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Last week, some troll named Joshua Foust attacked my article about the massacre in Kazakhstan on December 16. I really had no idea who Foust was until I started getting emails from readers telling me “some guy with a goatee is having a meltdown on Twitter.” What upset Foust so much about my article was that I dared to report a death toll number, “up to 70,” that differed from the official figure of 15 that the regime in Kazakhstan wanted the outside world to believe. Why did Foust take on the role of massacre-denier for Kazakhstan’s notoriously brutal, corrupt regime? (more…)

December 31st, 2011 | Comments (135)

Terrorists Beware: The US Military Will Not Only Bomb You From Drones, But Also Flame Your Sister In The Comments Section...

March 18th, 2011 | Leave Comment