Dear Exile,
Your newspaper is far more obnoxious, presumptuous, and malevolent than I could have ever imagined. Despite the fact that your rude and offensive parody of John Kennedy does not even deserve a thoughtful response, I will give you one. First of all, I found your comments about JFK Jr. offensive NOT because he deserves respect or accolades because of the family/social class/celebrity he was born into, but because I respect human life, period. Insinuating that he somehow deserved to die because of his "stupidity" is to ignore the sanctity, fragility, and capriciousness of life. We all do stupid things; it does not mean that we deserve to die. Unlike you, I do have a very basic respect for the fact that a life was lost. I heard that Exile was intelligent, and even read your article about Yugoslavia on the MoJo wire. I usually choose not to watch sensationalist news. I don't watch TV news at all, in fact, because the "news" has become yet another sick ratings game. But it is not nearly as sick as your vicious parody of a man who was an inspiration to many of us. You should be ashamed of your cynical, bitter and malevolent publication.
Dr. Sara Kinsman
Dear Dr. Kinsman,
Thank you for your thoughtful response. Say, could you send us a picture of your snap--, er, we mean your cunt?
Regarding your column in the latest eXile on Manson and Oswald, I appreciate the populist sentiment, and expect the next column to praise the organizational efforts of enthusiastic professionals who rose from the working class, such as Yagoda, Yezhov, Beria and Julius Streicher.
Thank you,
George Petrov
Dear Mr. Petrov,
H'm, very thought-provoking. So what you're saying is, if Limonov praises one set of madmen in America, then... then... let's see if we've got this right... then what's to stop him from praising ANOTHER set of even crazier madmen right here in his own country! Good god! That's just plain mad! Think of the consequences!
Dear Pratty,
I thought you were major wank all this time, maybe even a fraud and/or invention of my worst nightmares. Now I think you're in for big journo prizes, Pratty-boy, for having scooped all n sundry with your piece on the big customs scandal at Shite-emetyevo. Unless, of course, it's all a big eXile prank and the two hairy wankers put Boris up to changing the customs laws (luring him with a case of Stolchny vodka) just to confirm your little article. We're following you, Pratty, and we're all proud that you scooped the Moscow Times et al by a whole soddin week. So, you've made a believer out of all of us, and we look forward to your illustrious future. So here's my advice, on behalf of all your adoring multitudinous followers: DON'T RESIGN! You're the only tosser at this newspaper with any life in you.
Prince Charles
Dear Charles,
Stuart Pratt replies: "While I can't exactly claim that my scoop on the abrupt and shocking change in the customs currency laws is exactly on par with the New York Times's scoop on the money laundering scheme at Bank of New York, I do hope that it sends a message as to what I can offer the journalism community. And don't worry, I'm not going anywhere just yet. I am in discussions with a few local news bureaus about possible work, but in the meantime, I have to just put my head down and move forward with what I have. Thanks again."
Whilst witnessing the caloric excess of my relatives on our federally-subsidized farm in North-Central Montana, and fresh from a year in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, I was stunned to see the sloppy ruins of journalistic integrity on the nightly news. It seems CBS, at least on Saturdays, thinks that really important stories about the decadent Muscovite nightlife fits the bill. Owen 'Snaggle-Mouth' Matthews was in the pundit-seat declaiming the hedonism and capitalist boom taking over once-commie Moscow, and the cameraman, who must have been really stoked to get his goober-ass past face control, tried his best to imitate Club Dance on TNN as he toggled in and arched over the dancing babes. 'Get here as fast as you can', quoted one bebearded dorkpipe. Well, I'll say it anyway. My relatives were all convinced that this is what I had been doing whilst eating Uzbek plov and sitting crosslegged with the Moslems. No matter what I said or showed in the way of heavily-thumbed photographs, all my obese, pork-eating, lard-brownie-butt family members thought that my mentally debilitating year in South Kyrgyzstan was nothing but discos, discos and more discos. Ahh, but if they only knew. Instead of what CBS claimed was the 'truth' about Russia, I had instead only loose beer and free women. Fuck CBS and fuck the rest of the press. You guys, at least you don't lie so much. Chris Baldwin
Dear Mr. Baldwin,
It seems you don't get it. Your parents WANT to believe that for once in your life, you were getting loose beer and free women. They've been worried about you and frankly so are we.
I just read your e-mag and have got a few curious questions. maybe I introduce myself first. I am Vivian from Melbourne, I am a journo and I am bored. So now, are you guys Russians running an English citymag? Why is it not in Russian? Whats the story, I'd love to know more.
Dear Vivian,
The story is that we decided to start up a magazine catering to bored female journos. From our experience and market research reports, it seems that's a pretty huge, untapped market.