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Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
exile issue 221

“My Friend Leonard” James Frey

Riverhead Hardcover 2005 $24.95

James Frey is a liar. A bad one. And hugely successful.

You can discover just how bad a liar he is by reading his second novel, My Friend Leonard. And you can hear all about Frey’s latest successes on his website, which he has christened, with typical modesty, Big Jim Industries


Longtime eXile fans may remember that I wrote a less-than-flattering review of Frey’s first novel, A Million Little Pieces. Frey’s site actually includes a very funny exchange among his fans about my review. (You can find it under the heading “A Million Pieces of Shit” under “Messages.) (more…)

September 9th, 2005 | Comments (1)