www1.voanews.com -- Russia will work on a new generation of nuclear missiles to ensure its nuclear deterrent remains effective, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday.Medvedev said the new missiles would be developed in full accordance with arms agreements made with the United States."Of course, we will develop new systems, including delivery systems, that is, missiles," Medvedev said in an end-of-year interview with state-controlled television channels.
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Add your own1. nampa1 | December 24th, 2009 at 5:27 pm
There was a great opportunity to rid the U.S. and Russia of these nukes in the nineties that was lost because of short-sighted national priorities. More ammo for a future arms race, great.
2. Tony | December 24th, 2009 at 8:34 pm
And they announced this on the mother of all news dump days.
3. Iosef Dzhugashvili, Esq. | December 24th, 2009 at 9:52 pm
Medvedev said, “… new missile technology will be developed in full accordance with any new arms agreements reached with Washington, but that other weapons are necessary.” He says Russia’s nuclear shield allows it to solve all the problems which it has to solve.
Vsego khoroshego, rukablyudchiki! Until the Putin-Medvedev-siloviki ‘problem’ is solved, expect to hear more about the Ru DoD imploding, including the Borej subs, the (they fired whoooo?!) Bulava fiasco, the “Let’s buy Fr assault ships” outsourcing initiative, MVD head chopping about to start, and ongoing BS about a stable ruble. At least the emperor wore a jock strap; Putin is buck nekkid, and Medvedev is a mynah bird with a facial tic.
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