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Our technical Web team has recently brought to our attention that our Web site is increasingly being hit with search queries written in the form of a question. Some are anthropological: “What does the people look like in Mauritius?” Others are more life science-y: “What happens if a guy gets sperm in his ass, and he has no idea how it got there?” Many more are related to human behavior: “Narcotics vs bungee cord jumpin?” The questions range far and wide, but whatever they are, it is painfully obvious that our readers are lost souls, desperate for answers to all sorts of life’s difficult questions. That’s where we come in. We’re here to help. Now, for the first time, you have a chance to send us your questions directly. Introducing our brand new semi-daily advice column, “Dear eXiled”.
Let us sort out your troubles. Email your questions, concerns and worries to ask@exiledonline.com.
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1 Comment
Add your own1. Anonymous | December 8th, 2008 at 10:17 am
Tam: Those blowjobs aren’t free. The STDs are.
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