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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
exile issue 151

The Europeans have turned against America in the War On Terror. They believe that Americans don’t understand a thing about the world. That Americans are ignorant, shallow and drunk with military might. In such a people’s hands, all that weaponry and the willingness to use it poses a greater danger to the world, or more specifically to Europe, than even Osama bin Laden.

Browse Column

America’s handling of Iraq is a perfect example. “We Europeans have a profound understanding of the local people,” they say. “You Americans don’t even know where Iraq is located on a map.”Thus think the Europeans.

Should America, and the rest of the world, listen? What is Europe’s lesson to humanity? What example have they set for the rest of us? (more…)

October 2nd, 2002 | Comments (2)

Let’s see how well you know your military history. Give the date and place of this comminique: “Our Victorious Forces Liberate Zalambessa!! Our victorious and heroic air and ground forces have liberated the town of Zalambessa after completely annihilating the…

October 2nd, 2002 | Comments (5)