When my book Boris Yeltsin: From Dawn Till Dusk appeared, Yeltsin was
among the first to receive a copy as a gift. The inscription read as follows:
“To Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin—President of All Russians—with regards,
A. Korzhakov.”
Unfortunately, Boris Nikolayevich didn’t see fit to give me a copy of
his Presidential Marathon. The Stringer editors were forced
to spend 240 rubles and then present the book to me. I don’t begrudge
the money—the book turned out to be of high quality, lovely, ample, rich....
When I first started reading I laughed a lot, until realizing that I
simply had not read a more truthful account of Kremlin morals and manners.
“...Later it became clear to me exactly what was going on with Bordyuzha.
As an officer who had made a wonderful career for himself within a strict
military system, he had a poor understanding of modern political structures;
he could not catch the subtle nuances or the underlying currents. From
his point of view, all of the chief of staff’s work was illogical, unregulated,
strange. And he was... out of his element.
“Bordyuzha developed a sort of split personality, he was suffocated
by internal pressure. It was probably just this constraint that I noticed
in him.
“Such things happen in life. I know from experience. A strong and willful
individual, even one with superb health, finding himself in an unpleasant
situation and undergoing constant stress, will simply start to ail. Following
a brief tenure as chief of staff, the young border guard general developed
heart problems....”
This is all true to the last word. No normal person could possibly work
for long in that snake pit known as the “Presidential Administration.”
I don’t know whether Yumashev and Dyachenko understand that they overdid
their attempts to paint over the Yeltsin period. The result was an extremely
wicked parody of reality. There is decay and corruption, and they write
about as if it were a revival.
What is surprising is the haste with which the collective author has
published these memoirs. Clearly they were afraid that someone would beat
them to it and give an entirely different interpretation of the events
depicted in the book. It is well known that a memoir-type publication
must satisfy at least two requirements: to be informative and truthful.
But instead of a serious assessment of the events occurring in the country
during Yeltsin’s second term, the reader is presented with a work on the
theme of “How I Spent My Summer Vacation.” It’s just as well—essentially,
it’s a review.
The fact that the book’s authors were “Valya and Tanya” arouse not the
slightest doubt from anyone. Boris Nikolayevich had long forgotten how
to write. Even decrees for signature were provided to him with the resolutions
typed out in advance. He signed them with some difficulty. He was unable
to comprehend films with a plot more complex than Mumu. He would watch
only American action flicks at the dacha or at Zavidova. He would fall
asleep while watching them, quickly and deeply.
In my time, I tried to interest him in Soviet films. The only one he
could watch through to the end was White Sun of the Desert. So,
Vladimir Motyl. More than likely, Motyl and the film’s creative team owe
their prize to Korzhakov.
“...Awards are basically a simple matter. What’s so complex about it—just
take it and sign. But...
“I have always felt (and still do) that any matter, even the most peaceful,
provides an occasion for an unexpected decision. Take the awarding of
a State Prize to the creators of the film White Sun of the Desert. The
25th anniversary of this remarkable picture was approaching. But my filmmaker
associates felt that if the country and its leadership had not recognized
the film’s creators at the appropriate time, it was already too late to
make up for lost opportunities. An award after the fact would be absurd,
“But I forced my own way [Against whom? — A.K.]. I was absolutely convinced
in the rightness of my actions.... This was probably one of the few times
when I thought of myself: It’s good that I am the president....
“It was nice to shake hands with Vladimir Motyl in the Kremlin’s Georgievsky
Hall. And I was not ashamed for the country. On the contrary, I was proud.”
In general, the book turned to be largely representative. It’s hardly
worth reviewing, but it should be read. Thus, for the most part I’ll simply
quote from Yeltsin (for convenience, we’ll just assume that Boris Nikolayevich
wrote the book), and correct him a little bit.
“...One time Valentin Yumashev came to see me at Barvikha. I held nothing
back and shared my thoughts with him: I felt that I did not control the
process, I could see from the downcast eyes of my advisors (particularly
Viktor Ilyushin) that the situation in the administration was growing
worse by the day and that slowly but surely we were becoming mired in
a swamp. To all appearances, the staff was a continuous squabble with
no strategy, a Soviet communication style. It did not resemble a gathering
of like-minded individuals in the slightest.
“‘We need one of our people on the staff,’ I said. Valentin listened,
nodded, and gave it some thought.
...But who? Who could it be?
‘What about Tanya?’ he asked suddenly.”
Tanya was “thought up” by Berezovsky, Gusinsky, and Chubais in Davos.
Yumashev even came to me with this idea. They needed a set of ears on
the Election Committee, of which none of them was a member. At that time
they had their unofficial staff meetings at LogoVAZ headquarters, but
they had no idea what was going on at the real meetings.
Tanya was the only person on the Committee with no duties whatsoever.
Yeltsin even removed her once; he ordered me to revoke her admittance
Then they used Naina Iosifovna to wear down Yeltsin. He even started
arriving at the Kremlin at 7 a.m. in order to down his first 100 grams
of the day. Yeltsin had always ignored his wife and daughters. It was
only when he grew ill that he truly became a father and husband. He really
loved to complain about his health.
“...On the other hand, Tanya is the only person who can get me all the
information. People tell her things that they would never say to my face.
And she’s an honest person, without bureacratic complexes; she would never
hide anything. She’s young and intelligent—and she’s my daughter, with
my character and my approach to life.”
As for character and approach to life, this is all entirely true. But
as for “bureaucratic complexes,” you’re better off asking the personnel
who had to serve her. I’ll merely say that, when Tanya came to the Kremlin
the first business she attended to was Naina Iosifovna’s quarters. These
included an office, banquet hall, snack bar, kitchen, beauty salon, and
full bathroom.
As for her honesty, this is a question for Abramovich, who following
the election brought to Tanya’s office a suitcase full of cash top Tanya’s
office—from 160,000 to 180,000 bucks.
Tanya was needed primarily by Berezovsky and Chubais. At the Election
Committee meetings, she would sit quietly in the corner and attempt to
record everything that went on. Then she would rush off to LogoVAZ; Berezovsky
would decide how much to tell Yeltsin, and what was better to withhold.
It was precisely in their quarters that Tatyana and Berezovsky arranged
Yeltsin’s meeting with the 10 bankers. Yumashev and Borodin were also
there. No one else was allowed in, not even security. I only know the
details of this meeting from OBSLUGI.
At the meeting, the bankers chipped in 50 million dollars each for the
election, asking in return for guaranties regarding the transfer of ownership.
There was thew usual bargaining. “Honest” Tanya and “honest” Boris Nikolayevich
sold off Russia for 500 million.
“...Various decrees were prepared: specifically, for a ban on the Communist
Party, dissolution of the Duma, and to put off the Presidential Election
for a later date....
While I was in the office, Tanya called Chubais and told him to come
to the Kremlin. ‘Papa, you should hear a different opinion. You simply
must,’ she said. And suddenly I understood: Yes, I must....
“...When Chubais becomes upset, his face instantly flushes a crimson
“‘Boris Nikolayevich,’ he said. ‘It is no longer 1993. Today is different
in that the first person who leaves the Constituional playing field will
be destroyed....’”
Yeltsin could never countenance “other” opinions. At that time, he would
not have sat down alongside Chubais on a single Constitutional playing
field. There was no meeting between Yeltsin and Chubais.
Soon after the Duma voted to annul the Belovezhsky agreement [which
dissolved the Soviet Union in 1991], Yeltsin called a closed meeting.
The calls were made in the evening, and at 6:00 a.m. on April 18, 1996,
we were all there in the Kremlin: the three Kulikovs, Soskovets, myself,
Barsukov, Grachev, and chief of staff Yegorov. I insisted that Chernomyrdin
should be called, but Yeltsin did not want to see him under any pretense.
He thought that Chernomyrdin was after his seat.
Boris Nikolayevich floated the idea of dissolving the Duma and banning
the Communist Party. All the generals supported Yeltsin. FSO Head Krapivin
even issued an order to “close” the Duma not allow anyone into the Parliament
building. Only Minister of Internal Affairs Kulikov voted against, for
which he was subsequently dismissed.
They thought up Chubais in order to battle the communists, to make him
into a Constitutional savior and defender of justice.
“On the eve of the second round of the Presidential election, Korzhakov
decided to strike back. On June 19, at seven o’clock, at the White House
entrance the Presidential Security Service arrested two members of the
election campaign staff. They were accused of stealing money.
“...And then Tanya went (it was already 1 a.m.) to the LogoVAZ offices,
where most of the analytical group and other sympathetic individuals had
gathered—Nemtsov, Gusinsky, journalists, television reporters. Security
informed them there were snipers on the roofs and special service officers
had surrounded the building. It seemed to everyone that Korzhakov and
Barsukov would never let them out.”
Never in my life have I met anyone more cowardly than those who gathered
that night at LogoVAZ. There were never any snipers or special service.
Otherwise, they would have come out in a line with their hands up, after
which they would have pointed the finger at one another.
There was no “strike back.” A week prior to the arrest of Lisovsky and
Yevstafyev, Yeltsin personally ordered me to deal immediately with the
theft of campaign funds. By his own hand, he penned a resolution addressed
to me. At that time my duties as a member of the Election Campaign Committee
included monioring financial expenditures.
The night before the arrest, we hid a safe in Kuznetsov’s office. The
safe contained 2.5 million dollars and another 5 million in offshore payments
for the printing of brochures. The office was under surveillance throughout
the day. No one except Kuznetsov went in. But after the arrest it turned
out that nothing was left in the safe except the 500,000 bucks in the
Xerox box. I still don’t know how Kuznetsov managed to get out the 2 million
dollars. I was not permitted to get to the bottom of it.
The ongoing fate of this money is rather more interesting. Streletsky
and I submitted a statement to the General Prosecutor’s Office indicating
that there were no criminals amd we found the loot. We requested payment
of the 25-percent state reward payable in such cases. In response, we
were told that the money had been returned to the Finance Ministry.
“...If those people whom Tanya virtually protected that night—i.e.,
Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Malashenko—would remember that in the future....”
As far I know, Tanya only protected Makashenko, Lisovsky, Lesin, and
Chubais. I didn’t heard anything about Berezovsky and Gusinsky.
Incidentally, Chubais did remember this—as chief of staff, he proposed
making Tanya vice-president: “This girl is in love with power; let’s groom
her as a successor.”
“Obviously, other than my family the only people who knew about the
heart attack were the doctors and several security and staff members.
Not the inner circle, but only the absolutely closest people.
“Literally on the day after the attack, June 27, Tanya and Chubais met
at the President Hotel, where the campaign staff was operating. The entire
schedule of appearances between the first and second rounds would have
to be canceled under some innocuous pretense—a change in tactics: after
all, the President was certain of success. Under no circumstances could
a leak about the illness be permitted.
“Of course, my aides and I were walking a fine line: would it be permissible
to hide such information from the public? But to this day I am convinced
that to surrender voctory to Zyuganov or reschedule the election would
have been a far greater and damaging sin.”
This was already the fifth heart attack. The four previous ones, “we
had endured together.” But I was also present for the fifth one. It was
not Zyuganov that he feared, but rather Chernomyrdin.
When Boris Nikolayevich took ill, I was received a call from the young
man who was then head or acting head of the Security Service, Tolya Kuznetsov.
I came and the first thing I heard was Yeltsin’s characteristic mantra:
“Just don’t tell Chernomyrdin!”
“What should we do?” Kuznetsov asked. I asked for a copy of the Constitution
and showed him the article stating that, if the president is unable to
fulfill his duties, then the prime minister, as the second in command,
temporarily assumes them. Look, I said, if something happens to him, you’ll
be the first to take the fall. You don’t serve Yeltsin, you serve in a
state post.
Naina Iosifovna came in, and I read her the article from the Constitution.
She told me I was to blame for everything. In response, I said, “You’re
the one who’s to blame for all this, with your Chubaises and Berezovskys.”
Before leaving I again told Kuznetsov that he should inform Chernomyrdin.
Several days later they needed to show a healthy Yeltsin on TV. Then,
upon orders from Borodin, they prepared a backdrop depicting the President’s
office in the Kremlin. A desk was moved next to Boris Nikolayevich’s bedside.
They dressed him a white shirt with tie and jacket. They didn’t bother
putting any pants on him. They propped him up with pillows. Yumashev,
Tanya, Vasya Shankhovsky, and I think Shakhrai gathered around the desk—there
were six people in all.
And so, without pants, the President conducted his final meeting before
the second round of the election.
“Still prior to the election, in the spring, there was a joint letter
from the doctors addressed to Korzhakov, directly indicating the catastrophic
condition of my heart. This letter was not show to me, nor to my family.
I only read it much later.
“‘Consultation Report.
“‘During the past two weeks, the condition of President of the Russian
Federation Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin has undergone changed for the worse.
All of these changes are directly connected with a sharply increasing
level of stresses, both emotional and physical. A major role is played
by the constant changes in climatic conditions and time zones during flights
over great distances. Sleeping time has been reduced to a minimum—about
3-4 hours per day. This work schedule represents a real threat to the
health and life of the President.’
“The report was signed by 10 doctors.”
After experiencing four heart attacks, you don’t necessarily need to
read doctors’ letters in order to learn about the catastrophic condition
of your heart. It’s true that I did not show the letter to anyone. It
was addressed to me, in order to lighten the President’s campaign schedule.
But everyone was aware of the letter’s existence. After all, I was not
the one who convinced Boris Nikolayevich to dance on stage in 40-degree
weather. It was his own daughter who did this. Tanya knew perfectly well
that her’s father life practically hung in the balance.
Incidentally, Boris Nikolayevich provides the text of the letter in
its entirety. But he does not have the letter; it remains with me. I did
not event turn over the files after I was dismissed, as I was supposed
to. Question: how does Yeltsin know the text of the letter? Answer: only
from my book, where it was published in full.
Thius means that either Boris Nikolayevich read the book himself, or
it was read to him. Nevertheless, later, on page 78, he writes: “They
say that Alexander Vasilyevich’s book is full of lies and dirt. But I
did not bother reading it; I could not ovecrcome my disgust.”
About these lies and dirt. Thus far, not a single fact in my book has
been refuted. Moreover, many of them are confirmed by Yeltsin himself
in his new book. And the dirt? There was always more than enough to go
around in Yeltsin’s circle.
I only wrote about the top of the iceberg, and in an extremely restrained
manner. For some reason no one is dishing any dirt on me, although I have
long been outside of Yeltsin’s circle and I have plenty of enemies.
“I return to the present, the year 2000....
“Soon after my resignation, a meeting of CIS leaders was held in Moscow.
They all arrived one day prior to the official events, and I invited them
to my home at Gorki-9. Never before had so many official guests, an entire
summit, been received in my home. But Naina and I decided to break the
tradition. Naina was even concerned that there would not be enough dishes
or silverware. We served the presidents our family dish—Siberian pelmeny
with pike....”
Gorki-9 is an official state residence, with a capacity for a thousand
guests. What home or silverware is he talking about. It seems what they
say is true: Yeltsin does not wish to give up the presidential residence,
and Tanya is planning to privatize one of the residences at Barvikha-4.
Although what is so surprising? Yeltsin always viewed Russia as his
own personal property.
“The work that my political enemies later came to refer as the influence
on the President of the Family—like that, with a capital letter—was in
fact my meetings with the chief of staff. his deputies, advisers, discussions
about proposals developed by them, and ultimately the taking of a final
decision by the President. Then, once the decision has been made, its
firm and unwavering implementation.
“I worked under this scheme during all my final years. And although
first they identified Chubais as ‘regent,’ then later Yumashev and Voloshin
as members of the Family, the essence of the claims did not change. Someone
is operating in secrecy behind the President, they say.
“I confirm. In fact, there stood behind me a large, strong, well-organized
team. But if someone prefers this term ‘Family,’ you can put it this way:
the members of my family included Chubais, Voloshin, Johann Pollyeva,
Sergei Yastrzhembsky, Vyacheslav Surkov, Ruslan Orekhov, Igor Shabdurasulov,
Mikhail Komissar, Alexander Oslon, Mikhail Lesin, Yuri Zapol, Kcenia Ponomareva,
Konstantin Ernst, Oleg Dobrodeyev, Sergei Zverev (while he worked in the
administration), Igor Malashenko (during the first years after the ‘96
election), Alexei Gromov, Oleg Sysuyev, Sergei Prikhodko, Dmitri Yakushkin,
Andrei Shtorkh....”
Actually, the list should have started with Berezovsky, Abramovich,
and Mamut. Nothing further to add.
“Upon moving to Moscow, already disgraced, I bought my first car—a silver
Moskvich. I was still in the state structures. I decided that from now
on I would drive to work myself. And so, there was the first trip.
“The security guard sits to my right, my family behind me. . We’re on
a busy ulitsa Gorkogo. I’m constantly looking back to keep track of what’s
going on behind me. I have trouble using the rear-view mirror. Tanya says
to me, ‘Papa, look ahead! I beg you!’ I’m driving at a reasonable speed.
The pale security guard does not take his hand off the emergency brake
so as to activate it in case of emergency should there be no other way
out. We arrived without incident, thank God!
“From that time, Naina is deathly afraid and does not allow me behind
the wheel. “Borya, there are plenty of drivers in the family—sons-in-law,
daughters, grandchildren. They’ll be happy to drive you wherever you want.”
Nevertheless, I recently did some driving on the roads at the dacha in
my presidential limousine. Now that I’m a pensioner I can do whatever
I want.
“But I still managed to compensate for my passion for motoring—by driving
in an electric car. Plus it’s more healthy. I especially like to ride
down a hill and right into a tree. I turn at the last minute. This is
relaxing. Recently, the security guard accompanying me on this risky journey
could not hold on during the turn and was thrown from the car. I had to
apologize to him....”
About this Moskvich. This was in the courtyard of a building on ulitsa
Goirkogo. As soon as Yeltsin got behind the wheel, the car began to shake
as if afflicted. At a speed of about 10 km/h we made a circle around the
courtyard. A second test run followed.
I drove the future president of Russia to the Kremlin. Then there was
the “trip” from Vasilyevsky spusk under the flashes of cameras and television
cameras. It looked like a motor run by a team of invalids. My Niva and
Zhiguli was in the lead clearing the way for the Moskvich, with another
Zhiguli following behind. At a speed of 40 km/h the cavalvade traveled
along ulitsa Gorkogo.
I was pale as a ghost and really did keep my hand firmly on the emergency
The family would never get in the car while papa was behind the wheel.
“...Many are probably interested in our incomes? In other words, am
I a wealthy man? Frankly, I don’t know.... It depends on how you measure
such things. Let us see what I have, and what I don’t have.
“So, I live in a state-owned dacha. I own (jointly with my wife) real
estate consisting of a dacha in the Odintsovsky district of Moscow oblast.
The size of the dacha is 452 square meters. The land plot measures four
“I also have a BMW that was purchased in 1995. There’s the apartment
in Moscow on Osennaya ulitsa. There are the refrigerators at the dacha
and another at home. Several televisions. Furniture (couches, sofas, stools,
cabinets, etc.). Some clothes. My wife and daughters’ jewelry. Tennis
rackets. A floor scale. Hunting weapons. Books. A stereo. Dictophone....”
And let’s not forget the blood pressure measuring device, hot water
bottle, and thermometer....
“...On the islands among the Zavidova lakes, hay grows in the summertime.
Sometimes I would go there to forget about everything. I would fall asleep.
“In general, hunting and fishing are a special pursuit.
“...Duck hunting at dawn is the most dynamic. You shoot the bird in
flight, trying to get it with a precise shot from the boat. This is almost
a sport. It’s so hazardous that sometimes you return home with a large
black palm-sized bruise on your shoulder.”
The story about the bruise explains everything to any hunter: either
Yeltsin is lying or he doesn’t know how to shoot. Now for the sport.
After a duck hunt we (Grachev, Barsukov, and myself) would return home
with our catch. Some would bring home 10, maybe 15. Twenty was the maximum.
But Yeltsin would never return with fewer than 80. He was always the champion.
Once, when Yeltsin had fallen asleep after a dose, the chief huntsman
at Zavidova, Anatoly Vasilyevich Lepilin, suggested that we go for a ride
to show me Yeltsin’s hunting spots. We puttered for awhile along the canals,
until we sailed at full speed into a duck-filled lake. The ducks didn’t
even bother to take flight, they just quacked.
It turns out that Yeltsin was taken to a duck farm to hunt. They sailed
in, stopped, and Yeltsin would shoot like crazy. Sometimes he would take
more than 100.
“Traditionally, the Russian way of life has strictly dictated that you
can’t not drink on your birthday, and you can’t not drink at a friend’s
wedding, you can’t not drink with colleagues from work. I have always
regarded this obligation with a certain melancholy, I cannot bear drunks,
but... at some point I realized that alcohol is actually a substance that
quickly alleviates stress.”
No comment.
“Perhaps I’m overly self-reliant, I take too much upon myself.
“I don’t really think so. I am under an obligation to be absolutely
honest about everything I thought, how I felt, why I acted one way or
another. But questions remain: what next? Who am I today, right now?
“Probably, I feel like a long-distance runner who has run a super marathon,
one of 40,000 kilometers.
“That is the state I am in today. I gave all my strength, all my soul
to the Presidential marathon. I gave of myself honestly for the distance.
If there is any need for me to justify myself, then here it is: if you
can do better, then try. Run those 40,000 kilometers anew. Faster. Better.
More gracefully. More easily.
“And that is what I did.”
There will be no other life for Boris Nikolayevich.
In the foreword to the book Yeltsin writes: “The book’s primary purpose
is to tell the story of our reforms, my own personal story—the story of
the first democratically elected President of Russia.” But he should have
started from the epilogue, when Boris Nikolayevich asks for forgiveness
from the Russian people.
As was rightly noted by first court chronicler Pavel Voshchanov, Presidential
Marathon is an embellished court chronicle. In my view, the book’s true
purpose is to mythologize the period of Boris Nikolayevich’s rule. To
embellish Yeltsin’s place in Russian history.
It seems that Yeltsin feels uncomfortable in his own place.