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[sic] AND LONELY ok first of all let me tell you something.if you dont publish this letter,id consider you to be a fucking pussy,given the fact that you were my role model,oh yeah i always wanted to be like you.you know i cant imagine someone as fucked up as you are,seriously what the fuck is wrong with you.ok you know whats realy pissing me off all the letters you answer,i mean you are not insulting people anymore.i loved that one when the lady was being serious about you saying that JFK was stupid and shit,it was cool to ask her for a picture for her snap er cunt i mean.i think you schould start taking the piss out of more people you are getting realy boring.here is something to get you going. fuck you,and again and again oh something else i would like to know why you keep on making fun of russia,do you think its funny or something,well your kind of dumb so let tell you this ,its not funny its sad,asshole.just think about it if it wasnt for this country you would be on the steets begging for bread by now.or maybe you would be waiting for a job as a crapy journalist at an unemployment office,shit i think thats funny.let me tell you something,maybe russias having some problems but its a great country whether hilarious ass likes it or not.you know what im thinking right now,im thinking that shit head is going to answer me(oh if you didnt get it,i mean you),maybe you will go something as dumb as i 'you schould read the exile more offten'.or something even dumber well my predictions wont be good enough,i hope you prove me wrong on that one. i feel ashamed of myself sitting here wasting my time to write to someone like you,but i just have to tell you my true feelings towards your smart ass responses. i think thats enough for today ill be back now you can fuck off and answer my letter oh by the way my name is Dear Montaz, X MARKS THE BRUCE Folks: Bruce Marks Dear Mr. Marks, THE FULL MORON-TY Mark, Edward. PS I think you're doing a great job and extend sincere gratitude to you for your column. Edward Dear Edward, DIOCHROMATIC CANADIANS I write in response to your recent evaluation of the revamped/renamed Chesterfield/Boarhouse, specifically in regard to the following statements:" Shame on you Doug Steele. As a fellow Canadian, I thought you would know better than to play by the rules of our southern neighbours; we Canadians look to Europe, not to the United States, for cultural inspiration."As a "fellow Canadian" I am disappointed to learn that you still "look to Europe for cultural inspiration." Firstly, though dismaying, it is foolhardy to discount the U.S.'s influence on Canada, seeing as over ninety percent of the films and music we consume are of American content. Secondly, Canada is no longer a country of just Europeans. Perhaps you have yet to visit Canada's west coast, to take just one example, where peoples from Pacific Rim nations make up a significant part of the population and have considerably influenced the cultural milieu. Should these Canadians also "look to Europe?" Thirdly, Canada is no longer a country of colonial children but a nation of mature citizens who have made their own significant contributions to the arts and sciences and who have made an international reputation for themselves as peaceful, tolerant people, quite a feat in this day and age. I don't know about you, Stuart, but for my "cultural inspiration" I won't look to Europe, but rather home, to Canada. And finally, I was most saddened to read the final statement in your article in which you advise "couples with self-respect" to follow your example and not return to Doug Steele's supposedly shameful relic of a past irresponsible, wild, and immoral Moscow. Surely one thing that distinguishes Canadians from their southern neighbours is their tolerance and resistance to telling others how they should live. A Chesterfield goer myself, I am also disheartened by the increasingly seedy nature of the place. But while the frequency of my visits may be curtailed, I will continue to stop in and have a look. And I assure you, Stuart, that I am able to visit the place with or without a partner AND maintain my self-respect. The more "Duckish" the Boarhouse becomes, the more of a Russian cultural icon it seems. Some of Russia's first museums were "kunstkameri," the Russian for museums of oddities or what we may now consider freak shows. One could argue that Kunstkameri have become somewhat of a reoccuring cultural motif throughout Russia's history. Wasn't the Hungry Duck and isn't the Boarhouse a perfect example? People have always been intrigued by the strange and gruesome, no less now than hundreds of years ago and in Russia the more so. In fact, it was a Russian philosopher, Mikhail Bahktin, who drew attention to the role of the carnivalesque in society. It seems possible, Stuart, that at some time in the distant future, you'll once again surrender to your curiosity and stop in for a peek...just to see if there's anything new, something you can judge yourself against. Perhaps that day will never come, but all the same, I'll keep an eye out for you. Candidly Canadian, P.S.-- Tell Amy I can show her a few moves to avoid feely fingers while dancing, but the best remedy would be to give up Ricky Martin. Dear Christina, "Christina, first of all let me thank you for your thoughtful, intelligent letter. Touche. What you wrote about the Southeast-Asian influence in our Canadian culture, not to mention the First Nationer influence which you forgot to note, should not be taken lightly. I merely wished to demonstrate that culturally, we Canadians are not and should not be slaves to our southern neighbors' often-times regressive tastes and mores. Furthermore, I commend your citation of Mikhail Bakhtin and the Kuntskameri comparison--while your erudition merely confirms my thesis that Canadians are, culturally speaking, a few levels above their southern neighbors, I do think that in this case, calling a veritable hotbed of sexual harassment 'carnivalesque' is a stretch. If only more letters were as learned as yours, I might have more faith in the eXile readership. Incidentally, Amy says she'd love to go out dancing with you sometime! All the best, Stuart Pratt." LIDYA ZERO Dear Matt Taibbi, Sincerely, Dear Ms. Hibbard, [sic] DONE RIGHT Dear eXile, Sincerely, Dear George, |