rawstory.com -- Mr. Kerik, 54, pleaded guilty to two counts of tax fraud, one count of making a false statement on a loan application — the most serious — and five separate counts of making false statements to the federal government. These last charges stemmed from statements Mr. Kerik made to the White House during the vetting process after the Bush administration nominated him to lead the Department of Homeland Security. He later withdrew his name.
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Add your own1. machete | November 6th, 2009 at 2:55 pm
I like to think that Obama gave 25 trillion to aig, goldman, leman, bear stern, citibank,etc because it hurts my brain to admit that Bush and Cheney did practically all of that. But this guy Keric, I really wish I could rim his asshole. Would he give me a reacharound? I think so.
2. machete | November 6th, 2009 at 2:58 pm
What a shame. Keric didnt go to Harvard and to Goldman Sachs training academy. He didnt go to Harvard Business school like Bush. He didn’t go to Yale like Bush and Cheney. But he is the criminal just because he’s a scumbag criminal. The fact that he was first indicted in 2006 makes me believe thaty this is all about Obama, but I also wet my bed every night, so there’s that too. His “mere” high school diploma makes him second class. That’s not fair, becuase I have a “mere” special education diploma.
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