The War Nerd and host Mark Ames recorded a special free episode of Radio War Nerd, their subscriber-supported podcast show, to cover the recent Paris attacks. And as a way of paying back subscribers for the late posting of last Wednesday’s Veterans Day episode. And to see if we can improve our recording-posting turnaround, as we prepare to go weekly.
We’re hosting it on our old digs at eXiled Online in order to make sure our subscribers aren’t charged. That is, to make sure this special episode is free.
For the uninitiated: We launched Radio War Nerd on Patreon a few months ago. The show has been biweekly, with biweekly subscriber newsletters for those who pledged $5 per show or more. Now that we reached our goal of $2500 per show, we’re moving to weekly podcasts in December as promised. We’ll also be adding new features in the future, including interviews with guests, and a way for subscribers to call in questions. To subscribe to Radio War Nerd click here.
Click here to listen to this special edition of Radio War Nerd on the Paris ISIS attacks.

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