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The War Nerd / March 21, 2011
By Gary Brecher

“I intend to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer.”

U. S. Grant at Spotsylvania Court House


I’m switching tactics today. No more of those cumbersome massed offensives, meaning columns four or five thousand words long that take weeks to research. From now on I’m going to blog every day. Scout’s honor. (I was one too—well, a Cub Scout, got as far as Webelos. The rule was, if you went further than that you were a fag.)

It comes down to logistics, like it usually does. I can’t sustain these massed offensives anymore, these 5000 word columns that take weeks to research. That assassination column nearly assassinated me, so many angles to consider, and even then, no sooner was it up than people were posting objections, absolutely right objections too, about stuff I’d left out.

So for the next three months I’ll post a short blog every day. Including Sunday, just to flick a Sicilian thumb at my mother’s side of the family, who think it’s wrong to do much except mope and stare through the lace curtains at people who aren’t moping hard enough and feel a little better thinking about how they’ll be surprised once they’re  roasting in eternal napalm.

It’s going to be fast and light, dune buggy Brecher, long range desert patrol like that great war tv series, everybody’s idea of how to make war, zipping around the desert on souped-up trucks leaving Third Reich fuel tanks burning in your tire tracks.

And speaking of desert war—another classic segue, huh?—you’re probably wondering why I’ve been ducking the war in Libya. It’s true, I’ve dodged combat there better than Cheney dodged the Cong. Which is weird, even for me, because jeez, it’s Libya, how hard can it be? Well, that’s been the problem: how do you make odds on Libya vs. Libya? If it was Libya vs any other country on earth—seriously, any other country on earth, even one of those little islands that exist to keep Tony Montana’s money from being overtaxed by those damn bureaucrats—I’d bet on the other guys. Libya vs. Cayman Islands: Go Gators! The Tax Crocs by three touchdowns! Billionaires’ commandeered yachts screeching onto the beaches of Tripoli with hardened Russian bodyguards storming ashore at $100 per billable corpse!

But that’s not how it happened. The Egyptians rioted and booted Mubarak—remember his sad cavalry charge through Tahrir Square, three tiny cart horses and a camel? And that gave the Libyans ideas. Libyans are always getting their ideas from Egypt, they’re the annoying tag-along brother Cairo never asked for. Even tried to join Egypt until Cairo told them “Go home, getta outa here…gahd, you’re so stupid, go play with the little kids, go watch Sesame Street or something…”

They did it again: “Hey, Egypt, look! We make own revolution too, also!” And the cool Cairo guys are pretending they don’t hear a thing, jamming those ipod earplugs into their heads and pushing the shades higher so they don’t see Libya’s embarrassing hand waving at them.

Not that I blame the Libyans. 42 years of listening to Qaddafi. Or Kadhafi. Or Kersplash. Any way you spell it, that’s one annoying grandpa to have hanging around all the time. And I mean “grandpa” literally. The population of Libya is 6.5 million, and a good chunk of that has Qaddafi genes gurgling around. I hope his line doesn’t breed true—imagine a million or so drama queens who can’t start a car without making a three-hour speech. Qaddafi has a son for everything. There’s one for soccer, one for internal security, and a whole squad of volunteers for bringing cute girls over from Rome and Paris for the weekend.

You can see how the family would think everything was fine. Grandpa’s got a face like a silent movie actress playing Mussolini—admit it, nobody can bend gender like Muamar—and a tent so he can play the Bedu, only this tent is so big Ringling Bros keeps making offers on it and the AC could bring back the woolly mammoths all by itself. He’s got that all-girl bodyguard, that Ukranian nurse, cut-down El Camino Maseratis for taking your camel to the oasis, a Green Book that sells in the millions (to a warehouse in Tripoli, but copies are copies) and a long record of courting every single power in the world.

I wrote about Qaddafi’s sorry history as ideological slut and military welcome mat years ago.

He tried to be pan-Arab. The other Arabs thought he was a wack job and never told him nuthin’. He went off in a huff and said he’d realized he wasn’t Arab, he was African. That ended even worse, when he was beaten up by Chad. Not the guy, the country, but then the country Chad isn’t much scarier than most guys named Chad, so it comes to the same shameful thing. He tried to be a socialist revolutionary and a bunch of little liberation armies pretended to go along, then ditched him once he’d delivered the semtex.

Qaddafi has always been the dumped slut of  the ideological world. He had his oil and the money it brought; he had his harem and his giant Brady Bunch of the Sahara family; and he had six million Libyans who were forced to listen to his crap speeches day after day, year after year, for 42 years. I mean, think of that. There are people whose hair is going gray now, people almost my age, who were born to the sound of Qaddafi making a five-hour speech, and now that their doctors are telling them their blood pressure is a little high, they can still still hear Qaddafi making another five-hour speech. That’d drive anybody’s BP up into the steam zone.

The kids weren’t gonna take it anymore, once they saw the Egyptian cool kids take down Mubarak. This is a kid’s revolution, and there are a lot of kids to make it—Libya’s got a good high birthrate, ranked #71 now but was much higher 15 years ago. And here’s the ultimate annoying dictator for a 15-year old: he not only makes you sit still to listen to those goddamn speeches but he hogs all the cute girls, his kids get the Maseratis and the football contracts, and if you try to get something going on your own with the Euro tourist girls who swan around the beaches in no clothes, they flinch because they think you’re a terrorist. And when it’s time to get a job…job? There’s no jobs, just the oil, and one of the worst things about oil is it just doesn’t take that many people, especially untrained locals, to pump it offshore.

And it’s winter, good weather for zooming around on a Toyota pickup doing that fast-raid thing that worked so well for the Chadians. ‘Cept they forgot one thing: the Chadians had French air force backing when they humiliated Qaddafi in 1987. With good air cover, Qaddafi’s T-72’s are 50-ton jack-in-the-boxes, with turrets that fly 100 yards across the desert when hit with the right AS munition. But until those planes swoop down—when you’re sitting on the sand with an AK or even an RPG—a T-72 is like the will of God coming down on the unelect.

And that’s where today’s first blog better stop. I thought it’d be hard to do but here I am way longer than I thought and all I’ve done is mess with Qaddafi a little. Well, can’t help it, I’ve had Qaddafi jokes in my head too long. Now they’re flushed, and tomorrow I’ll do a Rommel Xmas.

–You know what a Rommel Xmas is? I saw this on a documentary once about Rommel in North Africa. He’s having his morning conference with his colonels and notices it’s Dec. 25. So he says, “Akh, today iz Grizmuz.” Turns sighing to one colonel : “Ernst, how is your wife?” Turns to another: “Franz, how is your wife?” Says with relief, “Gut, zat vuz Grizmuz. Now, get out ze maps.”

So that’s me tomorrow, no more Ka-Daffy jokes, all business, pure Rommel Xmas.

Would you like to know more? Gary Brecher is the author of the War Nerd. Send your comments to Read Gary Brecher’s first ever War Nerd column by clicking here.

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  • 1. Max Bell  |  March 21st, 2011 at 11:23 am

    Fuckin’ yay! Just the MC the Arab Spring needed. Good times!

  • 2. Nor Word  |  March 21st, 2011 at 11:28 am

    Thank for allowing my retarded web doppelganger to post a comment:

    Nice to see you’re back on track. Singles are always easy to hit than home runs- luckily for you, Quack-Daffy is still around to throw it straight and slow.

  • 3. Victorvalley Villain  |  March 21st, 2011 at 12:12 pm has not been updating for weeks, and now Dolan is promising daily Brecher Blogs.

    The younguns didn’t get themselves in trouble (or killed) in some far off land did they?

  • 4. Beam  |  March 21st, 2011 at 12:20 pm


  • 5. Ben  |  March 21st, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    I’m very keen on the all-new, more regular War Nerd concept.

    I’m hoping you’ll discuss how come Iran’s attempted revolution was a fizzle, the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt basically worked, and Libya ended up as a civil war.

  • 6. mookid  |  March 21st, 2011 at 1:16 pm

    daily war nerd? i hope this war lasts forever.

  • 7. AJ  |  March 21st, 2011 at 1:31 pm

    You may call Qaddafi a pussy who caves at the least provocation. I say he always remains flexible and is quick to recognize and manipulate the new necessities. An idiot could not have held the reigns of power for 42 years in one of the world’s most resource-rich countries and still be an idiot.

    The flamboyant “King of Kings, Loon of Loons” facade hides a man that is just as smart and efficient as he is vicious. Call me pessimistic, but I have a feeling that our latest excursion into this man’s lair does not end well.

  • 8. hey joe  |  March 21st, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    great blog if it was like a week ago.

  • 9. Eddie  |  March 21st, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    Shibbirr Shibbirr, Bet, Bet, Dar, Dar, Zanga, Zanga, Ferd, Ferd.


    The millions at my side. The millions will march, & no one can stop them. Quickly, quickly.

    Inch by inch, house by house, home by home, alley by alley.

    The hour of action is ringing. The hour of the march is ringing. The hour of victory is ringing. It’s ringing!

    Inch by inch, house by house, home by home, alley by alley.

    Foreward, foreward! Revolution, revolution!


    Looks like grandpa made at least one good prediction.

  • 10. gyges  |  March 21st, 2011 at 1:51 pm

    I see you’ve got a picture of a technical-as-rebel … so much for the spontaneous people’s uprising.

  • 11. Coriolan  |  March 21st, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    @Ben : That’s quite easy to figure out. Iran’s “revolution” was made by the rich college-educated kids facing a strong government backed by the iranian people you never hear about, cuz’ they look like talibans and can’t even speak english, which means “pretty much everybody in Iran”.

    In Tunisia and Egypt, everybody rose against weak governments. The few rich kids in the name of freedom, the rest of the population in the name of “We can’t even afford bread anymore. The kind of people you need in a revolution, the kind that isn’t afraid of beeing splattered with blood.

    As for Lybia, this isn’t a country. it’s a conglomerate of more than one hundred tribes. The tripolitanian (West of the country, around Tripoli) tribes are mostly for Kadhafi, while the cyrenaican (East, biggest city : Benghazi) tribes are mostly against him, hence civil war.

    Look where Kadhafi is, look where is the rebels’ stronghold. Tripoli, Benghazi.

    If you can read french, here’s a good article about it :

    It still should be understandable if you Google Translate it, though.

    (I’m french, i’m doing my best to write properly in english, my bad if it hurt your eyes)

  • 12. Yousif  |  March 21st, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    wicked sick

  • 13. allen  |  March 21st, 2011 at 3:18 pm

    What I’m curious about is this: are the rebels actually that pathetic or were they playing it up for the cameras? ( I mean essentially trying to get that nfz asap.)

    At least one of Quaddafi’s former generals (defected) was making a lot of loud noises talking about Rommel in ww2 and how Quaddafi’s supply lines were too long and they were going to trap his forces in Bengazi, or something. Visions crossed my mind of T72’s burning in tight corridors, trapped Chechnya style and getting peppered with RPG7s. (I’m assuming most of them are not fitted with that explosive reactive armor or whatever).

    But then nothing. It seemed like the rebels really were about to be crushed.

    Isn’t that sad? I mean even the Fallujah boys put up a way better fight against the Marines for god’s sake.

    (Granted I would take unemployed Republican Guard regulars and al Quaeda in Iraq any day of the week over these sad “rebels”; AiR especially, if you look at some of their sophisticated attacks, they were bizarrely excellent at small unit combat — I mean where the hell did these guys come from? … but I digress … they were fighting the UNITED STATES. This is Quaddafi for God’s sake.)

  • 14. Michael  |  March 21st, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    Very entertaining, but outdated the second it was posted.

    They HAVE French airpower now! And American Tomahawks, Italian confetti etc. etc…

  • 15. CB  |  March 21st, 2011 at 4:58 pm

    @ 13 Allen:

    Um, yes, pretty much. Their biggest problem is that they’re disorganized and have very poor communication with each other, and after that it’s that half the rebels are military who defected, while the other half are just hot-headed kids who want to drive their technicals straight to Tripoli.

    If this war drags on, and I’ve read my War Nerd correctly at all, then I’m betting you’ll see the rebels get sharper as the latter half either wise up or die off.

    @ 7 AJ:

    I think he’s a crafty fox *and* a pussy. Oh and a bit of the egomaniacal nut-job ala Kim Jong-il to boot. None of these things are mutually exclusive. He’s not an idiot, no, but he’s also not a genius either, and his record isn’t that great *except* that he held onto power for a long time. So he can play internal politics and avoid assassination. Good for him. Let’s see how he handles an open rebellion assisted by first-class air forces.

  • 16. Eric  |  March 21st, 2011 at 6:48 pm

    I look forward to regular War Nerd posts.

    @ Coriolan;
    Don’t worry about your English. Unfortunately for us, it’s better than most Americans can manage.

  • 17. DaveDude  |  March 21st, 2011 at 7:17 pm

    Damn good column, looking forward to reading it daily.

    With material like Khaddafy (I’m too tired to check how it is really spelled and way too tired to make a bad joke) you can’t go wrong.

  • 18. pMX?  |  March 21st, 2011 at 8:28 pm


  • 19. Tyler  |  March 21st, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    Brecher, is this whole region gonna erupt in something like world war 3?

    It seems like 1914 all over again. Or is it all gonna be just fine? Can I just go back to watching reality Tv and surfing porn?

  • 20. Soj  |  March 21st, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    To continue the “war as sports entertainment” analogy, oddly enough, I’d put my money on Khaddafi. And yes I’m speaking in the present, when cruise missiles are firing and Sarkozy’s neck vein is twitching he’s so angry.

  • 21. jack kane  |  March 21st, 2011 at 9:16 pm

    Qaddafi isn’t so bad. Take a look at the picture here:
    Notice how Libya is the only green country in Africa. Also notice how Libya is greener than obscenely rich (in natural resources) places like Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, and Congo.
    Now look at some of the the West’s “friends”. Notice the sickly yellow color of Bulgaria, the Ukraine, Indonesia and Egypt. The former two used to have economies during the Soviet era, and the latter two are rich in natural resources and should be better developed.
    Also look at the places where the US benevolently brought democracy. Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Central America… Not too green.

    Looks like Qaddafi was an astute ruler who managed to preserve himself and his country for over four decades in the face of considerable pressure from the west. Despot he may be, but under his rule Libya has grown from a colonial backwater to a semi-decent place to live. I fail to see what the “democracies” in Eastern Europe, South East Asia and Latin America have to show for themselves. The point being that in a world in which the CIA, NED, IMF and other shadowy organizations wreak havoc, having Qaddafi at the helm might well be a blessing.

    Regarding the war, there are indications that the recent wave of revolts in the Middle East has little to do with democracy. In Libya’s case in particular, the Cirenaican tribes, who hate Qaddafi’s guts, have taken arms (probably Western-bought) against the country’s government. Qaddafi keeps saying he is fighting al-Qaeda, and he has a point – the rebels may well be Islamist extremists. Qaddafi isn’t suppressing peaceful protesters, he is fighting for his life against armed insurgents.

    In light of recent events in Yemen, Bahrain, and Egypt, the NATO attack obviously has absolutely nothing to do with anything but imperialism. The West decided to do a Yugoslavia on Qaddafi. The propaganda is roaring full blast, the planes are flying, the hypocrisy is suffocating, and it looks like Qaddafi and his country are both toast. The Western powers are pursuing an unequivocal strategy of smashing every “third world” country that dares lift its head – Yugoslavia, Iraq, you name it. The IMF does most of the work, and when the bankers fail, in come the asshole flyboys, surely the biggest cowards in military history.
    It’s a race to the bottom, guys, soon coming to a state or country near you.

  • 22. Pascual Gorostieta  |  March 21st, 2011 at 11:07 pm

    You gotta watch Yemen too. I think if things get rough there we could see a Saudi punitive expedition.

  • 23. dfasd  |  March 21st, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    Qaddafi will finish this on top

  • 24. Esn  |  March 21st, 2011 at 11:33 pm

    Brecher, do you think the African Union will be dissolved after this? I understand that Gaddafi provided most of its funding over the last few decades.

  • 25. maha  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 2:29 am

    daily Brecher, gentlemen!

  • 26. Michal  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 2:35 am

    13. Allen: I don’t think the rebels anticipated the armed fifth column that is now activated in Benghazi and exchanging bullets with the rebels. That’s got to put a chink in any urban defence.

    I also think the part of reason why this didn’t happen is that the Gaddafi’s men are getting toasted by western airplanes at the gates of Benghazi. I suspect it’s much better than having another Grozny, which was fucking terrible.

    @21. Jack Kane

    If I read that map correctly, Saudi Arabia and gulf states also have a high human development index. Praise the Saudis! Great rulers of Arabia who brought the Human Development Index high! Surely they are full of administrative wisdom and it has absolutely nothing to do with massive oil deposits and relative lack of any hellholish setting a la Africa.

    Also, the human development index map does not show distribution of wealth. The eastern portion of Libya is pretty much destitute (and thus also producing a lot of bombers who go and blow themselves up in Iraq).

  • 27. Eddie  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 2:36 am

    Let me be the first to write it here!

    Qaddafi is toast. He is to old, fat and most importantly stupid to realize that this is no longer about him. He lives in a romantic fantasy world where he as Supreme King leads his brave soldiers against those evil imperialist Europeans. Advancing street by street, alley by alley, breath by breath(read his Zanga Zanga speach above). Until the final glorious victory.

    Sorry to break this to you Q, if I can call you that. But this is all horse shit.

    People really don’t give a shit about you. The only reason that they are fighting is that you pay them, and or they have no idea what the enemy wants. That’s the only reason. If you are unable to make it about anything but yourself(story has to be tight)then you will one day find yourself in a cellar like Saddam wondering what the fuck happened.

    So here is my tip to you.

    First, forget all that stupid shit that you have learned. Being a good warrior has nothing to do with massed infantry charges. Forget about those tanks( Focus instead on building support in the community. Give them a vision for the future of Libya that does not include you as a king.

    Also, you might want to slim down, cut that hair of and get used to living on very little water and food. Oh, and you will need to be able to read maps. Let’s just start there.

    Regarding your sons. They may know a thing or two about hunting euro pussy(more likely paying euro pussy), but they know shit about combat. Non of the lessons involving euro pussy translate into guerilla combat. (I have done some extensive research on this topic). Shape those boys up, they are the only thing you have. The lazy beduin lifestyle is not an option.

    Ok. I will leave it there for the moment. There are many more steps to being a successful guerilla fighter but that will have to come at the later time.

  • 28. Ozinator  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 5:46 am

    And yet USicans fall for the “crazy hitler” line every time. This time around, even supposed progressives like Democracy Now! and Robert Fisk are weighing in with their ad hominem, while repeating unsubstantiated claims from above.

    I have a friend who stayed with a family of academics in Venezuela and he came back to tell me that the people hated Chavez. Now to him, this family was “poor brown people” (they didn’t own a large flat screen TV)and representative of the country. Right wingers glued to their TV’s can be excused for being flag waving idiots, but the ignorance of peace loving lefties cheering on “color revolutions” in Iran and Libya or elsewhere is disheartening.

  • 29. Bork bork bork  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 5:48 am

    Brecher even if colonel Sanders kills you soon I don’t think you should stop serious research. If you learn how to do it and keep your great writing style this column can be the very best.

  • 30. pacific league  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 7:16 am

    I gotta say I think that Qadaffi has been playing his cards pretty well here.

    When protests started he killed a small number of protesters at first, enough to stay in control without pissing off the dogooders in the West.

    Then he let the rebels start the “serious” military activity, while he waited and waited. Let the rebels shoot their load, bragging about how they were going to take over the country with small arms. In the meantime Qadaffi starts raising a cannon fodder army with a bunch of poor black Africans, while saving up his artillery, tanks and airforce.

    Finally when the rebels are over their initial adrenaline rush and are tired, cold, dirty and hungry after crossing hundreds of miles of desert on the way to Tripoli, he launches his counter attack. Kicks the absolute shit out of them, incorporating really good propaganda, “We’re coming for you and will kill you all,” all that kind of stuff. Perfect tone when you’ve got a bunch of kids on the run whose prior military experience has been limited to playing “Call of Duty.”

    Now he’s got to deal the French and British leading the US into a “peace keeping” operation. Think Obama will have the guts to pull the trigger and go after Qadaffi personally? Please.

    So, Qadaffi eliminates most of his domestic opposition, makes NATO and the US look like paper tigers, and gets back his street cred in the Middle East as the “Bad Nigger” of the Arab world, something he lost when he pussed out and volunteered up his atomic and chemical weapons.

    What am I missing here?

  • 31. Erik  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 7:46 am

    He had his oil and the money it brought; he had his harem and his giant Brady Bunch of the Sahara family; and he had six million Libyans who were forced to listen to his crap speeches day after day, year after year, for 42 years.

    Wish it was me.

  • 32. boson  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 8:08 am

    okay, so who’s gonna win? do these “rebels” (do we have any idea who these people are??) have enough military power to defeat kaddhafi, if they got some air support from the West?
    i want an answer no longer than 2 sentences maximum.

  • 33. Eddie  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 1:28 pm


    No red blooded male with testosterone levels within the normal range is going to miss shit this heavy. This thing is EPIC. Ever wondered why the kids are playing Counter Strike, Halo or Battlefield? Well because it’s pure adrenalin. When you are doing it live you realize what glory is and why we have been doing this since the beginning of time.

    Notice that they are playing the game in “Capture the Flag” mode. The rules are simple, advance on the enemy, capture territory and consolidate possession. Re-spawn at next available location.

    My money is on the rebels. They are doing it for the love of the game. A paid army is useless when the shit really hits the fan.

  • 34. postman  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 2:03 pm


    1. Rebels are tribal fighters (tribal enemies of Gaddhafi’s tribe) armed, trained and backed by SAS and Sayeret Matkal.
    2. Whoever dies faster in a place like Libya wins.

  • 35. postman  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 2:27 pm


    Tunisia and Egypt are pro-west and there it was organised by NWO. Another Wikileaks disinfo operation, Facebook provocations, etc…
    However, Iran is suvereign, and the iranian counter-intelligence must have been aware of the de-stabilization project going on.
    Libya civil war is staged again, the international precedent it gives (“evil regime mass murdering the people so we must bomb and invade” media lies) can be used to take out Iran.

  • 36. postman  |  March 22nd, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    jack kane,

    Gaddhafi is right blaming Al-Qaeda, as in he himself knows just as well that Al-Qaeda has nothing to do with Arabs, other than Al-Qaeda is a pseudo-terrorist gang of the Mistaravim units. One Mistaravim commando was detained in Egypt, they must have infiltrated Libya as the SAS folks did.

  • 37. naturalethic  |  March 23rd, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    Here is part one. I see a link at the top for part three. The “War Nerd” link goes to some article from two years ago. How do I find part two? Need better nav, man.

  • 38. Mad F**king Matt  |  March 23rd, 2011 at 2:48 pm

    Bang on, man. My favorite pundit delivers yet again. I went back and read the novella on Qadaffi from 2004 and instantly felt like I knew the scumbag.

    With the new daily format, I think it’s a good time to ask about a number of topics. Namely:

    1) What’s driving this arabian inferno? The grain subsidies and food prices is changing in all these third-world, food-importing arab countries…is that a factor?
    2) Iraq and the stan are now the longest wars in American history, two at the same time…is this the new face of imperialism or some shit? Will there be no end?
    3) Those fussy Israelis have a picture of one of their anti-RPG “futureweapons” missile defense systems being deployed from a tank in recent combat…right? What’s the deal there…beginning of the end for the RPG, or just more BS?

    I write for a living and I’ve always felt like your regular posts were way too long (the length made up for the low posting frequency) so I love the new length, even if you don’t end up posting every single day. It’s tricking you into writing about one thing–a style my boss called “power of one” writing–and it helps to consistently deliver good content.

    Better strategy to make limited, tactical strikes on individual targets, rather than starting a land war in Asia every time you pick up the pen.

    So cheers man. I’ve been reading for years and this is my first comment. Keep up the great freaking work.

    Also, for some reason, your page is redirecting me to the Interview tips for General Nkunda article…WTF IT?

  • 39. Jesse the Scout  |  March 27th, 2011 at 10:57 pm

    Don’t let the armchair generals get under your skin when they tear at everything you write. No matter what you do or say there will always be a horde of them itching to tell you all the thousand reasons you’re wrong about everything in their down time between raid runs in WoW.

  • 40. Bahrain  |  February 19th, 2012 at 8:01 am

    nobody cares about the people ….they are suffering …. now its all over…atleast they get time to rebuilt and renovate

  • 41. justin  |  July 31st, 2012 at 8:10 pm

    @ pacific league:

    “I gotta say I think that Qadaffi has been playing his cards pretty well here.

    When protests started he killed a small number of protesters at first, enough to stay in control without pissing off the dogooders in the West.

    Then he let the rebels start the “serious” military activity, while he waited and waited. Let the rebels shoot their load, bragging about how they were going to take over the country with small arms. In the meantime Qadaffi starts raising a cannon fodder army with a bunch of poor black Africans, while saving up his artillery, tanks and airforce.

    Finally when the rebels are over their initial adrenaline rush and are tired, cold, dirty and hungry after crossing hundreds of miles of desert on the way to Tripoli, he launches his counter attack. Kicks the absolute shit out of them, incorporating really good propaganda, “We’re coming for you and will kill you all,” all that kind of stuff. Perfect tone when you’ve got a bunch of kids on the run whose prior military experience has been limited to playing “Call of Duty.”

    Now he’s got to deal the French and British leading the US into a “peace keeping” operation. Think Obama will have the guts to pull the trigger and go after Qadaffi personally? Please.

    So, Qadaffi eliminates most of his domestic opposition, makes NATO and the US look like paper tigers, and gets back his street cred in the Middle East as the “Bad Nigger” of the Arab world, something he lost when he pussed out and volunteered up his atomic and chemical weapons.

    What am I missing here?”

    I know this was posted a LONG time ago, but i have to point this out, and hopefully maybe the author of the article will see this and maybe write about how speculating can be downright silly sometimes.

    But seriously, DAMN!! pacific league got the situation so absolutely wrong its amazing. Like he couldnt have possibly been more wrong about everything he said. It just goes to show how a little ignorance and little to much thinking can really dream up some crazy wrong shit.

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