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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / November 3, 2011 -- A federal appeals court has dealt another blow to a controversial $2.6 billion wind farm project off Cape Cod, overturning a Federal Aviation Administration finding that the proposed 130 turbines will present no danger to local air traffic. Writing for the three-judge panel, Senior D.C. Circuit Judge Stephen Fain Williams found that the FAA misinterpreted its own rules in assessing the project. First proposed a decade ago, if built, it would be the nation's first offshore wind farm. The project, proposed for Nantucket Sound, has drawn heated opposition in Massachusetts, from environmentalists, tourism-dependent towns, Native Americans, fishermen and recreational boaters, and from the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, whose family has a famous home on the cape.

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