"The Kochs say school choice is important. I happen to agree. What's wrong with that?"
Cross-posted from Frying Pan News
“Money is the mother’s milk of politics,” Gloria Romero tells me on the phone. “It’s flowing to both sides. Government isn’t about drawing lines. It’s not about saying you’re on that side and you can’t come over.”
Her voice is friendly, somewhat placid, but it’s clear Romero is not thrilled with having to answer questions about her political alliance with the Koch brothers and other wealthy supporters of Proposition 32, and she conspicuously avoids bringing up their names. When pressed about the Kochs and the money behind behind Prop. 32, she falls back upon her experience in Sacramento.
“I have sat in the belly of the beast,” she says. “I have seen the realities of money and its influence.”
With Election Day still one month away, the battle to pass Prop. 32 has seen its share of political shockers, including the sudden injection of $4 million of Koch brother money to the Yes on 32 campaign, along with millions more from Charles Munger Jr. But nothing has been more surprising than the decision of Romero, a former California State Senate Democratic majority leader, to serve as the measure’s frontwoman.
A liberal Latina firebrand from East Los Angeles, Romero was Occupy Wall Street before that movement existed. In 1990, as a member of the Latino Community Justice Center and a professor at Cal State Los Angeles, she co-authored an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times in support of striking Century City janitors who had been beaten by police. She used the cred acquired from that op-ed and several others to win a hotly contested run for the California Assembly in 1998, largely by decrying Prop. 32′s progenitor, Proposition 226–the first ‘paycheck protection’ initiative.
In 2001, she was elected to the State Senate — largely with the grateful backing of labor. In 2007 she received a 97 percent rating by Capitol Weekly for her positions on progressive issues. Now she’s seen as carrying water for the Kochs and anti-gay culture warriors like Howard Ahmanson and Larry T. Smith. Romero, however, casts Prop. 32 in terms of uplifting historical pageantry.
“We’re saying as Democrats we want to form a more perfect union,” she says. “It’s a civil rights movement and our schools are the ticket out of poverty.”
Despite her rightward ideological swing, Romero isn’t backing the entire Koch agenda. Instead, she’s become Prop. 32’s human face on behalf of the seemingly progressive political action committee (PAC) Democrats for Education Reform (DFER), where she serves as director of the organization’s California operation. An examination of DFER’s backers, however, shows that right-wing billionaires aren’t her only Prop. 32 bedfellows.
New York University Research Professor of Education Diane Ravitch, who has followed the lobbying efforts of DFER since its inception in 2005, is blunt about Romero: “She’s working for Wall Street hedge fund managers. That’s where her interest lies.”
Indeed, DFER is the brainchild of Whitney Tilson, founder of the hedge-fund firm T2 Partners – an LLC that, like other hedge fund contributors to DFER, is conveniently exempted from Prop. 32′s proposed donation restrictions. In a 2010 New York Timesinterview about charter schools, Tilson suggested that privatized education was a potentially lucrative investment target for Wall Street.
“[H]edge funds are always looking for ways to turn a small amount of capital into a large amount of capital,” he said of his interest in the charter school movement.
And, in a 2010 documentary, A Right Denied, Tilson suggested that DFER was created because of Walmart patriarch John Walton’s support of vouchers and “school choice.”
In the film, Tilson recalled a meeting he had with Walton at the Harvard Club:
“We told John Walton, ‘Thank you, you’ve inspired us to do this and we’re going to create an organization with quite a similar mission to what you’re doing…You’re our friend. We’re doing something you would support, but we can’t take a penny of your money.’ Because the moment we take any Walmart money – that’s ‘anti-union,’ etcetera, etcetera – then it becomes a partisan issue again.”
Democrats for Education Reform takes pains to avoid such overt financial ties to right-wing backers like Walton. Tracing its finances isn’t easy, though. According to Form 410 documents that DFER filed with the Secretary of State’s office, it qualified as a political action committee in the state of California on November 21, 2011—meaning it had either raised or spent $1,000 for political purposes.
According to California Fair Political Practices Commission spokesperson Tara Stock, when a committee “qualifies,” it is supposed to file Form 460 finance disclosure documents.
“Once a committee hits $25,000 they are required to file electronically,” she explains. “Before that, they file on paper. From what it looks like, I don’t see that they have done either.”
Despite qualifying as a committee, DFER missed two necessary deadlines to file their 460 financial forms on January 31 and July 31 of this year. This lack of disclosure makes it impossible to tell where its money is coming from and where it’s going in the state.
Romero insists DFER’s activity in California is above board: “We’ve made no contributions in California at this time. We are not actively fundraising. We don’t even have an open bank account. The bulk of our work in California is done under our non-profit Education Reform Now.”
Interestingly, Despite Tilson’s protestations to the contrary, Education Reform Now has no problem accepting Walmart cash. In 2011, the non-profit lobbying wing of DFER received$1.1 million from the Walton Family Foundation.
That same year, Education Reform Now spent more than $36,000 on lobbying expenses to eliminate teacher protections in California and make it easier to privatize schools. In the organization’s filings, Romero is listed as the “responsible officer” behind these activities. Furthermore, that same year, she was given a warning by the FPPC for personally lobbying for these same measures extra-legally.
More recently, Education Reform Now spent $1 million on ad buys pushing Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s talking points in September’s Chicago teachers’ strike.
Romero denies that her support for Prop. 32 is a move to foist a privatization agenda upon California’s schools.
“Do Democrats for Education Reform and myself support charters? Absolutely. Do I think 32 will help put more charters into place? No.”
However, as it turns out, this wouldn’t be the first time Romero has fronted for a conservative agenda in the state of California. Romero authored California’s 2008 “Parent Trigger” law, which allows parents in low-performance schools to vote on whether to hand over their administration to a private charter company.
“I call it the ‘parent tricker,” says Ravitch. “It tricks parents into handing control of their school to a corporation. It’s the equivalent of a group of people on a public bus who are unsatisfied with their ride, so they take it over and give it to a private company. Public schools belong to the community, not to the current crop of parents.”
Ravitch credits the Parent Trigger concept as originating from the neoconservative think tank American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), noting the issue has become part of ALEC’s “model legislation” that the group is lobbying for in multiple states.
Romero disputes the ALEC connection.
“When I wrote this law,” she says, “I didn’t know who ALEC was, quite frankly. Whoever picks it up and supports it, I respect that. The U.S. Conference of Democratic Mayors also supports the law.”
Ravitch says Prop. 32 shares much in common with the Parent Trigger. “I would see Prop. 32 in the context of the privatization movement. They want to kill off the unions because they are the guardians of public education.”
Romero did not win labor backing for her unsuccessful 2010 run for State Superintendent of Public Instruction, but did garner support from charter school advocates. Some political observers believe her embrace of Prop. 32 is payback for the endorsement snub, although Romero denies being anti-union. And despite blistering criticism of Prop. 32’s corporate loopholes and anti-union agenda from the editorial boards of California’s papers of record, she maintains that the measure is purely about campaign finance reform.
“I was against previous paycheck protection measures in California because it only targeted one side. Now that it goes after both sides, I feel comfortable putting my name behind it. This will change the culture of Sacramento.”
That seems unlikely. Even Prop. 32′s supporters argue the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling makes it impossible to remove money from politics. What Prop. 32 will fundamentally alter is the balance of power in Sacramento.
One thing that will undoubtedly change, regardless of the outcome of the election, is Romero’s reputation as a stalwart progressive.
Cross-posted from Frying Pan News…
Matthew Fleischer previously wrote: Dangerous Jails: Do Deputy Gangs Inside the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Have a Free Pass to Rampage?
Read more: california, Frying Pan News, Gloria Romero, kochs, Prop 32, school privatization, wal mart, wall street, Matthew Fleischer, Class Warfare, Oligarchy Porn

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Add your own1. Trolletariat | October 10th, 2012 at 5:27 pm
I had no idea who this woman is but a brief google search turned up this:
Gloria Romero: The Trials of a Democratic Reformer
In California’s capital, union officials ‘walk around like they’re God.’ This pro-labor former legislator wants to bring them back to earth.
holy hell california voters are fucking dumb.
2. Cum | October 10th, 2012 at 6:21 pm
Just read it on Frying Pan. I learned from the comments that the value of integrity is $300,000 per year. That’s a pretty good price.
3. ferd | October 10th, 2012 at 7:44 pm
Build a following on the left, then sell out to the right, ’cause that’s where the money is.
4. Yes | October 10th, 2012 at 9:44 pm
Just wanted to mention that this guy’s reportage is absolutely outstanding. This is the sort of article/author that makes the Exiled best in class, IMO. Thanks.
5. skullsneedtobecrushed | October 10th, 2012 at 10:10 pm
So that’s what it’s all about? MONEY?
For what??? So you can advance research for controlling and curing deadly diseases? So you can fund the preservation and restoration of rare artifacts around the world? So you can bring back into print rare and wonderful books? No — none of that crap! It’s just so you can say Fuck You. “Fuck You Money” is what it’s all about for these people.
I am old. Aged, even…I have never seen a single instance…NOT ONE…where money made people “I knew when” more interesting in any way.
6. o | October 11th, 2012 at 12:04 am
7. radii | October 11th, 2012 at 7:15 am
Every election cycle in California the plutocrats and Repugs try to trick the voters outright with at least one initiative in our now standard plethora of initiatives on every ballot and the voters sniff out the trickery and reject it 90% of the time … Prop 32 has the clear stench CA voters have come to recognize and I expect it to go down handily
8. Ozinator | October 11th, 2012 at 8:14 pm
Please, Exiled….
Make the Cato grading of Governors a commentable article. Like this article’s subject, the Dems on the list should be the first to be scorned by people not falling for the lesser evil BS
9. Epsilon | October 12th, 2012 at 8:24 am
Off-topic, but this is just hilarious:
The Nobel Prize Committee tries very hard to look like a joke. A perverse one, but still. The world deserves to see their effort.
10. Willard | October 12th, 2012 at 12:37 pm
Well, it IS all about the money, but this whore – one of my best – should use the Kochs’ dough and get a fucking facelift, for manna’s sake!!!
11. Nazidethpig | October 14th, 2012 at 9:08 pm
Yeah, This is typical for CA. Watch out for those corporate Democrats. In any other part of the US they’d be called Libertarian.
12. oleg | October 26th, 2012 at 11:17 pm
13. Yellowbird | February 27th, 2013 at 7:36 am
Republicans have been INFILTRATING the Dem party for DECADES. My ex and now dead muther in law worked for the RNC and her JOB was to TRAIN infiltrators in the art of getting elected to the DNC. From there they took over the party so that NOW we have a DNC Republican party and a Republican president. There IS no liberal party in the USA today. There is Republican and Fascist. That’s it.
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