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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / March 17, 2010

npr_logo1 -- “Hey hey, ho ho, union busting has got to go” in front of NPR’s Massachusetts Avenue headquarters. “We’re facing some very tense negotiations right now,” said Carrie Biggs-Adams (r), a staff representative for the National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians/Communications Workers of America (NABET-CWA) who told Union City that the workers’ contract expires on March 31st. “A year ago, as NPR faced significant economic hardship, members of NABET-CWA who work at NPR country-wide agreed to concessions amounting to $17,000 per worker over an 18 month period to help the company stay afloat,” said Biggs-Adams. “Now, with the economy bouncing back, NPR is demanding more cuts and is attempting to take away the work that skilled audio engineers do best. NPR is trying to slice retirement plan contributions in half and is employing ‘divide and conquer’ tactics to achieve its objective.” One NPR employee – who spoke on condition of anonymity – told Union City, “It’s very disappointing that our employer is not showing a willingness to live up to its reputation as a worker-friendly organization. People are NPR’s biggest asset, and the fact that they are refusing to work with us in adapting for our futures is infuriating.”

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