www.guardian.co.uk -- Richard Beasley, a self-styled preacher with convictions for burglary, is alleged to have posted the advert to lure men to an isolated wood and shoot them.Beasley and a 16-year-old schoolboy, Brogan Rafferty, are accused of shooting four men, killing three of them, who travelled from as far as Virginia and Florida as well as from Ohio. The police suspect there are more victims.The alarm was raised by one of the four, from South Carolina, who was shot but escaped and hid in the woods for hours. When the police arrived they found a shallow grave already dug for him.Sanson said that after he responded to the advert, Beasley arranged to interview him at a shopping mall. He was disappointed to hear that scores of men were after the job."When I saw the Craigslist ad I thought this is perfect, being out on a farm with no one around. The money was nothing but it would pay for food," he said. "When I talked to Richard Beasley he said more than 100 people applied for that job and they were from all over the place. It shows because they have people from all over showing up dead."
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