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Add your own1. Philip Pilkington | December 15th, 2009 at 3:31 pm
Alexander Cockburn from Counterpunch was saying the other day that it was his story that was circulated to point out some of the loopholes in this. Anyone know if this is the dominoes falling?
Even if it wasn’t check out his story at Counterpunch – interesting stuff!
2. mike flugennock | December 15th, 2009 at 3:39 pm
I loved watching Ratigan carve this guy a new asshole, but why’s he insulting the French? What, is there a clause in all the pundits’ contracts since 2003 requiring them to insult the French?
Otherwise, some awesome ball-busting. I saw this interview this morning; it was the first time in a dog’s age that I actually stopped to listen to anything any of these worthless-assed talking heads had to say.
You go, Ratigan!
3. Jason Wolfe | December 15th, 2009 at 4:21 pm
WOW! I am amazed. I haven’t heard a serious attack from the left from a television star for ages. He doesn’t back down. Just drills em. This congressman is actually probably a very solid blue congressman, who really tried, and I would vote for, but man … Ratigan does not let up. Truly dogged. Ratigan gets it, he understands the crime, and he doesn’t spare this poor congressman one lick. I mean this kind of antagonizing would be more appropriate for the guys who voted against the bill, like the Republicans or the bankster dems. It is surprising to see a relatively blue dem get so trashed for not going left enough.
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