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What You Should Know / December 9, 2009

ukraine bubble-gum -- A chemistry student from the northern Ukrainian city of Konotop was killed when a stick of chewing gum exploded in his mouth, Ukrainian media reported on Tuesday. The 25-year-old student of Ukraine's Kiev Polytechnic Institute was working at a computer in his parents' house late on Saturday when the incident occurred. "A loud pop was heard from the student's room," the portal said, citing an aide to the city's police chief. "When his relatives entered the room they saw that the lower part of the young man's face had been blown off."

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  • 1. Aaron  |  December 11th, 2009 at 5:46 am

    The story’s actually quite plausible as presented, I think.

    Citric acid is used as a food additive and a coating on “extreme sour” candies and the like, so it’s not unreasonable that someone with a taste for such candy might do something like that. Foolish, yes, but not implausible at all. Citric acid in solid form is white or off-white, crystalline, and slightly translucent.

    Mercury fulminate is a low-order impact-sensitive explosive used in firearms cartridge primers and those little “snap-bang” paper-twist toys that are sold to kids in the US around the Fourth of July. Mercury fulminate in solid form is white or off-white, crystalline, and slightly translucent.

    The moral of the story: don’t eat off your lab bench, dumbshit!

  • 2. yabadabadoo  |  December 11th, 2009 at 6:05 am

    Russian fake news?

  • 3. bob  |  September 8th, 2015 at 10:57 am

    omgggggggg i need to try this

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