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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / November 30, 2009

hungary shooting1 -- Hungarians are still reeling from last week's school shooting in the southern city of Pecs. A 23-year old pharmacological student went on a shooting rampage, killing one person and wounding three others, one of them seriously. The killer gave himself up shortly after.Hungary had never experienced a school shooting until now. Hence, news of the incident came as a complete shock to most people. For some, there is a fear that Hungary is slowly but surely becoming like the US and Germany in a bad sort of way. While many of the positive aspects of the west are sadly still lacking (i.e. political accountability and economic prosperity, to name just a few), many negative aspects attributed to western society and culture – drug abuse and school violence, for example – appears to have quickly made inroads.

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  • 1. geo8rge  |  November 30th, 2009 at 8:22 am

    pharmacological student – So what drugs was he using?

  • 2. Frank McG  |  November 30th, 2009 at 12:22 pm

    Media coverage turning these people into instant celebrities is kind of a snowballing effect making more of these happen. So your life is a complete mess, and no one likes or understands you? Start a shooting spree! You’ll be more famous than anyone who’s known you will ever be for a week! Lots and lots of articles digging into your psychology. More attention than your facebook page ever got you! It must be a no brainer for these people.

    Want to know what the easiest, cheapest, most effective way to curb these kind of shootings? Give them the most negative coverage you can. None of this “understanding” bull larky. Interview all the girls he’s ever known on national TV saying what a loser he was. Dig up his livejournal posts and have panels go over passages and highlight how pathetic he was. Nothing but nonstop post-mortem humiliation.

    Then have coverage of middle aged office shootings. Telling kids that it’s the “cool” thing that all their parents and their friends are doing. Drive it home that they’re even sadder sacks than their parents and shooting just makes you middle aged lame instead of edgy.

    Eventually kids everywhere will be too embarrassed to ever pull out a gun, and if there’s one thing teens fear more than death it’s embarrassment.

  • 3. nunyeah  |  November 29th, 2011 at 8:31 am

    this sucks who cares!!!!

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