www.dailymail.co.uk -- A rumbling volcano in the Philippines was on the verge of a major eruption today – but thousands of villagers living on its slopes are refusing to leave their homes.Already, 40,000 people have fled the no-go zone around Mount Mayon, which oozed crimson lava during eerie scenes captured last night.But around 3,000 residents, mostly farmers, remain – with some even returning after being evacuated up to three times by authorities.
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Add your own1. Tony | December 23rd, 2009 at 7:17 pm
I keep asking Santa Claus for this to be like the Toba event. Just please wipe it all away! But the planet probably can’t get that lucky 🙁
2. internal exile | December 24th, 2009 at 1:11 am
Official responses are usually overly nervous-nellie. The authoritahs will do anything to avoid appearing “uncaring” to the rest of the world media. Rivers of lava? If your house isn’t in the path and the whole mountain doesn’t blow, would probably be a “hell” of a show.
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