August 3rd, 2010 | Leave Comment

Size doesn’t matter: McCain sells Montenegro out to Putin In his acceptance speech at the Republican convention, John McCain lashed out at Putin and the Russian oligarchs, who, “rich with oil wealth and corrupt with power…[are] reassembling the old Russian…
October 1st, 2008 | Comments Off on Kremlin Whores: How McCain’s Staff Served Putin’s Empire

John McCain is making a big show of criticizing the government “bailout” of insurance giant AIG. But it turns out that AIG, which received $85 billion in US tax dollars earlier this week, is one of the largest donors to…
September 19th, 2008 | Comments Off on John Mc-AIG-n: Insurance Industry Bitch

John McCain marching as fast as he can aboard convicted felon Raffaello Follieri’s “Real America” yacht John McCain has been hammering rival Barack Obama for being little more than a vapid “celebrity” and “elitist.” But The Nation has obtained a photo…
September 11th, 2008 | Comments Off on The McCain-Follieri Love Boat
The outbreak of war in Georgia on Friday offers a disturbing and somewhat surreal taste of what to expect from John McCain should he become our nation’s Commander in Chief. As the centuries-old ethnic animosities between Georgia and Ossetia boiled…
August 9th, 2008 | Comments (1)