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What You Should Know / November 4, 2011 -- Sabeghi, who left the army in 2007 and now part-owns a small bar-restaurant in El Cerrito, about 10 miles north of Oakland, said he was handcuffed and placed in a police van for three hours before being taken to jail. By the time he got there he was in "unbelievable pain".He said: "My stomach was really hurting, and it got worse to the point where I couldn't stand up."I was on my hands and knees and crawled over the cell door to call for help."A nurse was called and recommended Sabehgi take a suppository, but he said he "didn't want to take it".He was allowed to "crawl" to another cell to use the toilet, but said it was clogged."I was vomiting and had diarrhoea," Sabehgi said. "I just lay there in pain for hours."Sabehgi's bail was posted in the mid-afternoon, but he said he was unable to leave his cell because of the pain. The cell door was closed, and he remained on the floor until 6pm, when an ambulance was called.

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