By Edward Limonov

Sweety, handsome boy of Russian politics, Boris Yefimovitch Nemtsov is at his summit now. First vice-premier of Russia at 38, tall, curly black hair, stylishly dressed at business style suits and ties, he is dynamical, articulated, new type of politician. Russian opinion polls ("Ratings") recently showed him as a promising candidate at Presidency of Russia, putting him well ahead of such men as Zyuganov or Lebed.
Boris Yefimovich never was a member of a Communist Party of Soviet Union, that is extreme rarity. He started his life as a student Radio-physicist at University of Gorki, city what was renamed Nizhni-Novgorod. From 1981 he worked as a researcher at Radio-Physical Research Institute of Soviet Academy of Science. He dedicated his P.D. to such a boring subject as "Effects of Interaction Between Moving Sources and Radiation." As a good progressive boy, from 1986 Nemtsov Participated in activity of city of Gorki. (What else, but "avant-garde" would serve Boris?) Not surprisingly he also was a militant of a local organization "For Nuclear Safety." So, Boris Naumovitch have had a green peace attitude towards Russian reality, he was a physicist with an ecological profile.
In 1990 young militant physicist was elected to Russian Parliament of Soviet of Russian Federation. In August 1991 president Yeltsin made Nemtsov his representative at Nizhnegoroskaya oblast. At November of the same year Nemtsov was appointed the head of Administration of Nizhnegoroskaya oblast. In close contact with Yavlinski Nemtsov's administration busied itself with a project of regional economical program. City of Nizhni Novgorod became an example, and symbol of reformed Russian economy, show-case of it.
As a big industrial city, Nizhni Novgorod and its region no more success or failure then any other big industrial city of Russia, it is no better of or worse then Ekaterinburg or Saint-Petersburg. But undeniable that young student-like appearance of its governor Boris Naumovitch Nemtsov contributed largely to its wrong glory as a success at economy. When in 1997 governor Nemtsov was promoted to first vice-premier, senseless hopes and esperances were risen high in Russia and abroad. Those are groundless hopes and esperances. Young Nemtsov started his vice-premier's activities with demagogical statements and not with a big ideas. His gesture of changing "Mercedeses" for Russian "Volgas," attempts to put Russian government officials on the seats of a Russian cars in an example of toothless economical politics of Nemtsov.
So, who is Nemtsov? Good looking mannequin, promoting "reforms"? Young carrierist, arrivist, man who knows how to hook old father Eltsin? (It is known that recently president made to Nemtsov a father's gift of a tennis suit...) For the answer bet us look at his own book Provincial, published in the beginning of 1997. No doubt, in difference from the rest of literary production of Russian politicians, from the volumes of Yeltsin, Lebed or Zuganov, Nemtsov have written his book himself. Provincial is a pretentious book, filled up with a pseudo-philosophical reflections, like such: "HATE. I hate swaggering, arrogance and stupidity. I don't know what to put at first place..." Also, with a pride Nemtsov mentioned at his book that at age of 26 he have invented an "acoustical laser."
What Nemtsov did not mention, that he also the inventor of "an optical device with a mirrors, that, according to criminal experts, served to read playing cards of adversary." To know that, one should take a look at unofficial biography of Boris Naumovich, but it is known to happy few. The following details were given to me by known Moscow lawyer Sergei Beliak.
In 1982 in Nizhni Novgorod were arrested close friends of Boris Nemtsov, three brothers Klimentiev. They been accused of buying and showing to the friends the video-cassettes of Western movies, among others "Emmanuele," "King-Kong," "One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest." In court judgment brothers Klimentiev were charged with "anti-Soviet propaganda" and with an "attempt of Fraud," article 147 of Criminal Code, the later accusation because "an optical device with a mirrors." The older Klimentiev-Andrei was severely condemned to 8 years of imprisonment. He rested in prison until 1989. All that time Boris Nemtsov was very grateful and attentive to his imprisoned friend, he sent Andrei books and presents. Because Andrei Klimentiev never said that optical device with a mirrors, was an invention of a young physicist-Boris Nemtsov.
In coming out of prison, man of a strong will Andrei Klimentiev become successful businessman. He founded companies "Arocco" and "Russian-Shipping." He stayed very close to Nemtsov, to the point that both they were witnesses at marriages of each other. New Klimentiev, in his turn helped young deputy of Nizhni Novgorod, giving him Bottle presents, the ties or tennis racket.
In 1993 "Russian Shipping" have a project of building of a six 5 thousands tons river-ships at Navashino's ship-yard "OKA." For realization of project shipyard was in need of "know how" and money. "Know how" was produced by Norwegian partners of Andrei Klimentiev and money...? For money Klimentiev asked to help governor Boris Nemtosv. He was in need of a credit of 30 million dollars to build those six ships. It was an honest business, Hungarian shippers were ready to buy a four ships for 10 million dollars each.
Nemtsov accepted to help. (For his services, it was agreed beforehand, Nemtsov will receive 800 000 dollars). And he helped. In the beginning of 1994 at Gaidar's dacha, five men (Gaidar, Nemtsov, Klimentiev, Fyodorov and Vavilov-latter two respectively minister of Economy and Finance) got agreement on the 30 million dollars state credit to Klimentiev. In reality Klimentiev have received only 18 millions.
In 1995 Nemtsov suddenly played against Klimentiev. He turned triumvirat (Klimentiev, Nemtsov and Kisliakov, director of ship-yard "OKA") at quartet. Fourth man, Boris Brevnov, age only 25 and already head of NBD bank, Commercial bank founded by Brevnov and Nemtsov himself. So, one day Brevnov called Kisliakov: "Congratulations, you have foreign currency account with us." In this way part of a credit came between Nemtsov's hands, at his bank...
Story is long. To cut it short, Klimentiev was arrested, Nemtsov of course not. After two years spend under arrest, Klimentiev was acquitted on all charges, but one, and set free. As he already spent two years, - exactly the sentence to which he was condemned. His lawyer wants to appeal that condemnation. Two friends Nemtsov and Klimentiev of course are the enemies now. Klimentiev preparing the book where he promised to reveal real life of Boris Nemtsov.
One of the spectacular revelation of Klimentiev, according to his lawyer Beliak is that in 1994 physicist Nemtsov was preparing an attempt upon life of Vladimir Zhirinovski. Zhirinovski supposed to be shot from sniper's rifle during the meeting at Sokolniki, for a price of 500,000 USD. In the last moment the hired killers have refused to fulfill the contract.
What a wonderful brand new leader is Boris Yefimovich Nemtsov!
