occupydc.org -- Last night our protest against the Koch brothers-funded Defending the American Dream Summit ended in a heartless act of violence and an abortion of justice. The driver of a silver luxury car, Maryland plates 8(A over J)8425, plowed through one line of protesters peacefully blocking L Street, stopping, pausing and hitting the gas, carrying a woman 20 feet before she was launched off the hood of his car. At least one police officer clearly saw this assault, as his car (number 6918) turned and pursued the driver. The driver then turned the corner, stopped again, threw up his hands, and hit the gas, plowing through another peaceful line of protesters at 7th Street and New York Ave – while driving in an oncoming traffic lane. There he hit a 34 year old woman, her 13 year old son, and her pregnant 36 year old partner. Having left two people motionless on the ground, he was stopped by sitting police cars before he could escape.
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