Word’s Worth:
Why My Ass Smells Like Stale Beer
By Suzanne Thompson
My period is here: mesyachniye (месячные). This is the samoye
uzhasnoye vremya (самое ужасное время), the most terrible time, of
the mesyats (месяц), the month. This is a subject about which Alexander
Pushkin, that velikiy Russkiy poet (великий руссий поэт), or great
Russian poet, who had bakenbardi (бакенбарды), sideburns, and a
chlen (член), a penis, would hardly have written about. But sometimes
I wonder why he ignored this particular phenomenon, which is often so
damp, bloody and smelly in this latitude, when my applicator tips relentlessly
downward away from the gushing mess in what can be a seven- to nine day
hibernation from warmth and light.
Certainly, this period of mine has been relatively sukho (сухо),
dry, and, for the most part, bez strashnikh zapakhov (без страшных запахов), without horrible odors. This is especially welcome during a
time when my zadnitsa(zadnitsa), or ass, tends to stew v svoyem soku
(в собственном соку), in its own juices, creating a zapakh (запах), an
odor, which could kill a nosorog (носорог), a rhinocerous, at a
distance of sto metrov (сто метров), 100 meters. The smell is especially
discernible when I sit on my stul (стул), chair, causing the pressure
from the stul (стул), chair, to expel into the room the smertelno
vonyuchiy vozdukh (смертельно вонючий воздух), the deadly stinky air,
which has accumulated inside my dzhinsi (джинсы), jeans, over the
course of the nedelya (неделя), week, since I last changed my clothes.
The reason, of course, that I don’t change my clothes is that I am chrezvuichaino
zhirnaya (чрезвычайно жирная), extremely obese, which makes it hard
for me to find pants in my ogromniy razmer (огромный размер), my
enormous size, in this this gorod (город), city. So I have to wear odni i te
zhe zhinsi (одни и те же), the same pair of jeans, every single
dyen (день), day.
It has been more than ten years since anyone has seen what is under
those jeans. And yet, sometimes I wonder... Sometimes I wonder what would
happen if kakoi-nibud negr (какой-нибудь негр), some anonymous
black man, were to stop me in my podyezd (подъезд), my doorway,
and demand that I let him inside my apartment. Once inside, he would throw
me on my knees, reach for his zipper, and dostanet svoi ogromniy neobrezanniy
negritansky chlen (достанет свой огромный необрезанный негритянскй член), whip out his enormous uncircumcised black member. “Sosi, suka,”
he’d say. That’s when I would start sucking—kak puilesos (как пылесос),
like a vacuum cleaner.
Alas, it is not to be. Instead, I have my mesyachniye (месячные),
my period. From the vast expanses of my pisda (пизда), or pussy,
there flows a substance that strongly resembles tvorog (творог),
or cottage cheese. It is tainted red from the krov’ (кровь), or
blood, which is also flowing. This results in a situation in which the
dary prirody (дары природы), or bounty of nature, can be easily
harvested from my prokladka (прокладка), or maxi-pad. Many a forest-trekking
mushroom-lover will be on the lookout for the eminently edible belye
griby (белые грибы), white mushrooms, while studiously avoiding their
poisonous cousins: the pale blednaya poganka (бледная поганка)
and the red mukhomor (мухомор) with its telltale white spots.
Now maybe that is why Pushkin loved mushrooms.