www.haaretz.com -- Ben Gurion Airport security officials detain Ivan Prado for six hours, accusing the Spanish entertainer of ties with Palestinian terror groups.By Barak Ravid Ivan Prado, the most famous clown in Spain, did not expect to be put on a return flight back to Madrid soon after arriving at Ben-Gurion International Airport late last month, after spending six hours with officials from the Shin Bet security service and the Interior Ministry. The officials accused Prado of having ties to Palestinian terror organizations. Foreign Ministry officials, meanwhile, say the incident caused grave damage to Israel's image in Spain.
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Add your own1. RecoverylessRecovery | May 6th, 2010 at 11:24 am
“Ben Gurion Airport security officials detain Ivan Prado for six hours..”
I guess when 6 million of your kin are converted into lampshades and fertilizer, it must tend to fuck-up the mind a bit.
Anyway this action is no more ridiculously egregious than what happened (and still does) in the U.S., where they put Cat Stevens (as Yusuf Islam) on the no-fly list.
Or when they refused to allow an American congressman and a six-year old (in separate incidents) to board an airplane just because their names matched those of people who are featured on that same list.
2. HG | May 7th, 2010 at 5:04 am
“Why so serious?”
Perhaps they were afraid he was there to teach the pencil trick to the Palestinians.
3. brian | May 7th, 2010 at 8:17 am
can we trade lieberman for a real clown?
we would be ahead on the deal
4. Josie | May 7th, 2010 at 4:13 pm
What did the Palestinians have to do with the 6 million? Nothing, but they sure are paying the price for it. The racist apartheid regime of israel is a monstrous atrocity taking place RIGHT NOW. And the world sits mostly silent. Thank you Exile for throwing off the cover from some of Israel’s offenses.
5. dixon | May 8th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
“I guess when 6 million of your kin are converted into lampshades and fertilizer, it must tend to fuck-up the mind a bit.”
Oh yeah, and don’t forget about the soap made from the non-existent fat from those emaciated corpses lol! No way that shit was just war propaganda!
And I reckon they’ll find Saddam’s nukes any second now…
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