Homeless Mourn Reagan
Normanson PodKristolwitz
June 10, 2004
NEW YORK (Weekly Standard) — Hundreds of thousands of homeless Americans mourned the death of former president Ronald Reagan, whom they view as a hero and patron for cutting government funding of mental hospitals and welfare during his term.
“Before Reagan, man, they kept me in a mental hospital, which was really unfair,” said one teary-eyed homeless man in Manhattan, who said his name was Jesus Christ. “You can’t harass healthy people from a mental hospital, you know? You can’t give ’em diseases or shit in public parks or rape joggers from a mental hospital. Thanks to Reagan, we were liberated.”
Another homeless man, a veteran from the Vietnam War, agreed. “Before Reagan, my family lived on food stamps in government housing. We were victims of big government, man. Get off our backs, man. Then Reagan freed us, and we learned responsibility. When you have to earn your own cardboard box or shopping cart, you appreciate it. We stopped and smelled the roses, man. And then shat on them. My wife and kids just couldn’t adjust. They died years ago of pneumonia, but that’s the free market, man. Wait…hey, did you hear that? Don’t make me do it, man!”
Most homeless people agree that it was no accident that Reagan died of pneumonia, the same disease that kills most homeless people. “We always did call pneumonia ‘Reagan’s Disease,'” said Christ. “He wanted to go out like a homeless man, and…he did. He was one of us, man. I miss him so much, I think I’ll rename myself Ronald Reagan.”
This article was first published in The eXile, June 10, 2004.
Read part 1 of The eXile Tribute to Reagan: “Here Lies the Worst of All” and part 2 of our tribute, “The Abominable Chimp-fucker is Dead!”
Read more: Reagan, ronald reagan, Normanson PodKristolwitz, eXile Classic

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Add your own1. p | February 5th, 2011 at 7:21 am
hysterical…. truly hysterical…
2. Gustavo Arellano | February 5th, 2011 at 2:47 pm
Best obit of them all…
3. jamew | September 8th, 2014 at 7:06 pm
Who the fuck isNormanson PodKristolwitz
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