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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / April 5, 2012 -- He abandoned the organizing committee (Facilitation Committee) to become a police liaison, never revealing the meeting minutes with even the most active organizers. His secret plans alongside SEIU organized, without discussing with the Occupation, operated the failed attempted November 17th action to take Wally Park, resulting in more than a dozen Occupy Los Angeles arrests, not once aided by SEIU for bail, court representation, or even offering traumatic recovery. The reason that we have become aware of SEIU’s actions was due to the Washington rally, where Occupiers met and discovered that all of their own actions, from Seattle to Chicago, were all organized by SEIU representatives without giving knowledge to the Occupiers beforehand. SEIU, alongside their lapdog Mario Brito, organized Occupiers to take the fall, and never helped them up. The night after the raid on November 30th, misplaced homeless individuals were offered to stay in the SEIU parking lot. SEIU gave them space, made them sign a contract declaring that Occupiers, not misplaced homeless individuals, were taken in by SEIU, had a quick photo shoot, and then after the actions of one homeless individual named Shadow getting into a physical altercation with Mario Brito, were all shoved out. They were there less than a week, which, by the way, were demanding the volunteer Medics of the Occupation to take care of the people within the parking lots. This after a majority of them were locked in jail or defending City Hall.

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  • 1. Mike C.  |  April 7th, 2012 at 2:50 am

    Brito’s no Sue Basko.

  • 2. Jkd  |  February 2nd, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    Mario was a fuck head, but I definitely saw that dude (and his kid) at Alex’s funeral. Anyway, all those shits who pretended the GAs mattered were fuck heads, too, so fuck them

  • 3. Millie  |  June 13th, 2013 at 2:09 pm

    Ey! I think I know Shadow! Is he the skinny young black dude with the purple baseball cap? He gets into altercations alot.

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