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I told you I’d be updating the situation if it got hot, so here I am, because some heavy shit went down yesterday, when the army ran into the Zetas north of Monterrey. I don’t think that any of your newspapers have covered this yet, so here’s the quick skinny:

• The main shoot out took place at 11:30 a.m. in Anahuac, north of Monterrey and about 50 miles from the Texas border. Six SUVs with tinted windows ran into an army convoy and started blasting away, killing two soldiers. The soldiers responded by killing eight of the sicarios (it could be six because on the news, they’re reporting that two of the bodies were rescued by their homeboys). According to eyewitness accounts, the Zetas were heavily armed and were responsible for starting the hostilities, leaning out of their cars and spraying soldiers with AK-47s and R-15s. Two soldiers were badly wounded and were flown to Mexico City to receive medical attention, but one of them died en route. (more…)

March 4th, 2010 | Comments (18)

December 8th, 2008 | Comments (6)