-- The TSA agents cornered them and bombarded them with repeated questions like, “What are you hiding in your face?” The agents did not give the wounded warriors time to explain anything and went straight into accusing them of “hiding” something in their bodies. Yeah, they are hiding something alright. They have metal in their bodies from war! My friend told me that one TSA agent came up to him and asked what he was hiding in his leg, but before my friend could answer he said that the TSA agent grabbed him, without notice, right in the crouch area as if trying to find something hidden. My friend has served many tours of duty, and I believe him when he tells me that it took everything in him not to react defensively when this agent grabbed his crouch without even letting him know he was going to be pat searched.
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Add your own1. marc | May 26th, 2011 at 8:38 pm
I donated my money, why can’t I see the article?
2. GSP | May 27th, 2011 at 5:27 am
Is this a particularly well known or influential blogger?
There’s far derpier posts on plenty of other inconsequential blogs, why’s this one noteworthy?
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