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real estate meltdown

yasha levine victorville front page newspaper

I’ve been living in Venice Beach for the past few months, convalescing after almost two years of immersion-reporting out of Victorville, California–the front lines of California’s real estate meltdown. Life out in Victorville, a remote exburb on the edge of the Mojave Desert, might be lighter on the wallet, but it can be very tough on the body and mental health–especially if one isn’t careful with the, er, shall we call them “attention-deficit-disorder brain snacks.” I often wondered what the hell I was doing out there, what I’d done to myself, if it was all worth it–and, to be honest, I didn’t have the stomach to revisit it. I was there too long.

Then yesterday, Dylan Ratigan devoted an entire excellent segment of his MSNBC show to Victorville’s  real-estate-market collapse and its aftermath, and he threw a shout out to my reporting for The eXiled Online for having inspired his segment. It was even kind of weirdly gratifying seeing Ratigan interview the new mayor of Victorville, whom I was never a big fan of, to put it lightly. (more…)

February 1st, 2011 | Comments (19)