wcco.com -- A St. Paul man charged with beating up a quadruple amputee last week admitted Monday that he hit the woman, but only after she hit him first.A criminal complaint filed in Ramsey County District Court said that Jacoby Laquan Smith got angry at his girlfriend Tiesha Bell because she blocked his view of the television in their East Side apartment. He threw her to the floor and punched Bell in the face more than 10 times in the March 22 incident, according to the criminal complaint.But in a telephone interview, Smith, 33, said the dispute with Bell, 28, started with an argument over whether she was seeing another man.
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Add your own1. RecoverylessRecovery | April 13th, 2010 at 4:09 pm
Only in America; Your government spends KAZILLIONS (‘trillions’ is too small a number nowadays) on invading other (wrong) countries yet your health care system can’t afford to gift this poor lady with fucking PROSTHETIC LIMBS?
2. az | April 13th, 2010 at 6:10 pm
This is America, she has to work for her prosthetic limbs.
3. RecoverylessRecovery | April 13th, 2010 at 10:35 pm
Only in America: They want you to WORK for your prosthetic limbs but they DON’T HIRE people with STUMPS.
4. Ron | May 24th, 2010 at 1:17 am
I would love to spend some time with this sexy woman
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