Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
joshua foust

From today’s edition of the NSFW Corp:

The early news reports made Jeffrey Johnson out to be a deranged monster: After pumping five bullets into the supervisor who’d fired him from his job at the Empire State Building, Johnson supposedly went on a wild shooting rampage out on 5th Avenue, firing randomly at innocent bystanders, wounding nine before cops took him down using their anti-terrorism training. (more…)

August 26th, 2012 | Comments (118)

The Scum Also Rises: Joshua Foust & Friends Smear Crusading Lesbian Russian Reporter Elena Kostyuchenko As "Dumb Hag", "Rumor-Monger"...Foust's Boss Works For Chevron...

So it’s back to the depressing topic of Atlantic Monthly blogger and paid PR flak for defense contractors, Joshua Foust–something I’d rather avoid, but the scumbags won’t let me. Foust and his minions have managed the impossible–they’ve outdone themselves in…

January 16th, 2012 | Comments (35)

Announcement: eXiled to Launch Media Transparency Project -- Contributions and Leaks Invited

We were going to wait ’til the snow melted, but a recent spate of corrupt hack-shill attacks on Team eXiled has prompted us to decide to make an immediate launch of a new project: a no-holds barred campaign to identify…

January 3rd, 2012 | Comments (64)

Failing Up With Joshua Foust: Meet The "Evil Genius" Massacre-Denier Who Shills For War Profiteers

Last week, some troll named Joshua Foust attacked my article about the massacre in Kazakhstan on December 16. I really had no idea who Foust was until I started getting emails from readers telling me “some guy with a goatee…

December 31st, 2011 | Comments (135)