www.associatedcontent.com -- Alexander Haig may be best remembered for saying, 'I am in control' after the Reagan shooting. But Alexander Haig's 'I am in control' quote was just one of his major actions in Washington. Before making that infamous statement, he was just known as a Secretary of State, a general, and a key figure in the final days of the Nixon White House. But since 1981, he became a caricature thanks to one of the most memorable gaffs in recent history. As such, Alexander Haig saying 'I'm in charge here' is leading off most of his obituaries, after his death today at age 85. Haig was admitted to the hospital for infection days ago, and died this morning due to complications. His death is just the latest loss of a noteworthy political figure, after John Murtha and Charlie Wilson died earlier this month.
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