Am I missing something? Did Nora Ephron do something great once in her seventy-odd years that I never heard about? She cure cancer and I was never told? She make an uncharacteristically watchable movie and hide it in a vault for posterity and we’re just discovering it now?
I’ve hated Tom Cruise for twenty-five years now. It’s been one of my favorite traditions, hating Tom Cruise. It involved refusing to go to his biggest blockbusters like Top Gun, then occasionally, foolishly succumbing to the temptation to see just…
Got ninety minutes to kill? When you’re a young Have in a rich country, you’ve got a glorious wealth of time to waste, and Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist is a movie that’s about young Haves, for young Haves. The…
October 6th, 2008 | Comments Off on FILM REVIEW: Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist
Gervais confronts his mortality in laxative form Jeez, it just doesn’t pay to get your hopes up, you know? You see a preview for a movie about a guy who hates people and then sees ghosts and hates them too,…