WISH 1996
By Aleksei Fomin/Stringer
Every foreigner in Moscow knows the Paul Tatum story.
In the expat religion, the assassination of the former Radisson-Slavyanskaya
honcho makes up a whole book—say, the Job-like fourth or fifth after the
1991 Genesis—of the local Bible. According to the book, Tatum was swallowed
whole by a great local mobster, and again vomited back up upon the land,
only with eleven bulletholes in him.
Like any legend, the Tatum story has many popular
Tatum’s proponents, like his moronic self-publishing
brother-in-law Rick Furmanek, insist that ol’ Paul was just a good guy
businessman, worshiped by his employees, who was viciously blindsided
by a gangland takeover. Those same proponents tend to see in the Tatum
story a metaphor for the unhappy clash of ethical Western business with
the ruthless criminal “biznes” of Russia.
Tatum’s detractors, who among Westerners willing
to go on the record are significantly fewer in number than Tatum’s proponents,
maintain that Tatum was at best a fool who refused to read the writing
on the wall, and at worst a corrupt shyster no better or worse than the
people who had him killed.
The two schools have argued periodically and to
little result in the nearly four years since Tatum’s death. In that time
there has been little new evidence to shed light on the matter. Until
now, that is.
This month, Stringer obtained two documents which
prove conclusively that Tatum knew for a fact that he was in serious danger
before his death—and that his shooting came as a direct result of his
decision to throw caution to the wind and take his chances despite the
Not that anyone deserves to get shot. But no one
deserves to be canonized for throwing out a plank and walking oneself
off of it. Paul Tatum could have gone home to a cozy life of chat rooms
and 24-packs. But instead... instead, these are the fact of the case:
PAUL TATUM WAS SHOT in cold blood with an automatic
“Kalashnikov” before the very eyes of several passers-by in the center
of Moscow.
On November 3rd, 1996, around 5:00 pm, Tatum, accompanied
by two bodyguards, left the Slavyanskaya hotel and headed towards the
Kievskaya metro station, where he had arranged to meet someone. His killer,
having walked up to him in the underground passageway, shot him at point-blank
range. Having carried out his orders, the killer laid his gun down on
the passageway steps and walked away.
Eleven bullets, fired from a distance of five meters,
ended his long dispute with the Moscow City Government with the “Radisson-Slavyanskaya”
It was a big deal, initially. But the Russian press
forgot about Tatum’s murder within the span of two days. His relatives
have been unable to get his remains back to the US—he was buried in the
Kuntsevsky Cemetery in Moscow— and it seems to have been a while since
anyone remembered him.
One might get the impression that someone put a
gag in the the mouth of the Muscovite press. This “someone,” the theory
goes, was working inside Mayor Yuri Luzhkov’s circle. In any case, that’s
the conclusion that can be made from Paul Tatum’s statement to General
Prosecutor Yuri Skuratov, which was written nearly seven months before
his death, and which we reprint in public for the first time now. The
letter refers to several figures only by nicknames and pseudonyms; who
they are becomes clear later:
To the General Prosecutor of The Russian Federation
Yuri M. Skuratov
From: US Citizen Paul Edward Tatum
Moscow, Berezhkovskaya Nabarezhna dom 2, komnata
In 1990, the company “RedAmer Partnership,” headed
by myself, became a partner with the Joint-Venture “Intourist - Radamer
Hotel and Business Center. The hotel “Slavyankskaya” later also joined
this partnership. Goskom Intourist, and subsequently the Moscow City Government,
took part on the Russian side. Eighty percent of the fifty percent of
the stock belonging to the American partners belonged to my company.
At that time, the General Director of the JV
was an American citizen, and the enterprise functioned normally. In January
1995, some problems arose with the American partners, connected with the
fact that the General Director had not received his Russian visa. U.A.
Dzhabrailov was named as the acting General Director, since he had connections
in the Moscow City Government and was able to initiate his naming to the
post. Despite repeated statements to various levels of the government
about the law violations on part of our Russian partners, no actions have
been taken. The American partners, as a result, have suffered a huge loss.
By the end of February 1996, my acquaintance,
Sasha, introduced me to Givi (956-75-28) who mentioned in passing that
he knew [Iosif] Ordzhonikidze well, and promised to provide cooperation
in solving the problems that had turned up with the “Radisson-Slavyanskaya”
Hotel. In March, an urgent meeting was held with Givi, during which he
informed me of the conditions under which our firm would receive the possibility
to name our General Director and basically solve all of our problems with
the hotel. According to Givi, who is representing Ordzhonikidze, the Moscow
City Government promises to provide a letter which will apply to the mayor
for the selection of the General Director of the joint company who will
represent the American partners.
According to Givi, I am supposed to pay one million
dollars towards the development of a “Diplomatic Club,” run by Givi. Supposedly,
according to Givi’s figures, subsequently and basically on the terms of
a trusteeship, the Moscow City Government will be directing the club.
Under these terms, they will support various directors of the Judicial
System, including three of Interior Minister Anatoly Kulikov’s men. Givi
explained that the one million dollars transferred to the club would be
given over to Ordzhonikidze. Out of that sum, 500 thousand dollars would
remain at his disposal, and the other 500 thousand would be given to Dzhabrailov,
who allegedly, according to Givi, has previously handed out money to the
Moscow City Government. He explained that this amount would go towards
the paying off of his expenses — basically, compensation by the Moscow
City Government to Dzhabrailov for the latter’s payoff.
By my calculations, this is the only avenue open
to me which would allow my company to regain its rightful legal position.
Givi further explained that his personal interests consisted principally
of the opportunity to earn money by running this “Diplomatic Club.”
Taking these facts into consideration, I ask
you to take the necessary measures which would, on one side, prevent me
from having to deal with extortion and on the other side, help us to restore
our legal rights at the order of CP “Intourist - Radamer Hotel and Business
Right now, without handing out bribes, our problem
will remain unsolved.
April 15, 1995
IF WE ARE TO BELIEVE the author, then it seems like
a certain chairman of the Moscow City Government, Iosif Ordzhonikidze,
asked Tatum for a bribe of one million dollars in order to cover up a
previous bribe of 500 thousand dollars which Umar Dzhabrailov paid previously.
Tatum apparently refused to pay, and instead turned to The Law for help.
How it all ended is clear. Umar Dzhabrailov settled himself down permanently
in the General Director’s chair, while Paul Tatum wound up in the Kuntsevsky
Cemetery. The connection between these two events, in our opinion, is
more than clear.
LET’S TAKE A MINUTE to review how the energetic
young Paul Tatum got his business started in Russia.
In 1987, after arriving from California, the businessman
opened up his first business center for foreign firms and companies in
Moscow. Later, he founded the company “Americom International Corporation,”
whose partner is Bob Haldeman, the former head of the Nixon Administration.
In 1989, “Americom” joined up with the managerial
company “Radisson Hotel Corporation” and signed a contract with Goskom
Intourist that agreed to construct an American hotel combined with an
enterprise that would go by the name of “Intourist - Radamer Hotel and
Business Center.” Fifty percent of the joint-venture stock belonged to
the American partners, and the other half was Goskom Intourist’s. But
even so, the hotel was on federal property. The joint venture acted merely
as a tenant of the building.
In August 1991, coincidentally the eve of the coup,
the Radisson-Slavyanskaya Hotel received its first guests. It was during
these very days that Tatum acquired his connections in political circles.
It’s even rumored that during the coup, Tatum was in the besieged White
House, where certain acquaintances actively used his mobile phone.
A year later, problems arose back in the States
for the businessman. Several stockholders of “Amerikom” were suing him,
saying that he had embezzled the firm’s funds. As he had received credit
from various investors in the US, there was no way Tatum could settle
his accounts.
In 1992, Goskom Intourist was liquidated, and “Slavyanskaya”
became city government property. Within two years’ time, squabbles broke
out between the two American partners regarding the privatization of the
joint venture’s share, which had earlier belonged to the disbanded government
Tatum suggested giving out a part of the shares
to the hotel workers and selling the other part, so as to cover up any
credit that had been received earlier. The directors of “Radisson” demanded
that Tatum review the joint venture’s share. They accused Tatum of destroying
the accounting records, taking a chunk of the income for himself, and
deceiving his partners even as the “Slavyanskaya” was becoming a five-star
While the Americans argued, the Russians—more specifically,
the authorities at Moskomimushestvo— got possession of shares of the former
Goskom Intourist. Umar Dzhabrailov was named the acting director of the
hotel, and Tatum gained yet another enemy.
At the same time, the city property authorities
at Moskomimushestvo decided to sell “Slavyanskaya”, and put an end to
all of the fuss with the co-owner. But the problems did not end there.
The Moscow City Government turned out to have a too big of an appetite.
The potential buyers were faced with nearly impossible conditions by the
They were told that not only would they have to
lay out more than fifty million dollars for the hotel itself, but that
they would also be required to pay 100 million dollars to the city to
supposedly settle the joint venture’s debts, wipe the neighboring DK Gorbunov
building off the face of the earth, and finally, hand over 100 thousand
dollars towards the development of a children’s recreation center in Moscow.
We should mention that so far, no one willing to take up these conditions
has been found.
After having driven Tatum from “Slavyanskaya,” Dzhabrailov
demanded 300 thousand dollars from him for the hotels’ residents and the
office rent. Tatum did not give him the money. Later, he had a nagging
feeling that Dzhabrailov wanted to kill him, but he said nothing of this
to the media.
THE “TATUM AFFAIR” was buried for four long years.
It flared back up again on the very peak of the pre-election campaign,
just when Luzhkov’s team announced a war against Yeltsin’s “Family.”
ORT Nazi Sergei Dorenko carried Tatum’s name like
a war banner under which the people should go to battle against the “Moscow
Family.” Behind him trudged the half-retarded relatives of the late entrepreneur,
trying to take advantage of the moment and get the trophy after the victory.
According to our sources, Dorenko’s team explained to the members of Tatum’s
family that they could easily, with help from the courts, get 36 million
dollars from Luzhkov, or at least confiscate the lush New York apartment
allegedly owned by the Moscow mayor.
After the elections, when it became clear that Luzhkov
was backing off with his “Otechestvo,” Tatum was forgotten once more.
The scandal about Tatum’s relatives blaming Luzhkov
for taking part in the murder quieted down just as quickly. The Arizona
courts, where a lawsuit had been filed against the mayor of Russia’s capital,
didn’t carry out even one session regarding the issue.
It seems as though everything is rather clear. The
“Tatum Affair” was used to reach certain political ends and promptly forgotten
about. But actually, this is where the really interesting stuff begins.
The main questions are: Where did Sergei Dorienko get his information
about Tatum— and who put it into the commentator’s head to suggest suing
Luzhkov in the American courts?
LET’S GO BACK to the letter Tatum sent to the Yuri
Skuratov. Contrary to the usual practice, this letter did not go unnoticed.
The paper turned up in the office of the Presidential Bodyguard, which
was conducting the investigation in the affair.
The following is a report taken from the files of
Alexander Korzhakov’s office. In it, an investigator summarizes the Tatum
On May 28th of the current year, a planned meeting
with the director of the Radisson-Slavyanskaya Hotel, US citizen Paul
Tatum, took place. The latter informed us that he had had a series of
meetings with a well-known citizen by the name of Givi, who, in his own
words, is the middleman dealing with Ordzhinokidze's finances.
Givi persistently asked to speed up the payment,
since Tatum thus far had not found a solution to the aforementioned problems.
For his part, Tatum chose to investigate Givi’s reliability through an
acquaintance of his, a former worker in the Russian Embassy in America.
The latter actually, according to his words, met with the personal representative
of “O”, who reaffirmed Givi’s power. “O’”s trusted friend, in turn, requested
five thousand dollars in cash from Tatum in order to get him a letter,
signed by Luzhkov, where the details of the hotel’s transfer to Tatum
would be outlined.
Tatum explained further about the aforementioned
issue regarding the payment to Givi, in the near future, of one million
dollars. It followed from their conversation that the deal could take
place in two stages. At first, Tatum could pay 500 thousand dollars, not
in cash, after which Tatum would receive documents affirming the serious
interests of the Moscow City Government regarding Tatum. After that payment,
according to Givi, “O” would receive a commission, from which the decision
would be made about the General Director of P.T.’s hotel. Afterwards,
Tatum would get to pay the other 500 thousand dollars.
According to P.T., Givi gave him the idea that now
“O” is being very careful, and that if he did not receive the money, the
problems would remain unsolved.
Tatum was actually intending to demand this payment
of the indicated sum, since he had been forced to trick Givi for a long
period of time and had lied in order to postpone the payment. Later, when
P.T. would receive the documents, the second stage of the hotel’s transfer
would be put into action for the usage of the American partners. P.T.
intended to buy out the hotel and give the Moscow City Government 74 million
US dollars.
Basically, P.T. would pay the indicated sum, but
10 million dollars would be given over as bribes. P.T. explained that
if the first half of the agreement was to be carried out and the other
side was to reassure itself that the Justice System remained unaware of
the situation, and then afterwards “O” would get in touch with his contact
right away and solve P.T.’s problems.
It follows from the information received that at
the present, those who are interested in receiving money from P.T. have
had a wait-and-see kind of attitude since the last concrete steps have
been taken.
According to P.T., some outsiders are involved in
the matter, for example the astronaut Volkov, who is diligently searching
for contacts with P.T. It follows from the analysis of the information
received that S. Borulnik is displaying his “independence” and, most likely,
unbeknownst to his boss, is attempting to get financial compensation from
P.T. in the amount of five thousand US dollars.
Now remember the chronological events of the elections.
At the very peak of the war between Luzhkov and Yeltsin’s circle, the
former head of the president’s bodyguard, Korzhakov, made an unexpected
statement about how during his service, Boris Berezovsky tried to talk
him into killing not only Vladimir Gusinsky, but also Luzhkov and Iosif
The statement made a lot of noise in the press.
Furthermore, Korzhakov gave Moscow’s mayor an additional trump card in
his pre-election battle. He even commented that Berezovsky and Korzhakov
were basically one and the same. After that, information about Tatum somehow
turned up in Dorenko’s hands.
From here, two conclusions can be made. First of
all, Berezovsky should express his deep gratitude to Korzhakov for his
victory over Moscow’s mayor. Secondly, Luzhkov needs to think again about
treating people the way he treated Korzhakov in this instance.
It’s clear from Tatum’s statement to Skuratov and
from the latest investigation information that the people in Luzhkov’s
closest circle live by their own rules and their own logic. Under the
fulfillment of certain circumstances (the payment of one million dollars)
they were ready to hand over Tatum’s own hotel to Tatum and drive out
But Tatum decided to play things differently. He
took the case to the authorities, and even to the intelligence services.
He even approached Alexander Lebed, who by then had assumed the head of
the Security Council. In short, he made such a fuss that he became genuinely
dangerous to his enemies, thereby hastening the fateful denouement.
article was originally published in the Russian publication “Stringer”,
with whom the eXile has an editorial agreement.]