
low-yield murder

"control shot"


really stupid criminal


cries for help ignored


"investigation continuing"

carved up like a turkey

related to victim's job


riddled with bullets

old people

Hunger-related murder
It was a small affront, but it cost Veronika Volodina her life. The pretty
16 year-old from Lyublino went to a disco one night and spent 200 rubles
there. After that, she went home. End of story. Sentence: death.
so your girlfriend is having her period, too? I thought I was the
only one.”
Veronika’s mistake, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets, was that she
had told a friend of hers named Yuliya Kalinova before going into the
disco that she couldn’t lend her 50 rubles. Actually, it wasn’t even as
bad as all that. Yuliya and Veronika had met some six months before at
a party, where the straight-laced, diligent girl from the good family,
Veronika, had attracted the attention of a boy named Volodya. Yuliya,
runaway daughter of violent drunks and a heroin addict herself since the
age of 13, had liked Volodya herself. Nothing doing. Volodya picked Veronika.
Not for long, true, but that didn’t matter. His rejection of Yuliya was
certainly permanent enough.
Over the course of the year, Yuliya started to get into trouble. Neighbors
sent in complaints to the police about her-about how she spit in the face
of one old woman, for instance, or tossed broken glass on the stairwell
in front of another. At one point during the winter she made a phone call
to Belarus from a friend’s house, racking up a 275-ruble bill. The friend’s
father demanded the money and Yuliya didn’t have it. So she went around
town looking for money to borrow. Eventually, after exhausting a host
of other possibilities, she came to Veronika one afternoon for the money.
Veronika told her she didn’t have the money, that all she could lend
her was 50 rubles. Yuliya was offended: you know what you can do with
your 50 rubles, she said, and stormed off. “Nyet kak nyet,” thought Veronika,
and went home.
That night, Yuliya came across Veronika outside the disco. Apparently
having changed her mind, she asked if Veronika still had that 50 rubles.
Annoyed, Veronika said she didn’t have it. Bad move. Yuliya later found
out through friends that Veronika spent no less than 200 rubles later
that night. It was proof of a deception that Yuliya would not forgive.
Yuliya confided in another friend, a fellow high school flunkie and
heroin banger named Zhenya Zaborina. Zaborina was known as a nice girl
around the neighborhood, if a little slow, who’d just begun that year
to lose her way. Along with Yuliya, she’d turned into a hardcore addict
the previous summer. Now she spent most of her time at home. When Yuliya
came home that day complaining about that stuck-up little Veronika, Zhenya,
as was her habit, quickly took her fellow junkie’s side. The two of them
agreed that Veronika needed to be punished.
The next day they confronted her in a park, after Veronika got out of
school, and demanded an explanation for the 200-ruble incident. Veronika,
infuriated, shouted them both down right away. “What, did you want me
to bring the money home to you?” she yelled. “Ridiculous! And the real
reason I didn’t give you the money was because I knew I’d never see it
Veronika stormed off. The friends stood there in shock.
“Wow, that was great! Can we try it again with the bigger one?” |
A week later, Veronika was dead. The two girls had conspired to visit
her at home, rob her, and strangle her. And that was exactly what they
did. One day they visited Veronika in the afternoon, overpowered her,
and strangled her with a scarf. They left the body in the stairwell of
the building, and left the apartment with a few bagfuls of Veronika’s
things-some clothes, an amber bracelet, some nail polish, a pack of Parliament
cigarettes, 100 dollars and 500 rubles.
The girls went immediately to the marketplace, where they changed the
dollars and bought themselves some new clothes. They took the rest of
the stuff to a pawnbroker and converted it into cash. That night, they
went to the disco. The same disco. And had, by all reports, a good time.
The next day they were both picked up. Now they’re in jail, awaiting
sentence. The maximum they can receive: 10 years. Not a bad trade, for
one good night.
They are the crackhouses of Russia, and they’re all around us. They’re
run-down apartment-crash-pads full of drunks who drink round the clock.
Just about every apartment building in town as one or two of them-places
where drunks in off the street come to hang out. Maybe one of them owns
the place. Maybe some of them can’t remember whose apartment it is. It
doesn’t matter. The main thing is that drinking alone sucks.
All the same, peace and quiet is nice sometimes. Particularly when you’re
41 and you’ve spent the whole night boozing with four people, two of whom
happen to be your 24 year-old drunk girlfriend and a young man in his
twenties you’re pretty sure she’s flirting with. That’s an act that can
get kind of boring. Fortunately, there’s always a solution to that problem
in Russia, and it’s seldom more than an unopened drawer away. All you
have to do is find the kitchen knife-even the poorest apartments usually
have them-and you can dispatch any obstacle to your happiness quickly
and vigorously.
That’s what one 41 year-old on Isakovskogo street in Moscow did this
past Tuesday. He took the old kitchen knife and hacked up his girlfriend
and another man. Typical story, but then he did an atypical thing: instead
of fleeing the scene, he simply returned to his chair and sat watching
television while just a few feet away, the bodies of two people sat bathing
in rapidly-expanding puddles of blood.
The killer had spared two other people in the room, who quickly fled
the scene, without telling police, leaving the culprit to enjoy his TV-viewing
alone. This mirthful scene was interrupted the next morning, when another
alcoholic friend came by to visit. He left quickly (no doubt waving in
the doorway and saying “Um, I’ll come back later”), and called the police.
When the Law arrived soon after, the killer was still sitting watching
television. He was handcuffed right there in his chair.
“I think I’ll just lie down here for a while and take a premature
death from exposure.” |
And finally, a heartwarming story from the Northern Capital, brought
to you by the always-reliable folks at “Vne Zakona”, which is fast replacing
“Mister Iks” as the most twisted periodical in the country. According
to the semi-glossy crime weekly— which features centerfolds of saggy whores
partically clothed in military and rescue uniforms, as well as personal
ads from Russian prisoners— a 16 year-old junkie a
few weeks ago was arrested in St. Petersburg for an extremely interesting
crime. According to the mag, the teenager, who had already done time in
a juvenile home for theft, had dropped by a friend’s house late at night
to find the door open. He walked in and, finding everyone inside asleep,
decided to relax a little bit. When you’re whacked out on heroin, almost
anything sounds fun. Anyway, the immediate opportunity which presented itself
was afforded by the father of the friend our junkie culprit had originally
intended to visit. Dad was sacked out on the couch face down, having fallen
asleep while watching TV. Spotting what the magazine described as “a hole
in the man’s sweatpants, and one in an interesting place,” the jonesed-out
kid got an idea. He snuck into the kitchen, found a long wooden spoon, and
shoved it thin-end-first straight into the “ananlnoye otberstiye” of sleeping
Dad. Sadly, Dad did not wake up right away, giving the young cuplrit time
to escape. When he finaly did wake up, puzzled to find the instrument buried
in his ass, it was too late. He developed periontitis in hisa intestines
as a result of the incident and, a few weeks later, he died! Our 16 year-old
confessed immediately. The moral of the story: when whacked out on drugs,
stay home and watch “Heat”. It’s just as fun, and you have more clean silverware
ready when you need it. Har!
