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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / July 14, 2010 -- ("Grigoryev") This is the whole point. "Our guys" were grabbed only in order to be exchanged for somebody of greater importance and value to the American intelligence service; this was clear from the very beginning. Theoretically we could also pick up dozens of Americans who are linked to the CIA to some extent or other and are quietly spying in Russia. Even people from the corps of foreign correspondents or people working for various charitable foundations. It is likely that something like that will indeed happen in the very near future. But the Americans took the conspicuous approach and "uncovered a spy ring." And actively hyped their operation in the media. Against the backdrop of the improvement in mutual relations between Russia and the United States, a format for an exchange was proposed. Proposed by the Americans! Based on the formula: We will trade 10 for 4.

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