Vanity Fair profiles The eXile: "Gutsy...visceral...serious journalism...abusive, defamatory...poignant...paranoid...and right!"
MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
February 1997

I’ll write stories that will make them come from the ends of the earth to kill me… then at last it will be over, and that’ll be fine with me.
– Celine

I have a contract out on me. Not an employment contract with all kinds of expat benefits and a $3000 apartment-but the other kind of contract. The bad kind of contract.

At first I was told that “they,” or rather a “she” and a “he,” wanted to have me killed. Then my sentence was reduced to having my legs broken. Not as in, “Break a leg, Mark! Good luck with your new ‘paper.” But as in, “I’m a-gonna break yo’ fuckin legs!” She can have it arranged, as she let one too many persons know. See, she’s in the real estate business, which in Moscow means, flat-head central. (more…)

February 20th, 1997 | Comments (4)

Question: What do you do if the child you gave birth to is a stillborn stiff? Answer: If you’re one of the two enterprising would-be mothers featured in this edition of Dying Here, then you toss them out like so…

February 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

September 12, 1996. 2 p.m. Gogolevsky Bulvar, near metro Kropotkinskaya. I am walking alone. I am returning from a demonstration of protest against shameful, unjust Chechnya peace accord just concluded by General Lebed. Event took place near Russian White House….

February 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

A British expat goes down to the local kiosk to buy himself a pack of cigarettes, and notices a street bum begging for money. He hands the bum 3000 rubles, gets his cigarettes, then leaves. The next morning, passing the…

February 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

Issue #1 Cover

This is the cover of The eXile Issue #1, published in February 1997.

February 20th, 1997 | Leave Comment

Issue #0 Cover

This is the cover of the infamous zero issue of The eXile published in February 1997.

February 6th, 1997 | Leave Comment

Patrick Hyland Strikes Again! The publisher and owner of the “Folium” publishing company was knifed to death on January 30th in a dispute over his database on psychological problems. “Folium” was a small company specializing in books on psychology and…

February 6th, 1997 | Leave Comment