For your reading pleasure, The eXiled is reposting one of the War Nerd’s most famous–and hilarious–episodes: The epic battle pitting Gary Brecher against neocon historian Victor Davis Hanson, guru to Dick Cheney and “Scooter” Libby. Like Bull Run, this battle came in two parts: the first part begins with the War Nerd’s devastating opening salvo attack on July 28, 2005, in an article headlined “Victor Davis Hanson: Portrait of an American Traitor”:
Victor Hanson: Portrait of an American Traitor
by Gary Brecher
I‘ve survived some terrible summers, but this is the worst. Somebody kill me. Fresno’s been putting on a show, crunching a whole lifetime of stupid misery into a few hot months. And I mean hot. We’ve been setting records down here. Today it hit 107 degrees. Tomorrow we’re due to reach 109. Luckily, Thursday should be a cool, breezy 103.
I had figured this summer would be a little easier to handle now that I’ve shucked off a layer of blubber (I slimmed down a bit to try to ease my kidney situation). But no, God just made it a few degrees hotter to make sure I stay as sweaty and miserable as ever, cooking in my own fat.
People here have been going crazy since it started heating up. The Fresno PD managed to get our fine city some international press with a new approach to fighting crime: cracking down on 11-year-olds. In case you didn’t read about it, what happened was this 11-year-old girl threw a rock at some kids who were splattering her with water balloons, so the Fresno cops swooped down with three squad cars and a chopper. They wrestled her down, cuffed her and charged her with felony assault. She did a week in juvie isolation, with no access to even her parents, before they let her go.

Naturally her lawyers yelled racism, because she’s Mexican. I don’t buy that. It’s not racism, it’s plain cowardice. That’s the key to understanding what’s happening in the world today: plain old cowardice. Somewhere along the line we lost all the brave people. Now we’ve just got a lot of phony blowhards. The cops who wrestled that little girl around were just like the cops you see on Reno 911, playing tough once they were sure the suspect couldn’t fight back. I drive past gang corners every damn day, and I never see the Fresno PD giving those bastards any trouble-they’re too scary. So they wait till it’s a little girl who defended herself against a bunch of bullies, then they swarm her like a SWAT team.
We’ve got this Fresno intellectual who likes to strut the same way in the local paper. He’s one of these snotty assholes with three names: Victor Davis Hanson. Oh, sorry: Doctor Victor David Hanson. He’s got a Ph.D. and he teaches at Fresno State.
This fool passes himself off as a military historian, writing columns about Iraq and Afghanistan and everything else he feels like babbling about, but he doesn’t have a clue about contemporary warfare. Every war nerd on the net knows more about what’s happening in Iraq than he does. But that doesn’t stop him. He teaches Classics, he’s written a half dozen books on ancient warfare, and he never lets you forget that he’s a professor and you’re not.
In his last column for the Fresno Bee, he sneered at people who don’t have Ph.D.’s for daring to have opinions about the war in Iraq: “What do a talented Richard Gere, Robert Redford and Madonna all have in common besides loudly blasting the current administration? They either dropped out of, or never started, college. Cher may think George Bush is ‘stupid,’ but she-not he-didn’t finish high school.”
Since I never even finished my AA degree, I took that kind of personally. I guess it’s my fault for not getting into Yale on pure merit like Bush did. That column got me so furious I daydreamed about driving down Highway 99 to Hanson’s farm and setting all his orchards and vineyards on fire. I kept thinking of what the Spartans said when one of their neighbors threatened them: “Your cicadas will chirp from the ground,” meaning, “We’ll burn your fucking olive orchards if you mouth off again.”
Professor Hanson is one of these “back to the land” assholes who can afford to live on a farm because he’s got tenure for life at Fresno State-they can’t fire him for anything less than a major felony. It’s classic welfare state socialism that funds his estate, but that doesn’t stop him from moralizing about the benefits of free market solutions. So he writes these columns from his farm in Selma, a few miles down the road from Fresno, about the sanctity of private land and private enterprise and the life lessons of farming.
He doesn’t even suspect what a total hypocrite he is. According to his official online bio, Hanson graduated from UC Santa Cruz in 1975. I don’t know if you non-Californians understand what that means. UC Santa Cruz is the official sex-and-drugs campus of the whole UC system. It’s so hippie-cool and mellow it doesn’t even give grades, which are just too bourgeois. You just get little notes from your teachers. The kids who go there are rich brats who don’t have to worry about getting a job-because graduating from there is like telling your future employers you were stoned for four straight years.
And Hanson graduated from there in 1975. I can only dream about what it must’ve been like to be a student at Santa Cruz back then, at the climax of the hippie days. I seriously doubt if anybody on that campus was un-stoned from enrollment to graduation, or un-laid for more than a week.
So here’s a question for you, Professor Hanson, Mister Morality: how many coeds did you screw when you were at UC Santa Cruz? And how many drugs did you take?
But you know, I could take all Hanson’s hypocritical pompous bullshit if he only knew something about contemporary warfare. He doesn’t. All he knows is that he’s in favor of Gulf War II, and to defend that mess he’s willing to slander Bush Sr’s magnificent victory in Gulf War I. This is insane, really insane-taking America’s only outright strategic victory since 1945, our most glorious campaign since Inchon, and turning it into a defeat just so you can make Bush Jr’s fiasco look a little better. Here’s Hanson’s treasonous account of Gulf War I:
“War I (January 17 to March 3, 1991)
“The First Iraqi War : started over Saddam Hussein’s August 2, 1990, invasion of Kuwait. His occupation precipitated the American-led coalition’s efforts to reclaim Kuwait through land and air attacks. Saddam’s complete capitulation was seen as satisfying the war’s professed claim of restoring the sovereignty of Kuwait.
“But despite retreating from Kuwait and suffering terrible damage to his armed forces, Saddam, like the Germans in 1918, claimed that his armies had been repelled while on the offensive. So he passed off a setback as a draw against the world’s superpower – and thus a win by virtue of his own survival against overwhelming odds.
“In any case, we called off our forces before the destruction of the Republican Guard. We also refused to go to Baghdad; we let rebellious Shiites and Kurds be tragically butchered; and we failed to enforce all the surrender agreements. Apparently the U.S. wished to bow to the U.N. mandates only to expel Saddam from Kuwait, or was worried about our Sunni partners who wanted a lid on Kurdish tribalism and Shiite fervor inside Iraq.”
There are so many evil lies here, I don’t know where to start. First there’s the phony comparison to Germany after WW I. There’s no comparison at all. Saddam’s Kuwait invasion wasn’t a nationalist war like WW I, and no matter what Saddam said, every dog in the street in Baghdad knew perfectly well that the Iraqi army had been outclassed and savaged. Moreover, the Germans fought for four years and nearly won, whereas Saddam got his ass completely whipped in a three-day land war. Fact is, we did it right in Gulf War I. We neutered Saddam, destroyed his ability to threaten anybody, and left him in charge of his hellhole country. It was American diplomacy combined with military power at its finest. And this pig tries to say it was a defeat!
Hanson goes on to say that we “refused to go to Baghdad” because we wanted to please the UN. Bullshit. We used the UN to build a huge alliance (something Bush’s idiotic son didn’t think was necessary), and we stayed out of Baghdad because Powell and Bush Sr. knew what would happen if we tried to occupy Iraqi cities. We’re going through the consequences of that mistake right now; how can anybody pretend not to understand, by now, why it was a bad idea, and why Bush Sr. was right the first time?
What’s amazing is that Hanson is actually trying to blame Bush Sr. for not jumping off the cliff first, before his idiotic son did. Like I said, it’s insane-until you realize it’s being done just to make Junior’s disaster look good, which Hanson needs to do because he’s been shilling for Bush Jr.’s war from day one. Hanson isn’t just insane. He’s one sleazy dude.
He proves his sleaze when he moves on to Gulf War II:
“War IV. (April 2003 to present)
“The Fourth Iraqi War (“The Insurrection,” “The Occupation”) began immediately after the end of the conventional fighting and continues today. It was framed by the fact that the United States would not simply leave after toppling Saddam yet had never really gone into the Sunni Triangle in force during the three-week victory. War IV was waged by a loose alliance of Wahhabi fundamentalists, foreign jihadists, and former Baathists against the American efforts to fashion an indigenous Iraqi democratic government.”
Here again, there’s so many lies it’s hard to know where to start. Like, what the hell does Hanson mean by saying we never attacked the Sunni Triangle? As military history, that’s pure nonsense. The only reason he says it is because he has to explain to himself how come the insurgency was able to come on so strong after we kicked ass in the conventional war. And see, Hanson can’t admit to himself that there was a difference in the kind of war being waged, a transition from conventional to urban-guerrilla warfare. If he once admitted that we’re dealing with an urban guerrilla war now, he’d have to face the historical fact that modern armies still don’t have an effective counter for that mode of warfare.
And all that ancient Greek stuff won’t help Hanson deal with urban guerrilla war, because there was nothing like it in the ancient world. In those days conquerors wiped out cities the second they showed any sign of uppity behavior. Urban guerrilla wars were pretty quick and pretty unsuccessful: rise up against the occupier, and literally every man, woman and child gets slaughtered, and the offending city covered in salt. End of story.
One of my favorite examples of Roman “pacification” policy was what happened to the Helvetii, a Celtic tribe that used to live where Switzerland is now. Europe was a feisty, tricky place in those days, like Africa is now. Tribes were always on the move.
The Helvetii decided they’d make a move on Northeastern Gaul, grabbing the land and wiping out the Roman-vassal tribes occupying the land. The entire Helvetii tribe numbered about 370,000, and from that they could field about 110,000 fighting men-every male who could hold a spear. They smashed into the settled Gaul tribes easily, grabbed a swathe of territory and prepared to keep advancing until they had enough good land to support the whole tribe.
What the Helvetii hadn’t factored into their big move was the Romans. Julius Caesar got a message from his Gaul vassals pleading for help against the Helvetii. At this point he had six legions under him in Gaul, almost 300,000 men. But he wanted more, because he had something a little more drastic in mind than just defeating the Helvetii. He was out to exterminate them. So he called up another two legions, which meant he had 400,000 trained soldiers against 110,000 part-time tribal warriors.
It was no contest. The Romans surrounded the Helvetii and started stabbing their way through the mass of warriors, then the civilians. As they advanced, the legions would herd a few saleable-looking women and children away from the killing. They were sent to holding pens in the rear to be sold as slaves. The main body of Roman soldiers kept working through the mass of Helvetii, stabbing and stabbing. Roman soldiers were taught to use the short sword-“gladius,” which is where “gladiator” comes from-to stab, not slash. Stabbing made a deeper wound, more likely to tear up a guy’s guts and give him a fatal infection. The stab was also quicker than the big dramatic downward smash those hammy heavy-metal barbarians were addicted to.
At the end of the battle, they had slaughtered 220,000 men, women and children-60% of the whole tribe. Must have been exhausting too. Imagine the sheer hard work it took to kill that many screaming, scrambling people with the Roman short sword, not much bigger than a Bowie knife.
We could do it, way more easily than the Romans. We’d burn only as many calories as it takes to press a button. If we had the will, we could wipe out the whole population of the Sunni Triangle in a few days. If we used neutron bombs, we could do it without even messing up the area too badly. It would sure stop the insurgency.
Trouble is, that kind of genocide just isn’t popular these days, and nobody, not even Professor Hanson, is ready to argue for it. It’s hard to argue you want to bring democracy to the Sunnis by making them extinct. And what Hanson and morons like him won’t admit is that short of genocide, there is no military solution to urban guerrilla warfare.
So Hanson cheats like a ninth grader, trying to avoid facing the urban-guerrilla problem. He makes fake lists like this one: “From the various insurgencies of the Peloponnesian War to the British victory over Communist guerrillas in Malaya, there remain constants across 2,500 years of time and space that presage victory or defeat.”
Oh, like we’re supposed to believe he chose that Malaya example just by chance, huh? It so happens that the Malayan insurgency of the 1950s is the ONLY guerrilla war that was won by the occupying army, in this case the Brits, and that’s why Bush’s spinners like to cite It. You know why the Brits “succeeded”? It’s real simple: the insurgents were all ethnic Chinese, and the Malays hated their guts. They were a small, easily identified ethnic minority. The Malays never needed much of an excuse to start chopping up Chinese people, and when the Brits gave them license to kill they went at it full time. Then the Brits up and left.
It was a relatively small affair: over 12 years, some 7,000 MRLA guerrillas were killed. Just to give you a real comparison, one American general recently said that in the last year alone, we’ve killed or captured 50,000 Iraqi insurgents, yet, this same general admitted that the insurgency is only gaining strength.
If Hanson thinks we can chop up millions of heavily armed, aggressive Sunni Iraqis the way the Brits mopped up a few thousand Red Chinese in Malaysia, he’s insane. And maybe he is-all those years of the state subsidizing his phony “farm” and students sucking up to him for a good grade have driven him into a psychotic delusional state.
But I don’t really think he’s insane-just a traitor, a liar willing to keep shoving American troops and money into a meatgrinder just so he doesn’t have to admit he was wrong. Sooner or later we’re going to have to face it: these NeoCons don’t care about America any more than Stalin cared about Russia. They’re not just wrong. They’re traitors.
* * *
After a month of recovering from Brecher’s surprise attack, Victor Davis Hanson counter-attacked in miserable comic failure, even going so far as to accuse Gary Brecher of setting fire to his beloved vineyards. The eXile captured the hilarious sequel in a two-part special “Victor Davis Hanson Declares War” pull-out section: the first article, headlined “Hanson Snitches, War Nerd Suspended!”, sums up Victor Davis Hanson’s literary hijinx and email exchanges with editor Mark Ames; the second article, “An eXile phone call to the Fresno branch of the International Dyslexic Association” transcribes a phone call we made out of concern for the great historian’s mental health. These articles were published in The eXile on September 9, 2005.
Hanson Snitches, War Nerd Suspended!
It was a long, hot August, folks. After War Nerd Gary Brecher’s takedown of neo-con mandarin and fellow Fresno-ite Victor Davis Hanson, the ol’ professor counter-attacked from his fortified perch in the National Review, America’s leading right-wing intullekshual rag. As counter-attacks go, Dr. Hanson’s was about as effective as Manuel Noriega’s brilliant defense of Panama City in 1989. Dr.Hanson’s article attacking Brecher was so sloppy and careless, not to mention patently insane (he even accused Brecher of having set fire to his grapevines), that we felt compelled to write a letter to his editor at the National Review. The NR editor forwarded our letter to Dr. Hanson, probably as a passive-aggressive way of alerting his star neocon professor about his terminally shoddy writing. Incredibly enough, Hanson responded to our criticism of his spelling errors– by misspelling the name of the editor whom he was responding to as “Mark Aimes” [sic]. The next week, Dr. Hanson, ever the honorable academic, attached and enddnote to his National Review column to clear up the outcry over his many spelling and grammar errors. Fittingly, he misspelled this endnote, titling it, “Authorr’s note” [sic]...
First, Dr. Hanson, in his own words:
August 26, 2005, 9:09 a.m.
The National Review
Iraq: Where socialists and anarchists join in with racialists and paleocons.
But if Meyerson’s skewers facts and twists progress into abject failure, take the example of someone using the name Gary Brecher of Encore magazine. In an article called “Victor Hanson: Portrait of an American Traitor,” Brecher became incensed about a suggestion that neither the formal education nor the autodidacticism of the Hollywood elite granted them any privileged wisdom about American foreign policy:
“That column got me so furious I daydreamed about driving down Highway 99 to Hanson’s farm and setting all his orchards and vineyards on fire. I kept thinking of what the Spartans said when one of their neighbors threatened them: “Your cicadas will chirp from the ground,” meaning, “We’ll burn your f…ing olive orchards if you mouth off again.”(*
To understand the mindset of the anarchist, consider his similar fury right after 9/11.
“The best war is when you can hate both sides, and that’s how it was with the WTC. I cheered those jets…Until those planes hit the WTC nobody dreamed you could knock down an American corporation building. Nobody ever thought one would come down. And when they did, damn! It was like the noche triste, when Aztecs made the Conquistadors bleed for the first time and said, “Hey these aren’t magic six-legged metal monsters, they’re just a bunch of victims like us.”
“Hate both sides” in fact, is not quite accurate, since in reality more often the invective is reserved only for the United States — as when he cheers for the terrorists on 9/11, not for us. But then compare the recent antiwar hysteria that equates Abu Ghraib with Saddam’s death jails, Guantanamo with the Gulag and Nazi death camps, and the terrorist killers in Iraq with Minutemen.
** How strange that about the time that Mr. Brecher’s article appeared, someone in fact did try to torch our vineyard, but managed only to scorch about 20 vines near the road before the nearby Mid-Valley Fire Department arrived to put out the fire.

Now here is Dr. Hanson’s correction to his mistakes in the above column. Note that he even misspells the column title, which should be “Dog Days”…
September 02, 2005, 7:18 a.m.
AUTHORR’S NOTE: Correction: In last week’s essay, I referred to the wrong title of the website/newspaper that published Gary Brecher’s article, “Victor Hanson. Portrait of an American Traitor.” The online newspaper is called eXile , and the article can be found in the table of contents, under the subtitle “The War Nerd puts local Fresno academic Victor Hanson (Doctor Victor Hanson) on trial and recommends the firing squad.”
And now here is the email exchange between Ames and VDH:
From: Mark Ames [mailto:]
To: ‘’
Subject: letter from Moscow, Russia on Victor Hanson
Victor Hanson’s attack on one of my newspaper’s writers, Gary Brecher (“The Paranoid Style,” August 26), reveals an appalling level of intellectual laziness. Rather than engage the substance of Brecher’s argument — that Hanson should know, as an expert on Ancient Greek warfare, that the reason why insurgencies cannot be defeated in our post-WW2 world is that genocide is no longer tolerated, since genocide has been a key strategy in defeating insurgencies from the Ancient Greeks up through the imperial Europeans — instead, Hanson merely calls Brecher cheap playground names like “anarchist,” “fascist,” or whatever else helps him avoid serious debate (just as he labels Cindy Sheehan an “anti-Semite,” the biggest debate-squelcher of them all). Furthermore, Hanson suggests that Brecher set fire to his vineyard in his footnote at the bottom, as proof that Brecher is a terrorist. This is a highly irresponsible accusation to make, although it is also highly comical.
Dr. Hanson’s laziness is the most shocking feature of his writing. Consider the transitional sentence in which he mistakenly introduces our newspaper: “But if Myerson’s skewers facts and twists progress into abject failure, take the example of someone using the name Gary Brecher of Encore magazine.” Not only does he get the name of our newspaper, “The eXile,” wrong (this in spite of the fact that Dr. Hanson freely admits to having pored through our archives, suggesting that he spent a lot of time familiarizing himself with Brecher’s works), but the sentence makes no sense whatsoever. It simply stops dead halfway through the comparison to Meyerson, or rather, to “Meyerson’s” – Meyerson’s what? Shouldn’t he remind the reader? Basically, he’s saying, “But if Meyerson’s [sic]…take the example of Encore [sic]…” There is no link whatsoever between the two clauses. One wonders what the ancient Greek rhetoricians would have thought of such lazy logic. Probably they would have assessed Dr. Hanson’s rhetorical skills just as Brecher grades his military logic on the Iraq occupation: an unmitigated disaster.
Mark Ames
The eXile
From: victor hanson
Subject: Re: FW: letter from Moscow, Russia on Victor Hanson
Dear Mark Aimes,
I was sent your letter. Two typos occurred and were corrected in later versions on my website; a note of correction about your website title with a link is planned for the Friday column, along with the full title of the article and its listing in your table of contents.
That someone set a fire is on the record and can be verified with the Mid Valley Fire Dept. who stopped it from doing much more damage. When one writes about burning someone’s property, and thousands read it, it is completely reckless and constitutes a threat, as are other references such as “firing squad.” After your magazine printed that essay, I had numerous calls and emails about threats from your magazine, which prompted me to examine them. What “Brecher” wrote about me, as what he wrote about 9-11 was beyond normal journalism. I should say a number of readers also wrote that you, using a pseudonym, were in fact the real author of that attack, which I don’t put any credence in. In any case, the arson complaint, with pertinent information, is on file with the authorities and hope nothing more ensues.
Sincerely, VDH
From: Mark Ames []
To: ‘victor hanson’
Subject: RE: FW: letter from Moscow, Russia on Victor Hanson
Dear Dr. Hanson,
My first response to this letter clearing up your typos and errors is that you misspelled my name. It’s “Ames,” not “Aimes.”
Mark Ames
From: Mark Ames []
To: ‘victor hanson’
Subject: RE: FW: letter from Moscow, Russia on Victor Hanson
Dear Dr. Hanson,
I am trying to follow up on the arson attack you reported. Could you please tell me the date of the alleged arson report? I cannot get confirmation from the Mid Valley FD without a date (or address, but I understand you might be wary of giving that to me). In the meantime, I am suspending Gary Brecher this issue without pay.
Mark Ames
# #
An eXile phone call to the Fresno branch of the International Dyslexic Association
We were so worried about Dr. Hanson’s sloppy writing that we decided it was time for an intervention. Posing as his beleaguered editor at the National Review, we called the Fresno branch of the International Dyslexic Association…
eXile: Hi, is the International Dyslexic Association?
Front desk: Just one moment, I’ll get you that division.
eXile: Thank you.
Dr. N.: This is Dr. N——, may I help you?
eXile: Yes hi, I’m calling basically about a colleague whom I suspect might have dyslexia. I just had a few questions. First of all, I wanted to see if I should confront him with this, and how to do it tactfully.
Dr. N.: Sure.
eXile: This is a person who is quite an accomplished writer and academic, yet seems to make a lot of glaring spelling errors. He’s a professor at Fresno State, he writes for the Bee sometimes and writes regularly for the National Review Online. And even in columns he’s publishing at the National Review, and I work at the National Review, his columns are replete with big spelling mistakes that go online or else there’s a word that should be there and he uses a different word that sort of seems like it could fit. I guess the first question is, Is this a sign of dyslexia?
Dr. N.: Well, he could just be a crummy speller [laughs]. I guess I can’t answer that exactly. This person is educated and I’m assuming has many academic credentials. Dyslexia is a language processing disorder. Spelling is sort of like, like an artistic talent, either you have it or you don’t. You can improve it, if you’re a really horrible speller …
eXile: Well he’s already in his 50s and we have to deal with delicate ego situations and so on. I’m not saying that Dr. Hanson is… well, for example, one of the problems is that even in corrections that he makes online about two mistakes in a previous issue had mistakes. And we’re worried there are issues about editing him. I just got assigned to this and I’m getting sort of chewed out by a higher up. I’m having a problem approaching Dr. Hanson about this. It’s very glaring — I haven’t ever seen something as glaring as this in my professional career. It’s not like every third word, but particularly when two letters in a row that were addressing the issue of spelling errors and words that were wrong, twice in a row he made glaring spelling mistakes.
Dr. N.: You might just ask the gentleman, you might flat out ask him, “This is what I’ve seen, you’re making these errors, is this something new to you?” I mean, what if he had some neurological thing going on that just came on last year or so? He might say, no I’ve never had any problems until last year. Or he might say yes, all my life I’ve had difficulty spelling.
eXile: That’s interesting because just about exactly four years ago, from what another colleague said, some of the things he started writing were different and then there’s the spelling mistakes…
Dr. N.: Have you asked a family member or someone who worked with him five, ten years ago if there’s a difference? If you’re in your 50s — well, I’m older than that — it could be a mini-stroke.
eXile: I was wondering, do you think maybe marijuana use in his youth, does that have something to do with this?
Dr. N.: [laughs] Not that I know of, but they say it’s not good for cognition. If he was a heavy user in the past, who knows how many neurons are gone.
eXile: Well he was a UC Santa Cruz student in the ’70s…
Dr. N.: [laughs] Can you give me an example of a misuse of a word?
eXile : Yes, he was attacking a critic who attacked him at this magazine called the eXile, and he wrote it as Encore, even though he was making a detailed critique of the magazine. He actually attacked mistakes. Then he had an exchange with the editor of that magazine and misspelled the name of the editor. It was A-M-E-S, and he put A-I-M-E-S. And this is in the National Review Online, a big, influential Republican magazine out of Washington. And then in the next issue, when he made an author’s note about his mistakes, he wrote an “authorr’s” note in which he wanted to correct the spelling mistakes he made in the last issue.
Dr. N.: Now this isn’t just a poor keyboarding kind of thing? What about the intellectual content?
eXile: It’s been making less and less sense. He was quite a renowned Greek classicist through the mid 90s, and then something happened. Even for us, and we’re a pretty renowned Republican magazine, he’s been vigorously arguing a position in favor of continuing the Iraq war that even we find — and we’re supporters of it and of President Bush — even we find increasingly loopy and not very coherent. The arguments are not intellectually rigorous anymore. Maybe we are talking about a neurological event. Is that possible?
Dr. N.: From your position, when you’re getting manuscripts from a person who normally had good thinking skills and they seem to be off a little, I’d worry. The spelling things are mechanical and easily handled. As far as the content, if it’s starting to not make sense, you should send it back.
eXile: Well this guy’s a Prima Dona. Let’s get back to the mental deterioration. This is a man who used to write very complex, nuanced arguments tying Greek history to current events. In his last piece, he attacked Cindy Sheehan for being an anti-Semite, he was calling people socialists, anarchists, fascists. He accused somebody of setting fire to his vineyards. And it was full of spelling errors. It was…. I don’t know what to think.
Dr. N.: Well it doesn’t sound like dyslexia. Are we talking about Victor Davis Hanson?
eXile: Exactly.
Dr. N.: I read one of his books recently. The one about the valley.
eXile: That was then. In terms of the battery of tests, if I were to suggest it to him…
Dr. N.: He lives in this area, and I could send you a referral list. The fact that this man has been an accomplished writer he obviously had no difficulty with reading and writing in his past. If there is a change going on, I would be worried about other things. A mini-stroke or, well, you don’t want to say dementia, but something awry in the neurology. But you’re way out of my area of expertise.
eXile: One last thing I wanted to ask. Is there much of an ego issue?
Dr. N.: Well, I don’t know. I’d start with the spelling errors, and well, if the content is bizarre, well I don’t know how you’d address that. Other than you just don’t accept it as appropriate for publication. You can’t be calling people anti-Semites and fascists if they’re…
eXile: Yeah, this is a woman whose son died.
Dr. N.: You know, people’s political views sometimes get a little strange. The fact that this man has a doctorate, is renowned and, regardless of his political views, whether I agree with them or not, some kind of expertise in that area would make me think that whatever is going on is not dyslexia. This is an interesting conversation, I’ve never quite had one like it.
eXile: Thank you so much for your help.
Dr. N.: Thank you.
Read more: athens, fresno, greece, gulf war, iraq, Saddam Hussein, victor davis hanson, world war 1, Gary Brecher, eXile Classic, The War Nerd

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Add your own1. Cernunnos | July 29th, 2011 at 9:31 am
As much as I love a good pissing contest, it would have been more interesting not to get sidetracked with all the spelling jabs and to continue taking that shill to task for his crappy political opinions.
2. DrunktankDan | July 29th, 2011 at 9:50 am
Perfect cure for an early morning hangover. Thanks so much for reposting
3. adam | July 29th, 2011 at 10:45 am
Simply amazing! I gotta say, this stuff revs me up. When the bullies push, push back, and once they’re on the ground, keep kicking and NEVER STOP.
4. Edmund Dorkey | July 29th, 2011 at 11:13 am
idea for future War Nerd article: does David Barton ever do war (aside from metaphorical wars, e.g., war on facts, culture war, etc.)? Since Ames is digging in the trash dump (Khloe Kardashian) for idears, Brecher/Dolan might as well.
5. Gustavo Arellano | July 29th, 2011 at 1:15 pm
Victor David Hansen is one of the biggest intellectual pieces of shit ever wrung out from the ivory tower. His theories on Mexican migration are little better than those of the Klan.
6. Aaron | July 29th, 2011 at 4:10 pm
Ames at his best. God bless him, he’s never been quite the man he was before he got thrown out of Russia.
7. Framson | July 29th, 2011 at 4:58 pm
Have to agree with Cernunnos on this one.
This always looked like it had the makings of a great fight until it wound up on that totally random sidetrack. Brecher swung once, then Hanson sort of flailed back and that was it, really. As far as the readers of say, NR knew, Hanson “won”.
And I’m not really a big fan of sticking to preching-to-the-converted and then patting yourself on the back.
The orchards was a nice touch though. I can only hope it was you out there with a flamethrower at midnight. Too bad it sounds like Hanson was bullshitting the attack anyway!
8. my talkative ringpiece | July 29th, 2011 at 5:06 pm
Arson is nothing, NOTHING, compared to spelling errors. It’s for the better that it got diverted this way.
(No, I don’t think for a minute WN would do arson, but imagine the horror if he’d been “run in”. I cringe for the WN to be in danger of being away from his computer and his diet Coke. Imagine how awful it’d have been, the cops could have taken months to figure out WN is innocent, or if WN’s bank account balances are especially low, guilty.
I bet this Hanson idiot set the vines on fire himself. And how in hell do you burn grapevines? The only way you could get something going is if there’s a lot of dry leaf litter underneath them.
9. helplesscase | July 30th, 2011 at 1:13 am
WN for President: Make America Roman.
10. Carpenter | July 30th, 2011 at 10:41 am
“That’s the key to understanding what’s happening in the world today: plain old cowardice. Somewhere along the line we lost all the brave people. Now we’ve just got a lot of phony blowhards.”
So true. Victor Davis Hanson and people like him are part of a paid class that churn out propaganda for whoever is in power. And like the War Nerd says, he will even falsify the story of the first Gulf War to justify the fiasco that was Gulf War II (occupation STILL ongoing because they can never end it). That is cheap. It shows a man without honor. Heck, Hussein had far more honor than Hanson.
The fact is, we ARE too comfortable today. It makes you wonder whether Hitler wasn’t on to something with the Hitler Jugend; encourage the kids to join the military-style scouts to give them something to do other than go mushy from internet games. Give them that old-fashioned, ignored word “honor” to think about. We’d have fewer Hansons that way.
Funny headline from Hanson’s next piece:
“Iraq: Where socialists and anarchists join in with racialists and paleocons.”
Say, like neocons join the Left in supporting mass immigration? Bush wanted amnesty for 12 million illegal immigrants. How about the Left joining the neocons in supporting the Iraq and Afghan invasions?
Very selective, hypocritical thinking there. As always from the political establishment.
11. OrangePlus | July 30th, 2011 at 12:13 pm
You guys have War Nerd ask for money. I send my money and there hasn’t been a single new War Nerd article since. You assholes.
12. saurabh | July 30th, 2011 at 3:25 pm
Let me get this straight: some shithead pro-war Cheney-sucking neocon pig writes an article you dont agree with, so you make ad-hominem attacks, talk of burning his orchards, prank call a doctor about his supposed dyslexia and pat yourselves on the back, and *you* are the good guys? How dumb could anyone possibly be not to find this funny and instead post a fake-angry comment?
13. Palnadu Veerudu | July 30th, 2011 at 5:49 pm
nice analysis on the hitler jugend and “fewer hansons”
Saurabh, why do assholes like you keep trolling the internet shilling for the Hansons of this world? Why don’t you keep your ass in India and stop commenting here.
14. Erik | July 30th, 2011 at 11:31 pm
Nice re-read and thanks for the bonus material.
For those with War Nerd withdrawal symptoms, try this one:
15. Sakevi | July 31st, 2011 at 4:11 am
Yeah. I’d appreciate ‘It’s all Greek to Victor Davis Hanson’ being posted instead of the spelling stuff.
Also, where the hell is the War Nerd? I wonder what percentage of the donations are directly in support of more War Nerd?
16. super390 | July 31st, 2011 at 10:13 am
Anders Breivik is a hundred times the man Victor Davis Hansen is. Also, given his willingness to personally do to Socialist teenagers what Roman legionnaires did to the Helvetii, a hundred times more willing to be honest to the public about the consequences of his ideology.
The difference: Hansen lives in a country that has institutions and organizations and propaganda organs to do all the dirty work around the world and then cover it up or excuse it away – he’s part of the latter organ – by hiring punks and rednecks like Lyndie England and then showering them with medals on Fox. So all us respectable folk who pay for all this don’t have to think about how our hamburger gets made.
Breivik’s country lacks these refinements, so he went all DIY. He gambled that he would inspire enough whites to turn to terrorism to exhaust the majority into capitulation to his ugly agenda. But at least he made an up-front referendum about that, which is more than Americans ever get.
17. Omar Bongo | July 31st, 2011 at 3:16 pm
Stupid. VDH is just another war nerd, who actually writes regular and coherent articles and books. You may disagree with his opinions, but attacking his schooling and making up BS about dyslexia at best takes you down to the level you put him on. This is ad hominem nonsense.
I’ve been reading Gary Brecher for a while, and all I can say about his style is that it is completely inconsistent substantively. He simply takes the opposite point of view of whoever he wants to attack that day and picks some random example from history as the proof of his worthy nerdiness. It’s getting tiring.
He does this with everything. Guns, planes, people, wars.
The fact is that Gulf War II was inevitable, because we didn’t go to Baghdad and get rid of Saddam in Gulf War I. End of story.
Because VDH isn’t able to articulate this in a manner pleasing to you or hasn’t found a middle-ground between ostensible genocide and insurgency fighting (which you clearly haven’t found) doesn’t make him a traitor.
And what is with the drugs? The Exiled staff does more drugs in a week than the campus of UC Santa Cruz does in a decade. But suddenly you’ve got a problem with drugs and pussy because VDH went there?
All the nominally democratic uprisings in the Middle East currently are the result of Bush Jr.’s Gulf War II letting those towelheads know they don’t have to live like that anymore.
Get Real.
18. Anarchy Wolf | July 31st, 2011 at 4:31 pm
Is it wrong I want to travel back in time and nuke the Romans?
19. super390 | July 31st, 2011 at 9:25 pm
#17 – Hey, guy who shows America’s good intentions to Arabs by calling them “towelheads”! The dictators of Egypt and Tunisia were our buddies, doing our bidding and getting your tax $ for decades. Bush’s goal, and certainly the Project for a New American Century’s goal, was to create another Mubarak for Iraq. Why else would we have rewarded him so lavishly? (US aid to Sadat/Mubarak regime since 1979 = $1 billion/year; estimated size of Mubarak family fortune today = $40 billion – do the math.)
That’s real, and you had no problem with it before March 2011, did you?
20. Omar Bongo | August 1st, 2011 at 12:35 pm
@super390 –
I could give a fuck. Let them all eat sand. I’m just trying to point out the consistent pointlessness of Gary’s writing.
He’s like Juan Cole. The morality changes with whether the current administration is nominally liberal or Republican. It’s intellectually dishonest.
21. Hannibal | August 1st, 2011 at 5:19 pm
I won’t speculate about anything because that’s not my place in the Cosmic Plan…
War Nerd fucked up; now we’re paying for it.
Damn you dolan. damn your fat, subversive, incorrigible ass to hell.
22. Cum | August 1st, 2011 at 9:07 pm
Oh boy, more casual endorsements of fascism! You know, internet games really make me think that Hitler might have been on to something! This is why I love the exiled comments section!
23. ov | August 2nd, 2011 at 1:50 am
carnage and culture is a good read
24. Tebe | August 2nd, 2011 at 7:09 pm
Quick aside… Remember that whole atlantic article about how israel is about to bomb iran? What a bunch of fucking faggots.
25. Trevor | August 3rd, 2011 at 8:38 am
This reminds me of an old Stan Goff, “There’s No ‘There’ There.” Basically, he recounted his experience debating a neocon who despite a long list of academic credentials and international fellowships had no arguments to offer other than “Stay the course,” and “Democrats wanted to invade Iraq too.” It’s just worth remembering that no matter how you tart it up with degrees or fancy diction (like Hanson) stupid will always be stupid.
26. Cum | August 3rd, 2011 at 8:55 pm
Lol, I think exiled contributors will occasionally take shots at pot-smokers in order to bait some of us easily-trolled readers. That whole pothead living in mom’s converted garage stereotype they fall back on does hit a little close to home for me, as I’m sure it does for a bunch of people reading this.
@24 Also I thought the whole story with Israel planning to attack Iran was that Netanyahu wanted to do it but enough high level government and military figures opposed the action that it was blocked (at the cost of their careers).
27. Zoner | August 6th, 2011 at 4:15 am
What’s old Venereal Disease Hanson up to these days, anyway? My guess is that he’s out there comparing Scott Walker to Belisarius, or drawing direct parallels between Muslims immigrating to Western countries and the fall of Rome.
28. Bob | August 7th, 2011 at 10:28 am
“That someone set a fire is on the record and can be verified with the Mid Valley Fire Dept. who stopped it from doing much more damage. When one writes about burning someone’s property, and thousands read it, it is completely reckless and constitutes a threat, as are other references such as “firing squad.” After your magazine printed that essay, I had numerous calls and emails about threats from your magazine, which prompted me to examine them.”
Written by a National Review writer. The same rag that found it outrageous that liberals dared draw a connection between Sarah Palin’s website having a bulls eye over Jefford’s photo and Jefford’s being shot.
29. CensusLouie | August 7th, 2011 at 10:00 pm
So far in the comments, we have praise for the Hitler youth and the argument that we “had to” invade Iraq because we didn’t invade in a decade earlier (in order to avoid the exact shitfest we’re in now).
This article really wasn’t War Nerd’s shining moment to dig up, especially in light of the recent trend for Fundie/Tea Party/Sovereign Citizen crazies who espouse violent revolution and a gun fetish then act totally shocked when their followers go out on shooting sprees.
30. Omar Bongo | August 8th, 2011 at 10:52 am
“because we didn’t invade in a decade earlier”
We did. We just didn’t eliminate Saddam and his armed forces like you are supposed to when you send 500,000 troops halfway across the world in the name of vital national security interests such as oil.
Unfortunately we will always have to listen to the opinions of the history-challenged ,such as yourself, regardless of the event or outcome.
Thanks for contributing something constructive to the discussion, jackass.
31. joe-bob | August 10th, 2011 at 8:30 pm
Too bad they didn’t actually argue about counterinsurgency – I’m assuming against rebellious helots in Sparta and Messina. Because that actually is an example of doing something other than destroying the city and killing everyone.
32. DrunktankDan | August 13th, 2011 at 9:09 pm
@ Bongo
My understanding of the regional geology (I studied Earth Sci at UCSC, of all places) suggests that oil reserves were especially concentrated in the Kuwait area, off shore even more so. My guess is we felt that we had secured enough of the stuff at the time, and that it probably wasn’t worth getting stuck in a decade+ shitpile of an insurgency.
Kuwait started getting tapped out and had to move into much more expensive offshore drilling, right as proven Iraqi reserves started skyrocketing, particularly in Shiite areas. Food for thought.
Also, where the fuck is Brecher? I sent my money that didn’t even begin to pay for all the wisdom and knowledge given to me by that noble saint, Gary Brecher the Great. . .So I shall be thankful and will wait for the great one to reappear…
33. Hoff | August 14th, 2011 at 6:54 pm
Calm down, Bongo; you’re full on mad bro
“The morality changes with whether the current administration is nominally liberal or Republican.”
Nope. So typical for a conservatard to bring politics into this. You will find Gary’s writings don’t really support one party over another; that’s one of the reasons I like him, in fact. But kids like you gotta see it all in black and white; Republicunts vs. Democunts. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to live a life so polarised
34. Alex | August 17th, 2011 at 11:26 am
I’ve been reading through the archive of WN on but it appears to have been removed. Quite annoying, as I was becoming a real fan. Does anybody know where to find the older (pre-2008) articles from WN so I can catch up?
35. DrunktankDan | August 17th, 2011 at 4:57 pm
Bah, comment moderator had some inside information. Shortly after mocking my donations (which represented at least a quarter of all the money in my bank account at the time), the WN returns!
When I can afford a lump sum you can be damn sure this is the first place it will go (shortly after my Ron Paul campaign contributions, derp, derp), but until then all I got is the 6.99 a month subscription. If you guys took amphetamine or opiate based donations, or even labor donations of some sort (I could research or something, hell, I’d pimp out my girlfriend if you guys asked it of me) then I could throw a little more skin down. I’m doing my best here guys. Maybe you should try pandering to rich people instead of catering to unemployed, enraged assholes like me and all of my friends that I hopefully convinced to subscribe. Or so they tell me.
Anyways, thanks for bringing back Brecher. Sorry if Dolan got canned from whatever teaching gig he had going, but it makes the pointless existence that is my life that much easier to bear.
Who moderates this shit anyway? Levine? Is that you? God what an irritating job. I’d do it. For free, you know? Got more time than money these days. . .
36. Amios | August 22nd, 2011 at 2:03 am
As far as I can tell this whole ‘battle’ happened because VDH is a complete moron who didn’t get a single thing right. As for me, I’m an unnoticed piece of internet crap who spends most of his waking hours wanking off in mainstream publications. As soon as VDH realizes that his only fans are nobodies like me, he had no choice but to become prank material for Ames and The eXile. Also, poor VDH has fucking dyslexia (???? wtf?).
VDH has one fan, that’s me. warnerd is a god. I am a comment-fag. It really burns me. Oooo it burns me.
37. zhubajie | August 15th, 2012 at 12:10 am
Hanson claims to be a Greek, but really he’s a Swede, dressed like a Scythian!
Zhu, Norwegian-American in China
38. Darwin | June 12th, 2013 at 9:32 am
His latest crap on Syria.
No comments allowed of course I sent this letter to the editor. I’m a Marine with multiple combat tours and injuries by the way.
Hanson writing about Syria? This taxpayer subsidized clown knows nothing at all about war, seems to forget he was an Iraq war cheerleader, and foolishly asserts that “talking out” Assad can be done by air like Assad and Syria are the same as Qaddafi and Syria. Idiotic. No wonder no comments are allowed on his latest screed. The average high school dropout grunt knows more about war than this posturing clown.”
39. cynthia curran | January 1st, 2014 at 3:25 pm
If dyslexia had Hanson learn how did he and Latin Greek, they languages to are not easy learn. He must dyslexics mispronounce well common for as well words as errors as spelling.
40. Delta | August 13th, 2016 at 10:34 pm
If the thrust is a complaint about bad spelling, then you should probably clean up the error re: “attached and [sic] enddnote”.
41. mike | October 23rd, 2017 at 7:37 pm
Im 6 years too late, but you made a typo with 6 Roman legions = 300,000, 8 = 400,000?
6 legions would be about 30,000, not 300
8 x 5k soldiers = 40k
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