So there are these narco-banners being hung up all around the metropolitan areas of San Pedro, Monterrey, Escobedo and San Nicolas. If you don’t read Spanish, here’s a rough translation:
Mr. Felipe Calderon [that’s our president]:
With all the respect you deserve, stop helping us. Poison is fought with poison itself.
Attention: The alliance of Mexican cartels united against the “Z” [Zetas] will continue after you RETIRE THE ARMY [pull troops off the street].
I gotta tell you, it doesn’t get any more official than this: a nasty drug cartel war is about to erupt, and they are telling the feds to stay out of it.
Meanwhile, here in Monterrey they are talking about martial law at night. The levantones (kidnappings) and SUV thefts keep increasing… If that happens, I won’t complain because it is the lesser of two evils, at least the feds don’t prey on the civilian population like the god-less zetones.
I’ll be updating with details and information as I get it. For now, read my last piece about the Zetas: Mexican Drug Cartels Raid Massive Rave Parties, Crack Down On Rival Pushers…
Read more: advertising campaign, drug cartel, mexico, monterrey, pancho montana, war, Pancho Montana, The Mexican Drug War, What You Should Hate
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Add your own1. Anonimo | March 3rd, 2010 at 6:18 pm
The last sentence is:
When we are done, come after us…
2. Mx? | March 3rd, 2010 at 7:11 pm
I cant wait to see the bullet ridden body of fucking lazcano. You have my full suport, union of cartels, just keep your shit to yourselves and leave the civilians out of it.
3. Diet Coke | March 3rd, 2010 at 7:38 pm
Man if Americans ever saw a hummvee parked in Houston like that they would totally freak out.
4. empire in decline | March 3rd, 2010 at 10:23 pm
Thanks for reporting on this, Pancho. It’s good to get an insider account of what’s going on when the media there are too afraid to report the truth out of fear of reprisals.
All of this will probably be the subject of an exciting, interesting, yet sad movie one day.
5. LILIANA | March 4th, 2010 at 10:48 am
that traduction is wrong!!!
6. Jorge | March 4th, 2010 at 10:50 am
So its true, Im going back to Monterrey next Wednesday for a few days, I know its kinda sick but I’m thrilled, I hope I get to see some action, maybe take some pictures with my face and two big thumbs up beside a dead body. He..
Seriously, the shit is about to go down and I hope I don’t miss it. I only hope they exterminate all the Zetas so that we can continue to make the usual millions poisoning american youth in peace.
7. Nikki Knockers | March 4th, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Bravo Panchito!, the only website that matters…
8. MB | March 4th, 2010 at 7:11 pm
Good article, but I read this differently.
The sign is from the Zetas, and the last line is them baiting the anti-Zeta coalition, saying “when we’re finished [dealing with the army], continue following us”
Never forget how much these locos love taunting…
Thanks for the great material tho, another national scoop in the bag for Ames, Levine & Co.
9. Mx? | March 5th, 2010 at 6:50 pm
sorry about that, yes the last part does say that after they are done with the zetas the soldiers can come after them.
the Army and the Marines both know about the deal between the cartels, the goverment and even the media know about it, its an agreement to let them finish their work, getting rid of the zetas, meaning they´ll get rid of extortions, kidnappings, derechos de piso, all the shit that doesnt have anything to do with smuggling drugs.
this is the last push, I can almost FEEL the peace…
10. LC guy | March 8th, 2010 at 8:53 pm
Your translation is partly wrong.
It says with all due respect, stop helping us. The poison is being fought with the same poison. An alliance of cartels unite against the Zetas. After we finish, then come after us. Remove the army.
11. Mario Montana | March 22nd, 2010 at 7:10 pm
Good job Pancho!!! Keep it up brother. Hey, you need to make some cash, email me soon.
We can do this legally and above board and help save lives.
12. Mario Montana | March 22nd, 2010 at 7:22 pm
You are exiled, but you still need to make some money to eat, drink, live & smoke the smoke of our Aztecs forefathers.
So, send the the rich, the narcos who want to retire rich and all those who want to get out of Mexico w/ their money, but most of all their lives.
I will find them homes in Aztlan and give you referrel money $$$$. My job is helping folks, all folks, find homes that are off the beaten path. I do not ask questions of where the cash comes from, just as long as I get paid.
I am a Capitalist, not a commie. Let’s make some $$$$$, brother. Email me Pancho, I know Mexicanos want to get out of there. And, folks in Monterrey have the money to get out until things cool down.
Stop smoking for one day and put on your enterprise hat.
13. Mx? | March 23rd, 2010 at 4:49 am
What are u suggesting Mario?? you got me on cash but lost me on the rest if you care to eXplain a little
14. Mo Hamid | April 2nd, 2010 at 9:51 pm
Chechyn and Dagestani extremists get money and inspiration from Saudi Arabia and the emirates. And from the Sunni diaspora but mainly from Saudis in Saudi Arabia and rich gulf places like Kuwait. They also get support from some Iranian clerics and IRG who believe in the unity of Islam supercedes any inter Islamic conflict. And whatever the Iranian mullahs say about being friends of Russia they believe that the Russians are still the same Russians who sponsored the pro Moscow Iranian communist party. Note that after the 1979 revolution the Mullah regime went after the pro Soviet Iranian communist party before they took on any other foes, and they executed every communist person they could find, male or female. The clerics and religious types in Iran still hate all Russians, and they hate Russian Orthodox as much as they hated the Russian Communist Party.
15. steve | April 23rd, 2010 at 3:25 pm
um, it may be well known, but a surprise to us.
Friends returning from San Luis Potosi today report that business owners say
the zetas are in complete control there (protection money, etc);
we are in san miguel de allende; up to now, we had thought SLP was “independent.” So, their influence is also moving South, as well as North and West?
The new mayor here wants to bring in the Army, perhaps to re-assure the Gringo masses here.
16. MR. WHO? | May 19th, 2010 at 10:16 am
Man, all I can say is that I’ve read up on those zetas and those dudes are fuckin RAW!!! I would never mess with them!
17. TotallyWired | June 9th, 2010 at 6:01 pm
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