary, too, I bet you would
be hard pressed to remember the chain of events leading up to today’s
chicanery in Lefortovo.
Anyway, I’ll spare you the ‘duh’ and spell it out.
When the US lost a Stealth fighter over Kosovo, despite strict orders
from Wesley Clark not to drop below 35,000 feet, the Jugs were as smug
as a bug in a rug. They had scored a PR victory in a PR war.
Or so they thought.
Two days later the US bombed the monosodium glutamate out of the Chinese
embassy in direct retribution for the Stealth, sending two reporters to
meet the Buddha ahead of schedule.
Because upon further analysis of something called SIGINT, which is short
for signals intelligence, which is basically satellite monitoring of cell
phones by the NSA, the same people who invented cell phones in the first
place, it was discovered that the Chinese had provided Milosevic’s military
with the wherewithal to track Stealth fighters based on two things: bomb-pattern
trajectory and airport origin. See, if you know those two things, as Jane’s
Defense weekly tells us, you can more or less develop statistical models
of who is blowing the shit out of your city. And the Chinese, using technology
developed by people like Lucent, Rockwell-Teledyne, and Microsoft, have
this capability.
Because the Chinese embassy building in Belgrade had some very powerful
microwave satellite dishes on its roof that flared up like cold sores
whenever crucial data was being passed.
The US said sorry, ooops, and generally downplayed the act of war they
had committed. The Chinese took to the streets of their country and massed
in very angry protest against this deliberate violence. The fChinese foreign
minister got up in a hall full of international reporters and read off
a detailed list of why it was not a mistake, why it was deliberate, and
why it was an outrage. The reporters sat silent, transcribing the translations
from their headphones.
All except Catherine MacKinnon, the perky little Ivy-League lesbian
Peking bureau chief for CNN, who got up and defended the mistake (quoting
people like Javier Sollano, Robin Cooke and George Robertson) before asking
if China was going to do something about all those unruly rioters out
there throwing paint at the US Embassy. The Foreign Minister did not even
dignify her question with a response, but CNN showed her standing up repeatedly
in its coverage of the event.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, William Cohen made up some really ridiculous
shit about ‘old maps’ of Belgrade, claiming that what used to be there,
back in 92, was a Jug Defense Ministry building. People in the states
bought it, inasmuch as they even cared, and PR wheels could be heard humming
all along the halls of power.
The next day, in a ‘news-coup’, MSNBC reported on Chinese infiltration
of Los Alamos by unknown Chinese-born spies who were stealing top secret
nuclear data from unsecure files. And then selling them to Chinese people.
Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson, a man so incredibly powerful it is
downright scary, was voluminous in his reprobation of everything Los Alamos
had fucked up, and vowed to cream people for this. In two-days time, while
Peking, Harbin, Shanghai, Belgrade, Moscow, Lisbon, Aviano and Brussels
scrambled to recover from the bombing, Wen Ho Lee, a naturalized American
from Taiwan, who was in charge of document erasal and recovery at the
labs, was charged with handing nuclear secrets to China.
No motive. No evidence. No confession. Nothing. Nothing but PR scramble
over deliberate bombing of a 3rd country embassy (a major diplomatic no-no)
that actually came off.
When doubt was cast by independent media (both of them), the FBI quickly
arrested a known Russian eavesdropper and used it to reinforce the ‘them
vs. us’ theory of statesmanship in the press. The Russian was deported
in less than 7 days.
Back in Moscow, as a routine act of retribution, a US consulate lackey
was charged with espionage and forced to leave. Though she was probably
innocent, the play at the Kremlin was successful enough to warrant another
round of xenophobia. Which is where poor Mr. Pope comes in.
Pope was arrested at the airport when his description met what officials
were looking for. ex-military. Defense technology. Laptop. He was arrested
and transported to Lyubyanka for the sleep-deprivation tank.
Pope, who must have read Natan Sharansky AND Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
plus Darkness at Noon before he came over, seemed to hold up well at first.
He didn’t ask for his own cell. He refused special foods. He told embassy
staff not to worry. He figured he’d be out before Friday.
And he was wrong. Now his trial is entering the laughing-stages and
it’ll be deep winter before Pickering steps up and swings a bat heavy
enough to get him out.
But the US will lose key Start III planks, have to support more shady
IMF loans, and ultimately be forced to turn a blinder eye to Russian reform
through the next presidential administration.
Because the plight of Pope will get play in the presidential campaign
and force Clinton to help out Al. Because the Russians are still smarting
from second-stage status at the Middle East stop of the Diplomatolooza
tour. Becaus in the absence of cold war parity, the United States is forced
to make some very heavy-handed and thunderously blunderous moves abroad,
while creating nevertheless-credible diversions on the entertainment front
at home. Because politicians are fucking weird.
And all because Bill couldn’t get his wife to blow him.
Now I ask you....do I have cancer?
Chris Baldwin
Dear Chris,
Do you remember Divine? Did you ever see Pink Flamingoes? Divine
ate the shit straight out of a dog’s ass in that movie. That’s called
doing what it takes to be famous. You just keep sending us these letters.
That shows us that you’re not really serious.
Dear [eXile],
I must congratulate you on something: Suzanne Thompson is leaving Russia.
After Jean McKinsey, this makes her the second fat-ankled female expat
journalist you have hounded out of Russia, after singling her out for
ridicule in the eXile.
You need to do a re-cap of all of them: showing an un-flattering and
bloated picture of them, next to what you wrote about them, and then their
date of departure from Moscow.
Dear Jed,
Old buddy, we’re just trying to do our part for U, the reader! Yes,
it’s true, Suzanne Thompson has left, and she says we had nothing to do
with it! Nor did we have anything to do with her mentioning a (no doubt
elderly) “significant other” in her farewell column on the heels of two
eXile articles which suggested she hadn’t seen a naked man since “Spartacus”
was re-released! But you bring up an excellent point: between Suzanne
Thompson and Jean MacKenzie, who had the bigger ass? Our experts put their
heads together and came up with the following answer: Jean’s had more
surface area, but Suzanne’s had more mass. The MacKenzie ass was remarkable
mainly for its width and flatness. It was about the size and shape of
the front panel of an Amana freezer. Thompson’s, on the other hand, was
the bulging, round, crawling-up-the-back variety of American female ass.
Its volume was often accentuated by the tight jeans which she wore. So
which one was bigger? The answer, Jed, is that both of them were bigger!
And now they’re both gone!
Dear eXile,
I dislike your publication, but I have to say this, I disliked Suzanne
Thompson more. What a stupid bitch. Thanks for getting rid of her.
Dear Anton,
Even though you’re Russian, we think of you as a human being, just
like ourselves. Come and pick up your Chechenz With Attitudes t-shirt
anytime! Zhdyem vas!
Dear [eXile],
Do you think you could recommend the hottest places to go in Moscow
at the moment?
Many thanks
Felicity Carus
Moscow Editor
Dear Felicity,
No, why should we? Do you think you can show us the inside of your