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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / September 1, 2011 -- If Michael Crichton had lived to write a follow-up to State of Fear, the plotline might well have gone like this: at a top secret, state of the art laboratory in Switzerland, scientists finally discover the true cause of “global warming”. It’s the sun, stupid. More specifically – as the Danish physicist Henrik Svensmark has long postulated – it’s the result of cosmic rays which act as a seed for cloud formation. The scientists working on the project are naturally euphoric: this is a major breakthrough which will not only overturn decades of misguided conjecture on so-called Man Made Global Warming but will spare the global economy trillions of dollars which might otherwise have been squandered on utterly pointless efforts to reduce anthropogenic CO2 emissions. However, these scientists have failed to realise just how many people – alarmist scientists, huckster politicians, rent-seeking landowners like (the late Michael Crichton’s brilliant and, of course, entirely fictional creation) the absurd, pompous Sir Reginald Leeds Bt, green activists, eco-fund managers, EU technocrats, MSM environmental correspondents – stand to gain from the Man Made “Climate Change” industry. Their discovery must be suppressed at all costs. So, one by one, the scientists on the cosmic ray project find themselves being bumped off, until only one man remains and must race against time to prove, etc, etc…

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1 Comment

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  • 1. Bob  |  September 1st, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    Meh, no evidence cited in this piece (by a right-wing paper which has always denounced climate change) that the cloud-seeding mechanism is a predominant or even a significant effect. The reluctance of the research team to draw any conclusions beyond it being “a factor” is most likely because that’s what their results show, not because ZOMG CONSPIRACY THEY’RE BEING SILENCED.

    There are certainly problems with the politicised orthodoxy of AGW and some of the data, but the experimental validation of one mechanism doesn’t mean we suddenly throw away all the ice cores etc showing links between atmospheric CO2 concentrations and average temperature. The greenhouse effect is basic physics and does happen. You can debate how significant a driver it is, but the Torygraph et al want us to ignore it entirely and continue burning fossil fuels like there’s no tomorrow.

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