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MSNBC: Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
Broke the Koch Brothers' Takeover of America
What You Should Know / April 13, 2011 -- A University of Chicago study reports that today's children might be the first in history to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. One in every three children is obese, according to the Institute of Medicine. In light of alarming statistics like these, it might seem silly to argue that my generation, which was raised on soda and chicken McNuggets, can change the face of the American food system. Yet, these disturbing realities fuel the fire of a sustainable food movement, which challenges the act of eating heavily processed food in our cars and asks whether the hidden costs (e.g., tortured factory farm animals, diabetes, polluted rivers, the list goes on) are worth the cheap calories and fleeting carbohydrate high. For McGeneration Y who grew up on fast food, with glitzy marketing suppressing the details of production, perhaps it is only natural to become curious about the unknown in our adulthood. Just as Santa Claus loses his mystique when we reach a certain age, it becomes clear that the crispy, greasy, golden-brown homogenous, "all white meat" McDonald's chicken McNugget is clearly not from the same chicken living on "Old MacDonald's Farm."

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