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drug cartel

anti-zetas narco-banner

So there are these narco-banners being hung up all around the metropolitan areas of San Pedro, Monterrey, Escobedo and San Nicolas. If you don’t read Spanish, here’s a rough translation:

Mr. Felipe Calderon [that’s our president]:

With all the respect you deserve, stop helping us. Poison is fought with poison itself.

Attention: The alliance of Mexican cartels united against the “Z” [Zetas] will continue after you RETIRE THE ARMY [pull troops off the street].


March 3rd, 2010 | Comments (17)

Mexican Drug War Dispatch: Viva La Narco Counterculture Revolución

Hello there! Hola to the few who still check out this column to learn about crazy antics of America’s favorite suppliers. Yeah, I know I haven’t been updating you for a while on account that I’m getting lazy (weed ain’t…

August 14th, 2009 | Comments (23)