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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / July 4, 2011 -- Reporting from Sacramento -- The Legislature passed an austerity budget Tuesday night that would cut from universities, courts and the poor, shutter 70 parks and threaten schools but would not — by officials' own admission — restore California's long-term financial health.The UC and Cal State systems would face about a 23% funding cut, among the steepest in the proposal. Cash grants for the needy would fall, a program to help thousands of teen mothers get an education would be suspended and hundreds of millions of dollars would be siphoned from mental health programs.RELATEDGov. Jerry Brown vetoes farmworkers' billState budget deal at a glanceLos Angeles Fire Chief Millage Peaks to retireProposal to reduce Costa Mesa police force puts city at risk, chief warnsSome cities may scrap Rose Parade floats amid budget crisesAmid budget cutbacks, California colleges reduce or eliminate summer schoolThe state park closures would be the first ever. Courts would face what the state's chief justice has described as crippling reductions.

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