Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
david weigel

PERTH, AUSTRALIA — Last August, I wrote an eXiled piece about an Australian protest group called the “Convoy of No Confidence,” calling it out – correctly – as a Koch-ite Astroturf scam, and shaming Rupert Murdoch’s national broadsheet, The Australian, for its misleading coverage of the event. My article got a wider audience when the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) put up a shorter, politer version of my eXiled article on their opinion site, The Drum. (more…)

May 17th, 2012 | Comments (28)

Announcement: eXiled to Launch Media Transparency Project -- Contributions and Leaks Invited

We were going to wait ’til the snow melted, but a recent spate of corrupt hack-shill attacks on Team eXiled has prompted us to decide to make an immediate launch of a new project: a no-holds barred campaign to identify…

January 3rd, 2012 | Comments (64)

When It Comes To Koch Apologists, Slate's David Weigel Is "Chairman Of The Bored"

Slate’s David Weigel is one of the few libertarian media figures who at least has had the courtesy to disclose, on occasion, his past relationships with Koch-funded outfits (Institute for Humane Studies, Reason Magazine…). But half-disclosures can be deceiving. The…

September 7th, 2011 | Comments (44)

The Koch-Whore Archipelago: How The Billionaire Kochs Screwed My Scoop While Screwing America

  Update: MSNBC’s Dylan Ratigan makes it official: Mark Ames & Yasha Levine “are the two journalists who broke the story about these brothers and the Tea Party in 2009 before anyone believed them.” Watch the episode here and here.  It’s been…

March 25th, 2011 | Comments (26)